Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let Us Remember And In Turn Live


Let us remember those that lived long ago; those ancient and old Souls that led the way of Truth. They were once given the old teachings and in turn passed them on. It now rests with us.

We have a choice to remember ‘The Way’ and let that way guide our lives. Just as the Clan Mothers and Sun King did long ago. It is within each of us to follow the lead of the Soul and live life free.

What exactly did the elders tell us? That we are eternal, just like The Creator. That our Soul never knows death and that The Light is its own. They taught us to remember the Fire and its sacredness each spark a living thing.  And that all fires are from The Ancient White Fire.

They taught things of the Water. To know the Water is to know your mind and the emotions that affect our lives. Water and Moon are of the same nature. They connect us to the Clan which is of The Mother. The Moon like the Water is intimately connected to The Mother of all; Water being the blood of Earth.

They gave to us knowledge of the Wind and its messengers. We were told there are Four Winds, each with a direction specific to its nature. These Winds govern the weather and have a direct affect upon our lives.  The Four Winds are the faces of The Breath Master, each an aspect of Creators being.  They commune with the Four Logs of the same direction.

The elders spoke of the home of the Five Elements. We were taught that the quarter directions are the place from where the subtle or first spark of the Elements come. It is from these quarter directions that we gain understanding of the Elements. It is these quarter directions that are the space between the Dogwood petals of the Fire.  Within this space flows the great Five Elders upholding the flower of the Dogwood.

Let us remember life. Let us remember that life is given and lived through ‘The Way’ and it is The Breath Masters instructions that revealed this Truth. However, The Creator had a voice on Earth and it was our elders that taught us of ‘The Way’ of The Square Grounds. Now, let us remember and in turn live.

Saga Yaxka

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Question: How Do We Live 'The Way' In Today's World


Quite simply, by living it.  The Way of Lehiyugese is not bound by time or geography, nor is it dependent upon the clothes you wear, the job you have or the car you drive.  'The Way' is timeless.  It is about your relationship with everything around you, especially The Creator.

The first thing Lehiyugese Khotani teaches is to know yourself.  By knowing yourself you can then discover why your are here.  It is through the discovery of Self that we catapult our life forward.  This is a life long process, however, we develop continuously along the entire journey.  You are the reason for the journey.  You are the focus and the purpose for all that you experience.

The first step in finding out who you are is understanding the Soul.  You are not  the physical caricature that we so often relate to as our self.  No, you are so much more.  You are the capital 'S' Soul.  Your True Self is the entity that journeys  through numerous lifetimes and knows no death.

The first step then is to grasp the idea that there is an eternal force in me that is my True identity.  This force is known as the Soul and is a spark of the Creator's Fire.  It can never know separation from nor exist outside of an eternal presence of The Breath Master.

There is nothing you can wear, drive or a time you could live in that would change this universal Truth.  The Soul is outside of the law of cause and affect.  The Soul is as timeless as The Creator, for it is a spark of the Sacred Fire.

To live Lehiyugese in today's world requires nothing more than the desire to do so.  Through the will of the Soul the rest of our being is subtlety nudged toward 'The Way'.  Lehiyugese dwells within the Soul of our being.  Therefore, it matters not whether you be an urban or rural dweller. 

Lehiyugese is not limited by the age we live in, nor how simple or sophisticated you might be.  It is 'The Way' of Spirit and the things of man have no effect upon it.  Lehiyugese teaches that you are the sum of all that you hear, see, feel, taste and smell.  You, the Soul, are perfect and without error.  There is no more perfect time to be in Lehiyugese, for it is now that you have asked the question and the moment is the time presently given

Yona Unega

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Walking In Spirit

'In Spirit'

In the Khotani Way there is an understanding about being in Right Relationship with all things.  This is looked at as ‘Walking in Spirit’.  It is believed that we are walking the way of The Spirit when we perceive that everything is....

We see the earth and all that dwells here as a manifestation of Breath Master.  Everything within the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms is upheld by the Sacred Breath of The Breath Master.

To see that we are like everything else and at the same time unique in our individual beings, is not a contradiction.  This is The Way of the journey.  That spark which ignites life dwells in and maintains everything.

We first recognize that which makes us different; animal’s differing from plants and humans differing from minerals.  Later we see that each human has a unique nature that distinguishes us from every other human being.  Yet, we ask what the animating force that sustains everything is?

Before there was anything, there was life.  This ancient life giving force is the Ancient White Fire that emanates from the Grand Center.  Within this Sacred space resides Grandmother Spirit, Grandfather Spirit and The Breath Master.

Grandfather Spirit is the original thought, while Grandmother Spirit is the beginning idea of manifesting life.  Breath Master is the singer or caller into existence of all things.  The Breath Master is the most Ancient Fire and we, those Souls journeying, are sparks of this Ancient Fire. Everything therefore is ultimately one and unique all at the same time. 

To know this is to be ‘WALKING IN SPIRIT’.

Yona Unega

Friday, February 12, 2010

Long Ago We Were....

Long Ago We Were....

There are those rare moments in history when something appears that is obviously of a Divine nature; those times when the Sacred seems more tangible and the everyday individual is enlivened by ‘The Way’. When everything is sacred and has meaning.

Long ago we were blessed with this ‘Way of The Sacred’, when we felt the breath of The Creator; a time when all things were understood to be expressions of The Breath Master and we walked with The Ancients. Long ago we were.... ‘ALIVE IN RIGHT RELATIONSHIP’.

Truth still remains today. Threadbare and a glimmer of its former self, it silently stands. A Mound holding that which most see but do not realize, firm within the square, Zopathla, Bear and Panther sitting upon their spiritual seats within the west arbor.

Four Roads of The Way, portals in time,
Four Petals of the Dogwood;
Four stations, all in line,
Four Paths called The Good.

Four Legs of the Panther, walking with,
Four Legs of the Buffalo;
Four Stations, leading to the fifth,
Four Flames of the Soul.

Four Log Fire, stems of the leaf,
Four Wind Messages;
Four Times we sing in belief,
Four Road Society, mere vestiges.

Sun King once again seated, image of The Way,
Grandmother our home, earth is to her;
The Fire is here today,
We walk the path as long ago we were....

Saga Yaxka

Thursday, February 11, 2010


'Imagine the possible....'

Imagine the idea that each of us potentially is capable of becoming whatever it is that we imagine. However, we are usually incapable of overcoming the unimaginative side of ourselves. Those parts of our being that refuse to imagine or are merely surface imaginings.

The idea of imagination stems from the mind and what we refer to as an inorganic imagination. Organic imagination on the other hand has its origin in Spirit. The mind seeks to divert our attention to its workings, which are usually contrary to that of Spirit. Organic imagination is connected to the Spirits vision for our life.

Inorganic imagination takes us down rabbit trails. Always searching and rarely ever finding that which we think we seek. The inorganic imagination is an image of our surface desires. It is not an evil force, but rather like a misguided child. It seeks to fulfill the desires of our more base self.

Organic imagination is that of The Breath Master. It is True imagination whose image is that of our Soul. Organic imagination is the images that reveal our purpose on this earth. It is the Soul’s imagination that always seeks to direct our path down the Good Road.

I am not referring to a religious idea of imagination. Following our Souls purpose this time around might lead you to be successful in business, an actor or actress, a pilot or farmer. The list is endless. The point is, organic imagination is in tune with your purpose for it originates in the Soul.

Yona Unega

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crossing Over The Great Waters

'Upon death our Soul Journeys'

When our physical bodies have served their purpose, they return to the earth, their home. The animating or life force returns to its home in the Western Land, beyond the Great Waters. We are taught that upon returning to the Western Land we are washed, ‘Going to Water’, preparing the spiritual body to receive insight, so that it can process the experiences of its most recent journey of ‘Soul Walking’.

The Great Waters are universal. They are the origin or original water from whence all other waters are birthed. Each leg or journey of Soul Walking culminates in Going to Water. Once across the Great Waters our spiritual body rests and reviews its most recent journey.

At one time it was common for each of us to have one person that helped us in our journey and crossing. This individual was often referred to as a ‘soul friend’. The relationship was very sacred, the two people as close as any family member could be. We were taught from birth about the sacredness of having a ‘soul friend’. This ‘soul friend’ knew us intimately, for true ‘soul friends’ were with us for life.

When death of the physical body draws near the ‘soul friend’ sings the last songs, meditates upon the final thoughts and journeys with us to the water’s edge. Preparation for the final Going to Water Ceremony had long been completed; all that was left were the subtle and physical acts. The Great Waters were now ready to wash our spiritual bodies, the final process before the Great Rest.

Only the Great Waters can wash us sufficiently, Creator establishing this order. The fifteen elders have their origin within the Great Waters, one of the very reasons that we wash ourselves one last time. The sense energies and subtle bodies of the sense organs and sense actions must dissipate, leaving only their crystalline causal bodies, the spiritual body therefore processing only truth.

The fact that the subtle and physical aspects of the fifteen elders affected our everyday life, the information received through them often being distorted by the mind, leaves us needing to be washed of their illusory aspects. They serve a great purpose; however, in the pure realm of the Western Land the residual of their physical and subtle aspects must be removed.

The crossing of the Great Waters in the Western Land is crucial to our spiritual body’s return on its journey of ‘Soul Walking’. When Going to Water we are reminded of the Great Waters that will wash us one last time. We also know that the waters here on earth are children of the Great Waters, this sacred relationship being our common bond.

The Great Waters also wash our mind. For those that have journeyed long in ‘Soul Walking’ their mind is now accompanying them on each journey. Therefore the mind must now be washed as well. For all others the mind ceases to exist.

We know the mind to be a microcosm of the universe. The universe is seen as being a cosmic body of water, an ocean. The mind is therefore of a water nature. The beginning of the mind is the universal mind. The Great Waters wash all of the illusory aspects of mind, restoring it to its native state, one with universal mind. This puts us in the flow of the ancient grandfather or grandmother mind (universal consciousness).

Free of the darkening aspects of the lesser self we are now free to reflect and process all of our experiences. The Great Waters are the source of our cleansing when leaving this plane. It is the essence of all waters that cleanses our True Self’s body (the spiritual body) allowing for a smooth transition to the other side.

The very expression ‘crossing over’ originated long ago when our ancestors referred to the Soul’s journey of ‘crossing over the Great Waters’. For the ancients the expression brought to mind the sacredness of the crossing. One last time we ‘go to the Great Waters’. No other place is made for our crossing and upon its banks we see for the first time the hollowed ground of the Western Land.

Yona Unega

Monday, February 8, 2010


I am my own unique expression of the eternal dance of life.

I am creation and co-creator. I am the singer and the song,
the thinker and the thought. I am yin and yang, dark and light,
good and evil, motion and stillness.

I am all that I have been and the latent potential for all I will become.

I am all these things and more, ever evolving into a perfect being without end. . .


Saturday, February 6, 2010


We are spiritual beings on a physical journey. However, most of humanity seeks the things of Spirit through mechanical means. A process that is incapable of grasping a world foreign to that of physical manifestation.

The mind convinces us that all things must be proven by mental observation alone. Every sense, emotion and feeling is relegated to its most gross nature; most often ignoring the Origin of everything, bowing before that of the mind. The mental activities become the masters of our world.

Yet, we continue to search for that which is hidden from the gross senses. That which continues on long after the physical body and gross mind have dematerialized. Living from life time to life time it is the animating force that knows no bounds.

This inner being is our driving force. It is who we truly are. It is why we are perfect, without a flaw. Humanity should be rejoicing instead of mourning. We should be celebrating the awesome truth that each living thing is a spark of The Ancient White Fire, Unetlvnvhi, Creator.

Yona Unega

Nothing Else Matters

'Does nothing else really matter?'

This came to my mind as I thought about a song that a friend shared with me some time ago. ‘Nothing Else Matters’ triggered in me the conflict that rages in most people.

Today, in western society most people have been taught that their own desires are paramount to that of the larger body. That everything they do in life should be to elevate their own needs and wants over those of everything else. Do we see that which is for the greater good?

The most important thing that we can do in life is discover ‘Who We Are’. In the process of our journey we become what most would consider self absorbed. However, there is some truth to this. We must first focus on our being in order to be for others a gift of life.

I Am all that the universe has made me to be. There is a light that dwells within each and every living thing upon this planet. However, for our light to shine on those around us we must first trip the switch. To do this we must journey within.

A Soul journeying through numerous life times, with every memory and experience retained within the Grand Center. It is within this Grand Center that we discover not only who we are today, but what we have been. However, the greatest discovery is our True Self or Nature.

All that is remains, it just changes form. We must become spiritually self absorbed in order to bring forth the light and transform our present artificial self. Let us determine that our goal is to be Light Beacons on a darkened path and shine forth that light of The Breath Master.

Yona Unega

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Five Streams

'The Five Streams flowing through our being'

In Lehiyugese we have The Body Khotani that contains our teachings. Within The Body Khotani are numerous parts to Lehiyugese that we refer to as ‘The Three’, ‘The Four’, 'The Five' etc. Each of these contains further sub-divisions. For instance in 'The Five' one of the teachings is The Five Streams.

From The Great Tree flow the ‘Five Streams’ that become the Great Waters. ‘The Five Steams’ are the five sense energies. The Great Waters that are formed by the ‘Five Streams’ are the fifteen elders. These fifteen elders are the five energies of the senses, five organs of the senses and five actions of the senses.

The ‘Five Streams’ are intimately connected to feelings and emotions. The idea of feeling that evokes an emotion is said to originate at the waters. These waters play upon the thought processes of the mind. Emotions are of a lunar nature and therefore are water (or watery).

The ‘Five Streams’ (energies of the senses) allow us to communicate with Creator’s universe. However, it takes all fifteen elders for the communication to flow freely between the universe, our minds and Spirit. The ‘Five Streams’ have a profound affect upon our lives. So much so that without them there would be no feelings and their resultant emotions.

Our elders taught that one must learn the truth of the ‘Five Streams’ and the ‘Great Waters’ so that you do not become a slave to them. They are powerful tools that anyone can use; however, they are usually misunderstood and lead to much sadness, sorrow, depression etc.

In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t long ago that our tribal elders imparted to those desirous of the truth, the teachings of the ‘Five Streams’. What did they know that was so important?

The ‘Five Streams’ give us a medium to communicate with the world. Without them we could not perceive the things of our earth. They reveal the manifestation of the ‘Primal Nature’ of all things. Yes, they are illusive in a sense; however, our elders were quite clear.

We live our lives on this earth as spiritual beings on a physical journey. Understanding who we truly are (our True Self) is the pinnacle of our teachings. Yet, we never lose sight of the importance of the manifested or physical world. It is here on this plane that we ‘Soul Walk’. Therefore, it deserves the same respect and honor as that of Spirit, for in fact it is a mere physical manifestation of Spirit.

Emotions are the manifestation of feelings. Without the deeper feelings emotions would not exist. Most people confuse feelings with intuition which is a huge mistake. They are not the same creature. Feelings come out of the ‘Five Streams’. Just as feelings are the cause of emotions, the ‘Five Streams’ are the cause for feelings.

Emotions are more surface in their nature. They are not a true response of Spirit. Emotional swings or outbursts are due to lack of properly understanding feelings and their often false impressions. Most of us have fallen prey to false feelings manifested as emotions. These false feelings are based upon a lack of understanding of the ‘Five Streams’.

All of our people learned these truths. The warriors were especially required to master this area of the body Khotani. Most ancient tribal peoples went to great lengths to teach their warriors through the ‘Sitting Out’ ceremony. It was during this ceremony that one began to understand the microcosm of The Great Tree from whence the ‘Five Streams’ flowed.

Our youth soon learned that by understanding the ‘Five Streams’ their lives would be much better lived. They also learned that these teachings were crucial to the health of our ancient clan structure. By learning to control false feelings and their resultant false emotions the entire tribal structure lived on. The contrary is true when we do not understand these teachings.

From the base of Tsusga we perceive the ‘Five Streams’. The realization that the micro base is within us reveals to the ‘Hunter’ (one that seeks truth) their own potential to cause harm or good to befall themselves and others. Wrong use through lack of understanding has caused greater damage than most other things imagined. In actuality the elders taught this to be the Great Enemy.

Yona Unega

The Way

The Way is about living in 'Right Relationship'. On the Khotani path we see all things as parts and parcels of the one Great Breath. To be in 'Right Relationship' we must first know who we are and then why we are here. Most people today do not know who they are, let alone why they are here. The way teaches us about life and our role in it. These teachings are known as Lehiyugese or The Ancient Way.

The Universe has given us many paths in which to find truth. As traditional peoples we speak many languages and follow paths that appear different. However, at the heart of each of these unique traditional paths is one heartbeat.

Our elders speak a common language that emanates from what we refer to as a 'True Heart'. For us as Khotani this comes from the path of Lehiyugese. The Way continues through the voice of the elders, passing down through the people.

We see all things as Sacred. Every person and thing is perfect in its natural state. Things become less sacred when man enters into the darkness of his thinking mind. To see with a pure heart reveals that each of us is perfect. For perfection does not come from the physical. On the contrary, its origin is from The Breath Master's Fire and our souls are the sparks.

Yona Unega

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Right Relationship


'Life is about relationship'


However, it is to the external; their relationship to people, emotions, job, pets, home, environment, etc. This idea of relationship stems from a physical concept of life. All that one sees and hears gets processed through a mind that is physically based. From that physically based perspective the gross (physical) nature usurps control over the spiritual Self. Thus, our human physical experiences are given much more credence than those of a spiritual nature or pursuit.

Yet, physical is fleeting, a mere flash of light in the universal scheme. Its life is short lived and cannot carry on past its given allotment of time. Spirit on the other hand is eternal; a spark of the Creators Fire that always is, never ceasing to exist.

Within all people there appears a line of demarcation, a conflict resulting in a war that is waged on difference. Physical refuses to accept spiritual. Our physical nature begins to dominate and oppress spirit. A certain degree of satisfaction is felt when the physical self or ego is in control. However, it is short lived because Spirit never lies dormant for long. Once again the conflict arises. This war ultimately leads to the physical nature’s indifference toward spirit.

It is common for most people to go through their entire life with this internal conflict. Never recognizing they are responsible for creating their own war. Pain and suffering becomes a way of life for them. This painful life is not what Spirit wants for us. There is no true joy, peace, or happiness when we oppress Spirit. At this point, we have become a servant to the oppressor. Our lives become governed by our physical nature with all its desires, wants and feelings. We become addicted to physical gratification.

From our traditional Khotani belief, any physical action should be Spirit led. Physical accomplishment should be your Spirit’s vision. Emotions should play no role in life’s decisions. And external relationships should never be more important than your own internal relationship with the Creator.

Yona Unega and Nvdoi