Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How many Souls (Khotani List #28)

The other day I was going over some old material I had collected and came across an interview that took place back in the late nineteenth century.  The interviewer was collecting historical information on the Cherokee people.  The individual being interviewed was an elder and Didanvwisgi (medicine man) of the tribe.
Humanity has asked as often as there is a sunrise, questions about the Soul.  Once the conversation begins the questions coming forth from the original are as endless as the horizon.  This brings me to the subject at hand and an often asked question, how many souls do we have?  For many people there is only one conceivable answer, one.
I think often about the elders that have meant so much to me in my life.  Many a day their words penetrate my thoughts and help me see more clearly the natural world that surrounds me.  It is they who have given to me an understanding of nature and the Breath Master’s law that governs this earth.  It is they who understood the workings of the Soul and passed this great knowledge on.
I am sure that it sounded strange to the interviewer when he heard that we have more than one soul.  It was explained to him that each soul has a life of its own, separate from the others.  I can only imagine his thoughts especially if he followed a man made religion.
Often times our old cultures become bastardized, resembling little of their old self once they come into contact with a foreign inorganic religious path.  After generations of contact The Old Way is usually a shell of its former self, with elders struggling to fully explain what they have been taught and know in their heart.  Lines become blurred and the younger generations see no reason to follow a way that people no longer care about.
The old man or woman is crazy.  There is no telling how many times this has been said.  Yet, unknown to the blind majority they did and do know.  Because they were not understood surely does not equate an ignorance of the workings of life.  On the contrary, they understood A Way that opens the gates to a hidden world wherein lies THE TRUTH.  I am thankful that most of humanity was unable to grasp these great truths.
We see that humans have numerous entities that make up their complete body.  Each of these living entities serves a specific purpose and has a life span much like our physical body.  For instance, the old elder mentioned above referred to the entity that lived within our blood and passed on thirty days after the head soul left the body.  The confusion lies not in the elders, but in our understanding.
We know that the blood does have in fact a ruler whose abode is in the small intestines and the liver/blood.  This entity was wrongly identified as a Soul instead of a soul.  Human error clouds the Truth, leaving a convoluted mess.  Four souls do reside within our body and play very specific roles.
The Soul is the True Self, who we truly are.  It is the entity that we refer to as the spark of Creator’s Fire.  It is the entity that returns time and again.  The smaller souls or entities that the elder was referring to have a life span that is limited.  The smaller souls that are mere reflections of Breath Master’s Light are not of an eternal nature.
Soul Walking is the world of the Soul.  It travels throughout the worlds, experiencing all things.  The head soul, blood soul etc. are lesser entities that fulfill secondary roles during our walk.  The elder was passing on a Truth that had no place of reference to the man born a foreigner to The Way.
What the interviewer did not know is that the old Didanvwisgi could of went on and on about the inner workings of the world.  The old man could have shared the deeper truths of life.  Did he know that they would fall on ears incapable of grasping the truth?
Physical, mental, vital and spiritual make up the four planes of our world and body.  Within these four are numerous other fields and planes.  The Soul uses them all to serve a purpose in our journey.  These planes have very specific laws that govern their function.  The four souls are spiritually created and return to a designated place within the law of spirit.
We are multifaceted beings with numerous entities that operate within specific laws.  The physical, mental, vital and spiritual are each governed by a different set of rules.  To understand each we must operate within the laws that govern the particular plane.  To understand the several souls that reside within our being we must understand the language of the law of spirit.

Yona Unega

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