Sunday, July 3, 2011

Life's Purpose

Finding our life’s purpose or reason for being here should be a main focus in our lives.  Some people never find their true calling.  One of the reasons is - we are born, we learn the do (s) and don’t (s) within our own family, we learn the rules at our church or religious assembly; we have more rules and regulations at school, work, etc.  Life becomes one rule after another until it takes up so much of our time remembering what to do and not do, we don’t have time to just ‘be’.
    To just ‘be’ is the one true way to know your own soul which is where we hear the voice of our Creator.  We all have a divine spark, a life energy that courses through us, that part of all creation that never dies.  That spark, that divineness is our true nature or being.  That inner voice knows who we are, why we are here and what path will lead us to fulfillment.  Not fulfillment in the physical sense, but fulfillment of the soul.  There is nothing that compares with fulfillment of the Soul.
    My desire for all humanity is for someone to teach them how to listen to that inner voice, that voice from Creator.  We are all special and carry the gifts and abilities for our life’s work, our purpose for being here.  We need to receive the support and encouragement to follow our soul’s yearning.  This may seem simplistic, but we need to get back to the basics.  Without a proper foundation, the building will not stand. 
    Two of the most important questions you will ever ask yourself are:
1)  Who am I? And 2) Why am I here?  I have been asking myself these questions for years and I continue to find deeper and deeper answers.  I know absolutely that I am here for a divine purpose.  So are you.  It doesn’t matter if you are a banker, a farmer, a nurse or a school teacher.  If you are following your true life’s purpose, you are a blessing to yourself, the Creator and those you encounter every day.
    We sometimes think we want to be someone else.  We want to be famous, rich, beautiful, etc.  The grass is always greener on the other side.  I used to be one of those people wondering what it was like to be someone else.  I didn’t know then who I was or what I was supposed to do with my life.  I no longer have those thoughts or feelings.  I am on the path with my Creator and very blessed to be here.  When you are on your path and following your own life’s purpose, there is a joy in being you.
    Take the time to hear what your soul is saying; to find where you are going and what road you should be traveling to get there.  Peace and joy await you!

Renina (Nvdoi)

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