Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Difference In The Dawn - Part Two

We move through life, gathering information from numerous and varied sources.  We are able to capture that data at a very minute level.  Constantly receiving, we compile figures, stats and records that become our facts.  This statistical data becomes the basis for our perceived reality.  We do it unconsciously.

We are on auto pilot most of the time, not even aware that we are gathering data.  We all do it every day.  There is not one single moment in any given day that we are not recording something.  The record button is locked in the run mode.  We are an amazing vessel, capable of recording numerous things simultaneously.

The process is quite complex.  However, we do it without any effort.  It is as natural for us as speaking, eating and sleeping.  Unaware, we go through life gathering data from a myriad of sources.  We take this data and compile it into categories to be used as a foundation for ‘Who We Are’.  

The Difference In The Dawn....

Every sight, sound, feel, taste and smell is an entity on its own.  Did you hear what I said?  Every sense energy is alive, affecting us every moment.  These energies are one of the keys to understanding the experience in the moment.  They are ever present, subtly influencing our daily lives.

Is there anything you do in life where sense energies are not present, affecting the moment?  Everything we do is affected by their life force and yet we cannot define them nor fully explain their reason for being.  We just know that they exist.  Have you ever really thought about it?

Every experience exists because of the sense energies.  We associate our experiences (pleasant or unpleasant) with a sight, a sound, a noise, a taste or a smell.  Experience cannot be without sense energy.  We are the sum of the sense experiences.  They shape and define the moment and our perception of it.

The Difference In The Dawn....

Conn Niul


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