Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Is It That We Desire

The Long Road - Part One

What is it that we seek?  Where do we look to find it?  Why do most of us spend our lives searching and never obtaining that which we are looking for?  What eludes us? 

Most people spend their entire life trying to fulfill a desire that they sense and feel.  Something that is always present before them.  They try to find it in a place, a home, a person, a lover, their children or an animal.  Yet, it is rarely ever found.  What is it that we desire?

Why are we lonely, out of place or without a purpose?  Why does life seem to pass us by, leaving an impression that we are missing something?  What determines our happiness, joy or sense of accomplishment?  We attempt and yet fall short of our desired goals time and again.

Do you know who you are?  Most do not.  In fact it is rare to find an individual who truly does.  The majority of us believe the lesser parts of our being to be our real Self.  Therefore, we walk through life feeding, listening and following it.  For the majority, they are out of ‘Right Relationship.’

How much energy has been spent following a path we believe to be genuine?  A road lies before us that we have participated in building.  It is the one we have followed all of our lives and yet it is not our road.  It is not the path that we are supposed to be on.  Yet, day by day and year by year we build and walk it.

The journey is long.  The road may be perilous at times and at others it is easy and pleasant.  However, our road is always the right one.  It is the ‘Long Road’ that the ancients spoke of.  On the ‘Long Road’ we learn who we are, our purpose and how to fulfill it.

We seek many things, some genuine but most artificial.  The seeking to fulfill the lesser aspects of our person equates to a longer journey.  The more time spent feeding the lesser parts of our being, the longer our passage.  Each journey upon this earth leads to others.  It is our Soul Walk. 

Conn Niul              

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