Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part One

The directions are sacred according to our Khotani teachings.  They tell us many things about life and show us our place within the Great Center.  It is within the Center of the directions that we seek to reside.  This Center is within the Unilateral Cross (Yatiti).

Everything and everyone is marginally within the Center of the directions.  However, most people operate in ignorance of it and therefore are not in Right Relationship with the Center of the Sacred Four.  Right Relationship begins with understanding of the Sacred Directions.

The directions are both fixed and fluid.  The directions show us a fixed nature when we use a compass to find magnetic north and orient ourselves to the four directions.  Anywhere that we move from one step to thousands of miles the directions remain constant.  Yet, the directions show us their mobile nature as well.

At any moment in time, anywhere in the world we can be centered within the four directions.  From the moment we awake we become a moving being.  Imagine millions of beings all over the world and yet each can be centered within the directions.  This is one aspect of their so-called mobile nature.  From a subtle perspective they are fluid.

Everything that we do in life should take into consideration the relationship between object and the directions.  The Sacred Directions will either flow freely through objects, or find resistance based upon the objects relationship to the directions.  Placement of buildings, the lay of the land, direction water flows all create a relationship.

To understand this relationship we must be aware of the subtle energies of the directions.  The directions are to be understood by their nature.  They have characteristics that give them personality.  These characteristics are their blessings or gifts that they freely give to the earth.  To be aware of them opens us up to understanding and Right Relationship.

This is much like learning the language and customs of another culture.  When we become knowledgeable of a society that is not our own we can develop a Right Relationship with it.  It is very much the same with the Sacred Directions.  By learning the unique characteristics of the directions we understand their culture and how it affects our life.

Saga Yashkah

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