Monday, January 17, 2011

The Witness

Each of us witnesses life everyday.  Through the five senses we experience life and those experiences are filtered through the many aspects of our being.  The majority of people rarely witness with true intention.

We see with the physical eye; however our mind is usually preoccupied with other things.  We see the tree and yet do not.  The physical image of its existence enters our mind through our eyes, but we know nothing of its makeup.  Can you describe its leaves, bark or other physical characteristics?

What if someone’s life was dependent upon your true testimony that was based upon a sketchy witness?  Would you want to be responsible for their life?  Yet, everyday we act as a witness to the world around us.

Once and not so long ago we were taught to be responsible for our witness to life.  Within these teachings we were shown how all things require a witness for them to really exist.  Is a tree or any other living thing real without a witness?  If nothing else observed you would you exist for anyone or anything?  And, if you were observed was it in passing or as a true witness?

Witness with truth comes by truly witnessing.  To observe with full intent and no preconceived ideas is truth witnessing.  To know something as it truly is comes by observing it in its environment without forethought.

Every living thing emits an energy that is true to itself.  Minerals, plants, animals and humans have both a kingdom energy and energy that is unique to their individual selves.  Therefore, to know something we must first observe it through true witnessing.

To become ‘The Witness’ we must shed all preconceived ideas and let the observed teach us.  Witnessing that which we observe gives us great insight to its true Self.  By truth witnessing we break down the barriers that are responsible for misunderstanding, which leads to hatred and acts of violence.

Everyday we are surrounded by teachers.  We are given the greatest education that anyone could ask for.  Our school is everything present within our world.  All things will begin to instruct us.  When we open up to this fact the world opens up to us.

When we truly witness, every building, flower, dog and friend becomes a teacher.  We will see things differently, because we allowed them to express their true Self.  The desire to know truth comes by learning to be ‘The Witness’.

Conn Niul

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