Friday, December 17, 2010


Everyday we see and hear the things that make up life.  And everyday we present ourselves to an unseen audience, yet recognize only the visible.   Much to our displeasure we prepare ourselves for that which is physically present before us, oblivious to the real substance of IT all.

A subtle energy moves freely throughout the universe, speaking a language of the heart.  The language is not one of emotion or feeling, rather a small vibration emanating from the center of our being.  IT is often referred to as ‘a gut feeling’, ‘an intuition’, ‘a knowing’ or ‘a small still voice’.

IT is everywhere at all times.  IT always is and will always be.  IT is the God of religion, the Great Spirit of traditional cultures, Eochaid Ollathair The Father, The Sacred Tree Bile, The Way of Life, The Fire Within and IT is you.

Everything seen or unseen exists because of IT.  Everything is a mere reflection of IT, manifestations materializing before our eyes.  IT is causal, IT is subtle, and IT is physical.  Circular in ITS motion IT dwells at the center of three concentric rings.

At one time we all had an intimate relationship with the land.  And at times of the year we participated in the celebration of life through ceremony.  The Yule season is one such ceremony.  IT is about the Light, because IT is the Light.  The Light is the Fire and IT is the force behind both Light and its manifestation Fire.

IT is the patience of the Soul and the redeeming nature of our Higher Self.  IT is the salvation that many seek.  IT is the peace that we desire and the force that causes all things to be.  IT is my heart and yours and his and hers and theirs.

IT is our abiding faith.  IT is the sole of both moccasin and boot.  IT is our reason for being.  IT is The Dagda, The White Buffalo Calf Woman, Brahma, The Buddha, The Christ, Krishna, Vishnu and Shiva and The Four Faces of Creator.  IT is Cause and Effect because IT IS.........

Conn Niul 

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