Thursday, December 23, 2010

All Things Are As They Should Be - The Walk Of The Bear Part Two (Khotani List #27)

Each of us is where we are supposed to be.  We come here with the knowledge and tools to accomplish the task.  However, we are here to overcome our shortcomings, so that we can advance in our walk.  The path that we choose to take in getting where we should be is based upon our past lives and present circumstance.
In the human kingdom we see a multitude of personalities and types.  Modern man attempts to categorize these traits by placing them into neat little boxes with defined characteristics.  However, nature’s law continually upsets our neat and tidy definitions of physical, psychological, vital and spiritual traits.  Why?
The answer is quite simple.  Humans choose to define their life through a physical process.  Everything is run through the thinking apparatus called the mind.  If it cannot be rationalized then it is non-existent or unexplainable phenomena.
Nature, on the other hand has its own set of rules where each aspect (physical, mental, vital and spiritual) has a specific order governed by rules within its domain.  For instance a physical rule cannot govern in the mental world and that of the Spirit follows a set of natural laws that are different than those that function in the vital world.
In Khotani tradition we see humans as multi-faceted beings that are very complex.  Humans are made up of numerous entities, each playing a role that contributes to the whole of our earthly being.   However, for there to be a human there must first be an operational structure governed by a Divine hand.
In ‘The Walk of The Bear’ we are taught that human nature is the product of ‘The Body Khotani.’  It is this body also referred to as the twenty four elders that is responsible for the manifestation of all four kingdoms mineral, plant, animal and human.  In each kingdom are innumerable types within the physical, mental, vital and spiritual aspect of our being.  We see that the human tendency is based upon numerous external influences that affect us according to our own nature.
For instance, look at a crowd of people at a ball game, lecture, concert etc.  Each individual is played upon by the external atmosphere.  No different than every day life.  However, at these events the forces of other worlds become magnified because of us.  Every emotion, feeling, thought etc. is put into a subtle field by thousands all at one time and in one place.  Entities from the other planes of existence act upon our unconscious movements.
People have asked why we relate things through the eyes of nature.  Little do they realize that our humanity would not exist outside of the law of nature.  For instance, the element of water has many characteristics to its nature.  An elder takes us to the water many times to teach us of its ways.  It has a close relationship to the moon and in our teachings is of a lunar nature.  It is the very blood of the earth.  Waters’ characteristics are seen in the lunar parts of our mind.  Many of the emotions are water and lunar related.  We know that the heavier emotions that attach someone to something are of a water nature.
Fire is different.  It is sun related and has a moving force within it.  All fire is related to the Ancient White Fire or the original fire of creation.  Fire is central to the formation of creation just as it is within us.  It is through fire that we process food and perceive things to be.  Fire within the mind is responsible for clear thinking.  However, if our body fires are contaminated our perceptions become much clouded.
What does this have to do with a crowd of people at a concert?  Each element is related to the five sense energies, earth and universal minds and many other things.  Our individual makeup (physical, mental and vital) responds according to its nature.  Let us consider for the moment just the physical aspect of our being.  Someone who is predominately of a water nature will react different than a fire dominate person.  A song for instance will move them in a different direction.
The vibrations or energies behind the song will cause reactions within these two people that can be opposite in nature.  A fire nature love is different than a water nature love.  A love song will cause responses within these two that are of opposite natures and often times at odds with each other.  A third person might be a combination of the two which adds another response that is different from the first two.
Physically speaking someone who is Ama Gageda (of a cloudy water nature) has a view of life that is more family oriented than someone of an Acherra (fire nature).  The Acherra nature is usually more driven to accomplishment.  Neither one is wrong.
There are seven types of physical characteristics, numerous mental and the vital aspects that make up our being.  All play an equal role in manifesting the person that others see.  These two were just used as an example.  The other physical types are Unole (air), the three dual types of Unole/Acherra, Unole/Ama Gageda and Acherra/Ama Gageda and one that is all three.   The mental types are quiet numerous and play as much of a role in who we are as the physical characteristics do.
The vital nature of our being is composed of all the desires, emotions and feelings that we have.  Most people are in bondage to the vital part of our being, especially in today’s society where we are driven by the emotions and feelings.  It takes many years to understand their inner workings and the affect that they have on our life. 
Our Spiritual side is the Soul and its soul travel using the spiritual or soul body.  It is the only knower of truth.  As I have written many times it is the Soul that actually travels from life time to life time.  The Soul forms the spiritual or soul body to travel with it.  The inner being that we refer to is the center of our existence.  The Soul is the foundation that our center is built upon.  The Soul is the spark of the Ancient White Fire.   
Our entire being receives via the universe subtle vibrations all the time.  These vibrations are of many natures.  Our elders taught us that the spirits operated in other worlds.  These spirits or entities interact with us at all times.  What we think, speak and act out attracts to us the attention of these beings from other worlds.  However, most people are oblivious to this and continue down a path that self-destructs.
We have all seen people act out of the emotions and desires of anger, hatred, lust, sorrow, depression, joy, happiness, kindness, generosity etc.  Yet, how many of us know or knew that each emotion was a response to external forces and our own inner workings?  Most of us believe that our actions are solely our own.  In the elder teachings this is considered a false idea.
There is an interchange of energy between all livings things.  This interchange is not bound by geographical or worldly boundaries.  In our teachings the otherworldly entities are interacting with us as well.  Therefore, it was considered important to teach our children ‘The Way of Universe.’  Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit has always been a key to our understanding of this great family of entities.
In traditional culture nature and nature’s law are inseparable from the Breath Master and Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit.  By seeing and associating life through the eyes of the natural world we see our true nature, bringing enlightenment to not only ourselves but those around us.  It is only when we see our natural self as opposed to the inorganic person that we begin to truly grasp life.
Our nature is understood through the law of nature.  This organic law cannot be understood from a strictly mental concept.  It must be experienced at all of its levels.  There is a reason that our ancestors had us experience silence, sweat and other ceremonies, nature observation and communing with Spirit.  It is only through these different mediums that we can communicate in the language of their world.
Someone called by the name Hawk at one time understood who they were and how their natural characteristics were that of the Hawk.  A name once meant so much more than it does today.  Everything in the natural world corresponds with us.  Everything interacts constantly with everything else.  However, the other worlds play upon these energies based upon their world and its operations.
Elders have said to me many times “we are surrounded by spirits.  Most cannot see them, however some of us do.  There are good and bad spirits and each of them wants to attach to you.  Be careful of your words and thoughts, for they are like lights sent out in search of others like themselves.”
These thoughts, words and actions speak a language that most of humanity does not understand.  They are based upon our natural characteristics whose origins are in our past lives and present life circumstances.  This is why our elders dedicated their lives to teaching us to ‘know who we are.’
Today we see a humanity that for the most part has not cared to dedicate them selves to learning who they really are.  However, times are changing and more and more people are seeking to know the deeper things of Spirit.  The elders have said over the years that Elohi (earth) waits for man to come home.  It is the way of earth that directs us to our inner most being and all truth.

Yona Unega

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