Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Walking In Spirit

'In Spirit'

In the Khotani Way there is an understanding about being in Right Relationship with all things.  This is looked at as ‘Walking in Spirit’.  It is believed that we are walking the way of The Spirit when we perceive that everything is....

We see the earth and all that dwells here as a manifestation of Breath Master.  Everything within the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms is upheld by the Sacred Breath of The Breath Master.

To see that we are like everything else and at the same time unique in our individual beings, is not a contradiction.  This is The Way of the journey.  That spark which ignites life dwells in and maintains everything.

We first recognize that which makes us different; animal’s differing from plants and humans differing from minerals.  Later we see that each human has a unique nature that distinguishes us from every other human being.  Yet, we ask what the animating force that sustains everything is?

Before there was anything, there was life.  This ancient life giving force is the Ancient White Fire that emanates from the Grand Center.  Within this Sacred space resides Grandmother Spirit, Grandfather Spirit and The Breath Master.

Grandfather Spirit is the original thought, while Grandmother Spirit is the beginning idea of manifesting life.  Breath Master is the singer or caller into existence of all things.  The Breath Master is the most Ancient Fire and we, those Souls journeying, are sparks of this Ancient Fire. Everything therefore is ultimately one and unique all at the same time. 

To know this is to be ‘WALKING IN SPIRIT’.

Yona Unega

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