Friday, July 6, 2012

The Field

The Rainbow Grounds manifested here upon the field for our experience and Spirit descended as the animating force, causing it to live.

The field is all around us.  It is everywhere and everything.  We see it, hear it, feel it, taste it and smell it.  Yet, it is not confined nor governed by the senses.  It is all that we do.  It is a living entity. 

The field was laid long ago.  It is the medium, the very substance that we walk to... Our comings and goings happen upon it.  It influences not; yet, all things are experienced on it.  We are alive because of it. 

I am me and you are you on the field only.  It has rules, yet they are malleable.  It is slow and fast, quiet and loud, soft and hard.  It is spiritual, physical, difficult and easy.  It is... to the athlete, farmer, professional or artist.

Because of it life and death are experiences.  Ego lives and eventually dies on the field.  Self, our supposed reality is birthed, matures and finally dissolves here, on the field.  It is a square, the circle within.

The field is our base beginning and our Soul Walk to perfection.  It is perfect in its function.  It is where we define life and form our secondary rules and values.  It is where we succeed or fail, realizing truth or not.

It is illusion and reality and yet neither of the two.  It is equally riches and poverty. It is here to be it all.  Yet, it has no physical substance. It exists as the foundation of our earthly walk. 

I Am... on the field.  Imagine.

Saga Yashka

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Update - Kituwah Cultural Class For Children

On Monday, 4 June 2012 our local library sponsored a class for children about Native culture.  Our good friends George Stopp and his son Kindle graciously accepted an invitation to speak to the class.  About 75 people attended the event (not bad considering we live in a very rural community) .

George is Chief of the Long Valley Kituwah Town in Chewey, Oklahoma.  George is also a Cherokee language teacher at Tulsa Community College and from time to time teaches language classes for the United Kituwah Band and Cherokee Nation. 

They started the class with a Cherokee introduction and translation into English.  The children were asked what animals they see the most.  It was no surprise when they responded with cow, horse etc.  They really enjoyed it when George's response was "Wa ga and So gui li (Cherokee words for cow and horse).  As you can imagine this got the children going and soon George was filling their minds with Cherokee words for numerous animals. 

One of the children asked about the word for cat and George said "we sa."  So far they had learned several Cherokee words that were simple.  That is when George decided to ask if they knew what a monkey was.  Their eyes went wide and mouths opened when they heard a da li s gi yi s gi.  What happened to the short version.

Next George and Kindle showed the class several items such as the dresses that women wear, shells for shaking, rattles for songs and  a drum.  This was followed by a couple of songs and a few stories.  

The demonstration was well received.  Many of the parents came forward and thanked George and Kindle for the teaching.  One woman even asked if she could attend a ceremony at the grounds in Chewey, Oklahoma.  George gave her the directions and times of the month that the ceremonies are held.

We would like to thank George and Kindle again for their committment to the old Kituwah ways.  As well as thank them for coming over and helping others to understand a little more about Cherokee culture.


Note:  If anyone would like to know more about the monthly ceremonies at Long Valley Kituwah Town please email the project at


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Project Update - Trauma

We are working on our trauma section at our website.  We should have it posted within the next week or so.  

Trauma takes on many different aspects and has natures that are unique in many respects to the individual suffering.  For this reason, we have taken our time in presenting our unique approach in dealing with trauma.  

Our goal in the very near future is to open up this approach to a larger audience of people.  Everyone has been traumatized at some level.  Therefore, we believe that these teachings can have a positive effect for anyone that desires a change for the better.  

Medicine Bag Project

Friday, April 20, 2012

Let It Flow

Part Two

Everything emits energy and there are all types of energies.  Humans, animals, plants etc. release a subtle force that is positive or negative.  It is a type of power that changes constantly.  We are consistent in the emanation of energy.

Within our being resides our True Self (Soul) that remains constant.  However, we are a multifaceted being, made up of numerous living fires or entities (mind, body etc.).  These entities have their own functions and desires that are usually contrary to our True Self.

The goal is to bring these numerous fires into ‘Right Relationship’ with our Soul. As long as they are operating against or contrary to our True Self we will live a conflicted life.  There will be constant changes (of a negative nature) within our being due to the conflict.

All of us have experienced mood shifts.  They have become a part of our daily lives.  The more severe the more frequently they occur.  This is due in whole to the conflict within our being.  Yes, diet, lifestyle, occupations etc. all contribute, but they are not the source, only the results of the conflict.  We are at odds with ourselves.

Pay attention to the interaction of humans with other humans and animals.  It is the subtle energies that affect the greatest verbal or bodily responses (in the receiver, be it human or animal).  Even if we are unaware of what is happening, we are still affected.  It is a natural process and a great learning experience.

Every mood shift within our person causes an emanation to flow from us towards the receiving world.  Many try disguising this by acting out something else.  For instance, how many people put on a happy face to camouflage their ‘bad mood?’  It has become the norm.

The energies that we emanate have the greatest impact on other living things.  The conflict that we feel produces an energy that desires to create its twin.  Put another way, misery seeks company.  Therefore, it is a natural process for conflict to seek to reduplicate itself; thus preventing natural flow.  

The more we become in tune with ourselves and our surroundings the more aware we will be of this phenomenon.  Start paying attention and you will begin to see the operation of these energies everywhere you go.  It will open a whole new world that you did not know existed.

The key is to begin to see who we truly are and are not.  To dissolve the conflict we must recognize that we are a perfect Soul residing in a vehicle, the body, for the purpose of journeying on this earth.  The outer trappings of our being, the mind, body etc. are not our True Self.  Within our Soul is where we want it to flow from.

Conn Niul

Friday, April 13, 2012

We All Have Meaning

There is not a person or thing on this earth that is meaningless.  Every living entity has meaning.  The physical manifestation of your earthly life is proof of this.  The fact that you and I are presently walking this earth as breathing, living creators defies the idea of aimless existence.

We so often miss the subtle characteristics of our nature, which reveal a hidden or deep working that serves a purpose; for instance, natural propensity for something.  Just as water moves freely to its destination, we naturally move.  However, this natural movement is almost always stifled.

We cannot see or at least that is what we tell ourselves.  Yet, we ignore or place less importance on that which is directly in front of us.  We do not see the Spirits vision for our life and instead accept as fact that which we are programmed to believe.  How can this be?

It is all in the mind.  To capture the mind is to enslave it to something or someone.  Humanity has taught us to place supreme power and importance on the mental operation to the detriment of our inner Spirit Being.  We let the mind lead the way, never allowing ourselves to be led by the Creator’s Spirit that dwells within us.

There are many reasons for this and it would take a book to go into them all.  Suffice it to say that you and I have been programmed.  Our minds have been captured and we are now servants to our lord.  Yet, within the center of our being is all truth.  It is the abode of our True Person.

In the center is where we find balance and meaning for our life.  Our gifts are signs leading us to our true purpose which is our present to the world.  By not living it we deprive the earth and its inhabitants of their blessing.  You see, we all are participants in the blessing way.

Our struggle so often is in not being.  We are not doing what it is we are here to do.  Watch what happens when someone throws off their false self and starts living their purpose.  Everything in life changes for them.  They open up to the deeper aspects of their being and LIVE.

Most of our imbalances are due to living contrary to our truest nature.  Inside of you and I dwells our truth nature.  Its source is the Creator.  It is always present on our journey.  It constantly speaks to us in a subtle voice, pointing us to ‘The Way’ that reveals ‘who we are’ and ‘our purpose for being’ which evidences We All Have Meaning. 

 Yona Unega

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Let It Flow

Part One

Water is a great teacher.  It shows us that no matter the situation it will flow.  If by chance the channel of the stream has been blocked, given enough time it will move again.  It is the natural way of things.

We humans are born to and naturally allow the currents of the universal energies to flow through us.  However, shortly into our lives we begin to build walls, shutting out the energies that would naturally course through our being.

In reality they never stop passing through us, we are just no longer in rhythm with them.  It does not take long.  Through parents, teachers, education, mass media and friends we are taught a way that is contrary to nature and her laws.

As young adults we no longer recognize the natural, instead we place our attention on the artificial.  We are taught all the rules and processes of living a so-called rich and successful life.  Yet, most of us are miserable.

Within you and I dwells the spirit of the Soul.  It resides in the very center of our being.  Our Soul or our True Self has engineered around its Self the tools to allow us to perceive the universal energies, be in tune with them and process their messages correctly.

We have it instinctively.  It is as natural for us as breathing.  Being in the flow or the zone is simply being in ‘Right Relationship.’  The problem is that we have been taught how NOT to be in ‘Relationship’ with our universe.

You and I must return.  We must begin to correct our equilibrium and establish balance once again within our being.  Whether an athlete, musician, farmer or laborer matters not, for we have all experienced at least once in our lives being in the flow.

Conn Niul

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our Four Legged Friend

Just the other day I received a call regarding a troubled horse.  This former race horse turned rope horse got attitude (mean) whenever he was put in a competitive environment (arena).  They were searching for an answer.

I often think about the similarities between us human beings and our four legged friends.  We seek comfort and avoid pain if at all possible, do better in peaceful and natural surroundings and desire to be happy.

Like us human beings our friend the horse can be easily traumatized.  Often times the most subtle experiences are the most lasting ones.  Everything that creates an experience affects our four legged friend.

Their mind, just like ours works on programming.  The human mind is more evolved than a horses’, however, the mental processes are the same minus a few working levels.  We both have mental operations designed to gather, sort and learn.

In the mental process we perceive based upon numerous experiences.  These events (experiences) become positive or negative impressions.  At this point the horse simply responds to the impression that it is having.

Yes, there is more to it than this simple explanation.  However, with just this information we can transform negative impressions into positive ones.  We do this through deprogramming.  Just like with human beings.

Sometimes, as we recommended in the case above, we must start from the beginning.  We must read the signs.  Deprogramming requires desire, neutral observation and patience.  These three will take you a long way.

Desire is a type of passion.  It is something that burns deep in our being.  Neutral observation is truly observing without any preconceived ideas.  Patience goes without saying.

There are many other aspects to a horse, such as the spirit and the physical.  Just like us all three interact upon one another.  We must begin to see that the mental process is always being influenced by the other two, spirit and physical.

An experience is always in three forms, spiritual, physical and mental.  There are levels within each of these; however that is for another day.  For instance, desire has a very physical nature as well as mental and spiritual. 

When you observe a horse you are observing all that a horse is.  You might think it is a purely mental process, however, the manifestations of our four legged friend come from numerous sources.

To see the horse our sight must be more than a physical one.  We must develop a sense that is outside of our five senses.  At this point we really begin to communicate and have dialog with our four legged friend.  This is true ‘Right Relationship.’

Conn Drehne   

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Is It That We Desire

The Long Road - Part Three

My eyes once opened and there before me was a glimpse of my perfect Self.  That part of me that really is not at all a part, but who I am.  Each of us has experienced this, some more than others.  Yet, we do not recognize our own selves.  We see it as a stranger.  Imagine seeing yourself as a complete stranger.

We have become familiar with the lesser parts of our being that seek to cloud our vision.  These lesser parts are mere followers.  However, they have taken control of our lives, leading us down forgotten roads; long, narrow paths that lead us away from our purpose of being.

Our reason to be is found within that quiet, sacred place where Soul lives in a state of perfection, without error.  In the center of it all is our real and perfect Self.  The lesser self convinces us otherwise, pointing to our numerous imperfections, as if this was our true nature.

A strong wind blows, stirring us to seek a safe place.  It pushes us to go within and we resist, believing that our inner being is full of terrible things.  We falsely believe that the base desires and impulses come from deep within our own self.  We once again flee, looking for answers from the external world.

We walk a road that has life expressions of desire, impulse and will.  They are natural.  They are here to allow us to journey, experiencing the ‘Long Road.’  Each step we take on our journey has associated experiences that we take as negative or positive.  It is these mental impressions that begin to form us.
The ‘Long Road’ is where we learn the nature of our True Self.  It is the path that helps us to understand experience and the processes necessary to achieve our Self purpose.  It is where we learn to mentally form proper impressions and understand those that would otherwise cause long term damage.

We are all full of memories’ associated with life experiences.  For most of us these have led us to our current state of disillusionment, dissatisfaction and despair.  The negative impact has formed us, setting a course for our lives.  Yet, truth always is and remains within the center of our being; always willing to set our course straight.   

Conn Niul


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Is It That We Desire

 The Long Road - Part Two

The ‘Long Road’ is our Soul’s journey through our many lifetimes.  The many walks that our Soul takes upon this earth allows for our discovery of who we are.  One day our eyes are opened and we begin to see and understand the artificial life that we have lived.  We also have revealed to us the identity of our True Self.

It is on the ‘Long Road’ that we see our journey more clearly.  If it were not for the ‘Long Road’ we would not discover ourselves.  We would not understand our purpose for being, our impulses, likes and dislikes etc.  Our journey on the ‘Long Road’ is the story about our life.

For any of us to fully understand we must first see.  To fully see we must understand that the universe operates much differently from what most people would have us to believe.  The Way is not limited by a man made idea or philosophy, rather it is circular in its movements.   

If the idea of Soul Walking, our returning to this earth numerous times is unacceptable, then you are not in a place to see.  To know ‘who you are’ we must first see the ‘you’ we are speaking of.  To really understand what and why you desire you must know who you are and are not.

Our memories are waves that at times overwhelm us.  We get lost in the numerous feelings that seem so real and yet leave us questioning.  We are pulled in many directions; so much so that we get lost in the hundreds of desires, many of which contradict the others.  Yet, we move on, following impulse after impulse.

We are all that we have desired.  Everything that we have wanted, sought after and intently pursued has made us, false as it may be.  Yet, within the inner parts of our person is the seat of our real Self.  Through all of the artificial mental constructs and illusions our Soul remains perfect.

It is in the perfection, the center of our Soul that we journey.  It is within our Soul, the place of the ‘Long Road’ where truth resides.  To think it not so is merely fiction and yet another false paradigm designed to lead us down another forgotten road.  Our true place is on the ‘Long Road.’

Conn Niul 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Is It That We Desire

The Long Road - Part One

What is it that we seek?  Where do we look to find it?  Why do most of us spend our lives searching and never obtaining that which we are looking for?  What eludes us? 

Most people spend their entire life trying to fulfill a desire that they sense and feel.  Something that is always present before them.  They try to find it in a place, a home, a person, a lover, their children or an animal.  Yet, it is rarely ever found.  What is it that we desire?

Why are we lonely, out of place or without a purpose?  Why does life seem to pass us by, leaving an impression that we are missing something?  What determines our happiness, joy or sense of accomplishment?  We attempt and yet fall short of our desired goals time and again.

Do you know who you are?  Most do not.  In fact it is rare to find an individual who truly does.  The majority of us believe the lesser parts of our being to be our real Self.  Therefore, we walk through life feeding, listening and following it.  For the majority, they are out of ‘Right Relationship.’

How much energy has been spent following a path we believe to be genuine?  A road lies before us that we have participated in building.  It is the one we have followed all of our lives and yet it is not our road.  It is not the path that we are supposed to be on.  Yet, day by day and year by year we build and walk it.

The journey is long.  The road may be perilous at times and at others it is easy and pleasant.  However, our road is always the right one.  It is the ‘Long Road’ that the ancients spoke of.  On the ‘Long Road’ we learn who we are, our purpose and how to fulfill it.

We seek many things, some genuine but most artificial.  The seeking to fulfill the lesser aspects of our person equates to a longer journey.  The more time spent feeding the lesser parts of our being, the longer our passage.  Each journey upon this earth leads to others.  It is our Soul Walk. 

Conn Niul              

Friday, February 24, 2012


I have been asked why we never post equine articles.  The answer ....... still waiting.  After thinking about it for some time I have come to the conclusion that I must of felt people were coming to the blog to learn about themselves and not horses.  Is there really a difference?

In Khotani teaching all of life is connected.  How many times have you read or heard these words?  Yet, people are funny creatures.  They are most often focused on exterior issues relating to the more surface aspects of their own being.

Everyone is unique, having interest’s specific to their individual self.  Most people are just not interested in horses, at least not seriously.  However, there are hundreds of thousands of people that range from the backyard horse lover to the professional horseman or woman. 

I apologize to our friend and you.  To you both I now write.

In ‘The Way of Khotani’ the horse is a highly evolved creature.  We see this wonderful animal on the brink of moving into the human kingdom.  Like everything in nature the horse speaks to and with us, however, we are usually not listening.  Every movement of our four legged brother is a message.  Their Soul is speaking a language that our Soul understands. 

In working with horses most of my life I have learned that there is much more to learn.  Horses usually work their rears off attempting to get us to understand.  As long as we are thinking and speaking in English it will be hit and miss.  Yet, let us get outside of our selves and we GET IT.

We must become believers in the horse.  We must know that this creature is a highly evolved animal, capable of doing some pretty amazing things.  What has the horse been to us; a best friend, healer, therapist, teacher, fellow athlete, partner in crime and babysitter.  

So, we will begin to write about and for our good friend The Horse.

Conn Drehne

Thursday, February 23, 2012

What If

What if you we’re living simultaneous lives?
Consider for a moment that there are multiple planes of existence, running concurrently.

What if you could alter the past, changing the negative aspects of your life?  Is this unimaginable for you?  For most it is.  However, there is an ancient teaching that says you are walking many roads of an ancient hoop, all at once, all right now.  If this is so then imagine...

There are four corners of a vast universe.  Within this square is a sacred circle or hoop.  The circle is the road that you walk.  All life as you know it exists on the sacred ring.  It is what the elders referred to as ‘The Circle of Life.’  All things are connected, inseparable.

You are constantly moving around the hoop.  You find your self north, south, east, west and in the quarter directions.  You move freely upon the sacred circle, from lifetime to lifetime.  Each life upon this earth leaves a path in the Mother, showing where you once walked.

Your essence is upon every rock you have touched, every stream you have drank from and every breath you have shared.  You have left a lasting impression.  Each time you ‘Soul Walk’ more of your essence permeates the atmosphere.  You are everywhere and in everything.

Contrary to the circle of life is straight time.  If the sacred circle could be cut and straightened out you would have linear time.  It is the way that most people see life.  In linear time you are considered in the center, equal distance from the far left and far right ends.  The left is past, the middle is present and the right is future. 

In linear time there is no possible way for the past to be in the present or future, nor can the future be in the past or present.  Each of these past, present or future lives or experiences are separate and only slightly influence each other.  They become a part of your memories in linear time.

Deep within the inner aspects of your being is stored a truer memory of your self.  These true memories are of your life on the sacred circle.  They are recordings of your Soul Walking upon this earth.  Your past and future lives and experiences are inseparable from your present existence.

What if the far left and far right of the linear line were connected?  Your mind would see the sacred circle again.  You would see that the past joined with the future, making the present state of your being.  You would see that past and present experiences in this life and past lives join, making them always in a present state of being.

The sacred circle shows you that everything is always now.  You’re past experiences and lives are assumed as such because of linear teaching.  As long as you see your life or lives along the linear line you will never see or know your True Self and its memories as opposed to those of your false self.

Imagine... What If.

Saga Yashka 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Website Update

The website has now been up 12 days.  Even though it is not close to being finished, we have been visited by scores of people from 21 states and growing.  We want to thank everyone for your support.  

We are currently working on the human health side and Equine pages.  We will be adding formulas, testimonials etc. to both.  We will also be adding information on the Dorman May horses.

People have been asking about our seminars.  We plan on getting something added that will explain in a little more detail what we offer.  We will also be scheduling future meetings in the U.S.

We get many requests asking about the teachings and how to learn more.  In the very near future we will be offering CD's and perhaps videos.  For those seeking a more structured curriculum we will be offering courses as well.

Traditional Khotani counseling is available via the phone.  However, we are working on general group sessions in the near future.  We address traumas of all types, helping people get in ‘Right Relationship.’ 

Anyone have a testimonial?  We are once again accepting testimonials.  As many of you know we were overwhelmed with them.  Without a website we had no place to show the world.  Now we do.  So feel free to send one and we will get it posted sooner or later.

Again, thank you to everyone that has supported our work over the years.  Your support and encouragement keeps the old Khotani way alive and well.

Medicine Bag Project

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Traditional Heart

Though I cannot take credit for having penned these words, I will acknowledge the thirsting of my own spirit to hear them again and for sharing them with you.
Though I once walked blinded, my perception having become clear and distinct, revealing a world once lost to me.
I see now the place of my birth more clearly, desiring to return home, I understand the oneness of all things.
Seeking to be, I lost my self in the illusion of man’s time.  Yet, the Fire willed itself within my being and revealed its inner secrets.  Life was all that I saw, though not through the physical eye, but the inner Soul of my heart.
The desire ‘to be’ lost its will and I became that which I sought.  The longing to find peace became the way and TRUTH pierced the dark veil of my soul.
Master of the self, just walk, The Good Road awaits the foot beats of the enlightened.  All things become one, melding into the Soul of origin.  Breath Giver, the Soul of my being is the Self of ALL.

     We have all heard the word ‘Traditonal’ and its numerous definitions, yet we suppose this to be a thing of physical knowledge.  By studying the sayings of masters without application, we become nothing but another walking book, without THE LIFE.  The art of being Traditional comes from and resides in the HEART of man.
     Do I see only through my physical eyes?  Does my comprehension come solely from the mind?  Do I reside within the limitations of gross nature?  These are not truly questions, but rather answers to our soul’s current state, the evolution or location of our soul on the Good Road.
     To live Traditional, is to walk a road uncommon to the majority of people and finding your self in the presence of TRUTH, the essence of ALL things; to be that which is uncommon in mans world yet common in the place of True SPIRIT.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Teacher

 Everywhere, everyday we are being shown the truth.

Nature is all around us.  She subtly directs our attention to the reason and the "why for" of Soul Walking.  She is alive with truth.  There is no answer to any question that cannot be found within the laws of Nature, for her laws are those of Creator; The Great Teacher.

Nature is the great determining factor in ferreting out truth.  Everything can be weighed on the scales of Nature’s divine law.  It is the manifestation of a greater force, its True Self.  You see, Nature is the very incarnation of Gohantane.

Nature is indivisible from the laws that govern Her nature.  She is the essence of that which is Her breath.  She cannot be anything else, it is impossible.  Her very existence is an outward expression of Her heartbeat, which is the breath beat of Gohantane.   

All that we desire to know is present before us.  Within Her domain we can weigh everything to see if it is truth.  If it is of the light it will be in complete unison with Nature and Creator.  It must, for Nature is a manifestation of Creator, The Great Teacher.

We are alive and well. 

Saga Yashka   

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Humans? Horses? What To Make Of It

Some of you might be confused, wondering why we have a War Horse Formulas Facebook or a website addressing other than human issues.  Perhaps we can shed some light on this.

Medicine Bag Project is mufti-faceted.  We have numerous programs from equine health to human wellness to healing the land.  'In Right Relationship' is about life, all of it. 

From a Khotani perspective everything in life is connected.  We see our human relationship inseparable from the other three kingdoms of animal, plant and mineral.  We teach that to understand yourself you must first see the foundation.

Just as we are connected to every living kingdom, we are also intertwined with the other aspects of our own being.  ‘In Right Relationship’ also encompasses being in a ‘Right Relationship’ with yourself.  

Medicine Bag Project is about addressing life and teaching others how to do so; for we can only preserve the way by living the way.  To be in a balanced state with all things, especially your self, is our sole purpose for being here.   

Saga Yashka

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Website Officially Launched

Thanks to the hard work and effort of the Medicine Bag Project Team, our new website has been officially launched as of February 6, 2012. 

A special thanks goes to Jarred & Andraya for their insight and creative design.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Greatest Truth

The greatest truth is you.  For when you discover who you are, everything else falls into place.  Imagine every high and low we can trace to self.  Every joy and pain has their source within our own being.  The realization of this comes when you see clearly who you are.

You are the embodiment of Creator walking this earth.  You carry all the tools to ‘Walk In Right Relationship’.  This is the greatest truth.  It is in you.  However, you have been taught to search for it everywhere but the one place it resides. 

Are you happy?  Are you sad?  Find the stream and know its source.  Every creek, stream or river begins somewhere.  When you find its beginning you find truth.  Everything else has only a portion of truth in it. 

Within the center of your being resides the perfect Soul.  It is your spark.  It is without flaw and cannot be influenced by the laws of cause and effect.  The Soul is perfect.  It is the source.  Everything else is at best a smoky mirror. 

Every organ, element, feeling and mental activity is secondary to the Soul.  However, few there are that follow the Soul.  You have been taught to listen to the secondary leaders within your own being.  These less than perfected parts are important and play a key role in your discovery of truth.  However, they are not the source.

If you will think for a moment you will see that your mind, feeling and emotions have governed your life.  For instance take a song; it can make you happy, sad, motivated or mad.  Does the song tap emotional responses?  If so, where do they come from and where do they reside?  This is just one example.

You have been led by everything but your Soul.  Your life has been the product of your secondary parts.  Think of your conversations.  Think for a moment what moves you and why.  What caused your temporary balance or imbalance?  Do you have a reason for being here? 

Think about it....

Yona Unega



Thursday, January 26, 2012

Searcher Or Justifier

Is There A Tool In The House?

There is one thing certain; you cannot fix something without the tools to do so.  The constant in working with people is that they are looking for something tangible, something that makes sense and can be used; a plan, format or way to explain life and fix or mend that which is broken.

You and I want to believe that there is a plan that is workable.  We want to believe that there is a logical explanation, followed by a process that works.  However, when there is no real working plan available we explain away the flawed system we are currently attempting to follow.  Goodbye common sense.

Everyday we speak with people that are searching or justifying.  The searchers will not stop until they discover ‘A Way’ that has working tools for life.  The justifiers are searchers as well.  They spend their life searching for answers to explain why their non-workable system works.

Searchers never stop looking for truth.  Justifiers never start looking for truth.  Searchers feed the fire.  Justifiers explain it away.  Searchers use common sense, the laws of nature and perception.  Justifiers demonize everything but their false protocols.  Searchers look for truth everywhere and in everything.  Justifiers blindly defend their dogma.

Which to give, a fish or fishing pole?  Searchers look for the pole and instruction on its use.  Justifiers want only the fish for a day.  Searchers are far seeing and know that if they can learn the tool they can feed themselves forever.  Justifiers on the other hand want only to be satisfied in the moment of their illusion.

I am that which I think, speak and act.  Master or fool, each first thinks it, then speaks it and lastly walks the path of choice.  We were given knowledge, it is everywhere for us to see.  However, our religious leaders have taught us to demonize the natural and only accept as truth that which their holy books decree. 

Where are you?  Do you see the truth in the Creator’s world or have you thrown out everything of God.  Can you point to the Source and then draw only from Its wisdom?  And, what is wisdom?  Can it be defined by man and his holy precepts?  Or, is it solely the domain of The Great Master.

Conn Niul


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Something Is Coming

Something is coming.  Everything we see and everywhere we look says things are changing.  In the shadow lands of our periphery there is a movement.  It appears to dart from tree to tree, allowing us to see that something is out there.  However, we cannot get a clear view.  We strain to see that which is not meant to be seen.  Not just yet.

Man is unstable.  He seeks to clearly define what he cannot know.  He misses what is directly in front of him because he cannot see.  He desperately seeks to understand and then develop a theory to explain that which he is incapable of understanding.  Yet, he strives to calm his mind and that of others.

Something moves, something is coming and the average person feels it.  They may not understand it, but they know.  Deep inside of their being they know.  Something troubles their thoughts.  Something disturbs their sleep.  Something moves them to act.  Yet, they do not know what it is or where it is coming from.

Man has led a false life.  He has given his energy and time to a false world, an illusion.  He believes completely in his false world.  He knows it to be true because...  You cannot convince him otherwise, that is until now.  His eyes are starting to open and for the first time questions his reality.

Something is happening.  Something approaches that completely occupies our being.  Something is coming that is powerful enough to change everything.  The fear of uncertainty has begun to rule our life.  Something unfamiliar moves on the fringes, it grips the elderly, shakes the youth and scares the child.

Man has out-smarted himself, participating in his own destruction.  His world of artificial rules, contrary to the way of nature has imprisoned his mind.  He is now in incapable of free thought and is therefore the prisoner of his own doing.  Man is defenseless as he watches his own demise.

Something that was far off is now very close.  It is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it.  It moves with an unprecedented force.  Something’s time has arrived.  It is here upon us.  It affects us like being startled awake from a deep sleep.  You are now in the waking state.  What will you do?

Yona Unega     

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Am The Sum Of.... Part Three

I am the sum of the 24 Elders; I am the totality of their fullness, I am the depository of their essence.

All processes, principals and laws that govern the universe are contained in the Great or Spiritual Mind.  It is the Great Mind; pure, without individuality and presiding in a state of natural governance.  It is through this Great Mind that space, time, the Sacred Word and the beginnings of differentiation occur.  These are the seed forms, waiting to burst forth and manifest themselves.  Within each individual the Great Mind becomes the power of intelligence, giving us the ability to discern right from wrong, truth from falsehood, and the eternal from the transient.
The seeds of differentiation existing in the Great Mind begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego.  Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution.  This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, tree etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother and the Great Mind use to manifest.  Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.
Conditioned mind (leading to individual mind) is the next level of understanding.  Ego projects mind, allowing for the coordination of activity and energy at the most minute level of nature.  The conditioned mind, working through the senses connects us to things of the outer world.  This is known as an underlying mind, much different than the Great Mind spoken of earlier.  
From conditioned mind we move into the subtle energies of sound, touch, sight, taste and smell.  These energies are a key to the workings of the sense organs.  It allows for their coordination with the sense objects.  These energies of sound, touch, sight, taste and smell are emitted by all living things on a subtle level.  They are the subtle forms of the sense organs, before their manifestation into their physical forms.
The five sense organs ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose follow next.  These five allow us to experience the outer world.  They have subtler forms that are not limited like the physical and are the actions that give extrasensory perception.  These receptor organs allow us to perceive the outer world and at the same time receive at the more subtle levels, therefore they are also referred to as organs of knowledge.
Next are the five organs of action; mouth, hands, feet, urino-genital and anus.  These are the expressive organs, the manifestation of ideas such as movement.  The more subtle forms of the organs of action exist and have a direct action on the mind and psychic phenomenon.
Following the organs of action are the five great elements of, ether air, fire, water and earth.  So much has been written regarding the elements and the so called effect they have on our lives.  Yet, what of the relationship they have with earth and all living things.

To see an element traditionally means to ‘KNOW ITS TRUE NATURE’.  You can only know A THING by having knowledge and an understanding of what makes it WHOLE.  This WHOLE understanding of the elements consists of knowledge of their development, including the planes of their existence.

The five great elements are so often a place of beginning.  Simply put a place that someone starts from on their journey back home.  They give us a wonderful starting point where we can work forward or backward in our pursuit of gaining knowledge.

Saga Yashka

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Am The Sum Of.... Part Two

I am the sum of the 24 Elders; I am the totality of their fullness, I am the depository of their essence.

The 24 Elders are the story of creation in its fullest sense, everything.  I am the sum of many things; however, my beginning is the secret to all that I need to know.  In the beginning I was, now I am and in the future I will always be.  Our existence is in and because of the 24 Elders.

Imagine... everything in the universe is the essence of the 24 Elders.  Every movement is a reflection of their timelessness.  Everything is because of them, for they were from the beginning.  Life as we know it is their personality.  It is they who show us ‘The way’.  It is within them that we find the meaning to life.

In the beginning is the purest state of being.  It has no beginning or end, It just is.  From this place of complete stillness resides the Grandfather of ALL.  It is not a place in the earthly sense of the word, but rather a state of being.  Grandfather, the Original source, who’s thought vibrations are the beginnings of the entire cosmos.

He is outside of everything created, yet is the reason for its existence.  We are all a part of the Grandfather, just as sparks are of the fire.  We cannot be separated from Grandfather no more than a spark can exist without fire.  However, Grandfather is pure consciousness and seeks Grandmother to manifest the physical.
Grandmother is the substance of the universe, the first or Original form, the beginning of matter.  She is not the substance, but the pure potential of all objects present or that can be imagined.  As the first cause of form, life would not exist without Grandmother.  She is primal matter in the purest since of the word.  She consists of the three qualities of harmony, movement and resistance.  These three qualities balance out and uphold everything in the universe.
Grandfather and Grandmother transcend the layers or processes of creation.  The idea of Spiritual Mind and Manifestation is passed down to each generation.  This teaching tells us that man (Grandfather Spirit) gives Spirit to the infant while woman (Grandmother Spirit) gives substance.  Yet, boy or girl, man or woman, each carries equally Spirit and substance.  Grandfather Spirit and Grandmother Spirit are the Great Couple whose laws are written and contained within Intelligence.

Saga Yashka