Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Teacher

 Everywhere, everyday we are being shown the truth.

Nature is all around us.  She subtly directs our attention to the reason and the "why for" of Soul Walking.  She is alive with truth.  There is no answer to any question that cannot be found within the laws of Nature, for her laws are those of Creator; The Great Teacher.

Nature is the great determining factor in ferreting out truth.  Everything can be weighed on the scales of Nature’s divine law.  It is the manifestation of a greater force, its True Self.  You see, Nature is the very incarnation of Gohantane.

Nature is indivisible from the laws that govern Her nature.  She is the essence of that which is Her breath.  She cannot be anything else, it is impossible.  Her very existence is an outward expression of Her heartbeat, which is the breath beat of Gohantane.   

All that we desire to know is present before us.  Within Her domain we can weigh everything to see if it is truth.  If it is of the light it will be in complete unison with Nature and Creator.  It must, for Nature is a manifestation of Creator, The Great Teacher.

We are alive and well. 

Saga Yashka   

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