Friday, January 21, 2011

Uisce Co Aicned

The stream that flowed upon the land saw no night,
It was I that remained within the veil of a darkened world.
I, the mountain of knowledge forever is,
Yet, I walk through a valley enveloped in mist.

Sister stream following the enlightened course of sairse,
Knowing not the limitations of the less fortunate waters.
Images permeating that, which is silently still,
Echoes a voice whose permanence remains concealed.

Uisce, a constant movement never faltering in its course,
Living, moving and ever within that which is Ap.
Luan reflecting its greater light draws you forth,
Intinn but a wave of its greater source.

Conditioned as it is, separating from aicned,
Intentioned upon that which withers and fades.
Aicned, three present in the living, knoweth their natures,
The very essence of Grandmother, upholding the living stature.

Old man asks of that, which is living,
Please reveal the nature hidden within.
Flowing past, all that remains is silence,
Revealing the profound natures of science.

Whispers from the nine levels grow loud,
Walking the steps upward I discover seven septs.
The seven clans revealing the inner and outer spheres,
At the base of the great Tree flow the five tears.

Uisce moving, always in a state of balance,
Aicned, Inntinn and Menma, three rings of three.
Five tears forming streams of fifteen elders………tell
Mind within the universal waters fell.

Conn Niul

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