Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Greatest Truth

The greatest truth is you.  For when you discover who you are, everything else falls into place.  Imagine every high and low we can trace to self.  Every joy and pain has their source within our own being.  The realization of this comes when you see clearly who you are.

You are the embodiment of Creator walking this earth.  You carry all the tools to ‘Walk In Right Relationship’.  This is the greatest truth.  It is in you.  However, you have been taught to search for it everywhere but the one place it resides. 

Are you happy?  Are you sad?  Find the stream and know its source.  Every creek, stream or river begins somewhere.  When you find its beginning you find truth.  Everything else has only a portion of truth in it. 

Within the center of your being resides the perfect Soul.  It is your spark.  It is without flaw and cannot be influenced by the laws of cause and effect.  The Soul is perfect.  It is the source.  Everything else is at best a smoky mirror. 

Every organ, element, feeling and mental activity is secondary to the Soul.  However, few there are that follow the Soul.  You have been taught to listen to the secondary leaders within your own being.  These less than perfected parts are important and play a key role in your discovery of truth.  However, they are not the source.

If you will think for a moment you will see that your mind, feeling and emotions have governed your life.  For instance take a song; it can make you happy, sad, motivated or mad.  Does the song tap emotional responses?  If so, where do they come from and where do they reside?  This is just one example.

You have been led by everything but your Soul.  Your life has been the product of your secondary parts.  Think of your conversations.  Think for a moment what moves you and why.  What caused your temporary balance or imbalance?  Do you have a reason for being here? 

Think about it....

Yona Unega



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