Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Elements Within

In Khotani teaching all of the elements are within each living thing.  Air, fire, water and earth are held within a space, the Great Circle.  The Great Circle is ether, the parent to all other elements.  It is within the Great Circle that we have life. 

In the center of the Great Circle is the origin of its (ether) being.  From Grandmother Spirit flow three great forces known as primal natures.  From these three the Five Great Elements are born; first ether, then air, next fire, followed by water and earth. 
The elements, like all things, are made up of three circles; the inner circle, the middle circle and the outer circle.  The inner circle is causal, the middle subtle and the outer is physical.  From the most subtle to the physical the elements make up all living things.

From our ancient Khotani ways we are taught that the elements have characteristics that make up their nature.  Their character is a manifestation of their inner essence.  It is this essence which shows us the signs or path of each element.

You, I and every living thing is a reflection of the nature of elements.  The quality of elements is their personality.  Ajila is fire and has a nature or personality unique to itself just as all other elements have.  Their quality or personality teaches us about them.  It shows us that their nature manifests in different forms.

By reading the signs we learn when something is out of balance with itself.  For instance, Ajila or Fire in the mind is responsible for inspiration and discernment, also known as the discerning of fire.  However, when fire becomes out of balance it jumps its boundary and becomes a problem.  Imbalances such as infections are a sign of high fire that is out of Right Relationship.

Every level of our being mental, vital and physical is in a relationship with the inner, middle and outer elements.  There are mental fires, vital fires and physical fires.  Each element seeks to be in Right Relationship on all levels.  The elements like all things living communicate with us, telling us about who and what they are.  It is our responsibility to stop, listen, learn and live.

Yona Unega


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