Friday, December 3, 2010

The Matrix and Ego (Khotani List #22)

The matrix is not man made.  Much has been written about the artificial system many are referring to as the matrix, artificial intelligence etc.  People have the false idea that the origin of this system is man.  Everything that appears to be evil, dark, unholy or unnatural is credited to man.  What of God?
Religionists have put many a false spin on truth in their endeavors to control the masses.  As long as people believe that man is capable of ‘Original Creation’ is as long as they will be enslaved.
Yes, I have said many times that we are co-creators.  I have also said that we create our own worlds.  However, in the creation process we are never the Originator.  We are simply tapping into the fabric that is already in place.  The material makeup of the matrix existed before man.  Human beings simply learn to manipulate the substance.
One of the keys to understanding the matrix is ego.  However, most westerners have a false idea or definition of ego based upon the false definition given by those seeking to control others.  Western man takes an allopathic approach and points to the symptoms of ego much like western doctors defining disease.  The manifestation of a boastful or arrogant nature is not ego, but an imbalance of the ego principal.  I will not bore you with mindless definitions of our modern society’s idea of ego.  However, we will take a moment and look at the ancient teaching on this subject.
I once had someone say to me that ego meant “edging God out.”  This is obviously one of those neat little ditties that cause us to spend endless hours chasing our tail.  The following excerpt is from the future book ‘The Art Of Being – Khotani.’
“The seeds of differentiation existing in Cosmic Intelligence (Sacred Mind) begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego.  Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution.  This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, tree etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother (Ulisi) and the Divine Mind use to manifest.  Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.”
This simply states that ego is a natural part of the creation process.  Ego allows for there to be differentiation in the universe.  We would not have a world without it.  There would be no mineral, plant, animal or human kingdoms nor their unique differences within each kingdom without it.  Simply stated, ego is the beginning of all that we see in the material world.
Ego is a necessary process of creation to remain in continuum.  Yet, it is also something that we are to eventually overcome.  First we must see and recognize our uniqueness, an individual separate from all other humans, animals, plants and minerals.  We must become familiar with that which we are or think we are.  After numerous times returning in our Soul Walk we begin to discover the illusion of separateness.
This is accomplished over a long period of time.  Sooner or later we start to recognize the commonality in all things.  This only happens once the Spiritual Body has matured sufficiently enough to influence the other members of our being like the minds.
Ego then is not a symptom but a much needed cause.  It is a necessary aspect of our creation story.  Without ego we fail to see the Source of our Self.  Ego allows for the Spiritual Body to mature on its journey.  All that is good is first seen and recognized through ego.  By identifying ourselves as separate we are moved by the generosity of that which is not of our being.
Man manipulates us into believing that it is to be praised or hated.  Those with a lot of ego conquer the world and those that slay it know God.  Both are the twisted view of man’s desire to control others.  The matrix is nothing more than man injecting ego into the web of universal law.  Once man believes that ego is either supreme or evil he is susceptible to the matrix.
The matrix existence is solely dependent upon an organized universe subject to Divine law.  Much energy is given to the matrix/artificial intelligence etc. and it’s so called strangle hold on man.  This only perpetuates the system by applying universal law, thinking, speaking and acting (An Tri) feeds the subject of An Tri.
It is true that the masses will always feed the false system.  However, in traditional thinking the false system is totally dependent upon Truth for its very existence.  A false system only exists because man knowingly or unknowingly manipulates a universal material that is the original substance of all creation. 
Ego is not evil nor is it the ultimate in mastering ourselves.  However, it is a necessary ingredient to all that we know in the world that we hear, see, feel, taste and smell.  It is one of the twenty-four elders of our creation story.  In fact, most religions speak of the twenty-four elders or principals.  Without ego there would be no world and the matrix would be non-existent.

Yona Unega

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