Saturday, May 22, 2010


All that we are is a thought.  Everything that we are doing, will do and become in life is due to our thoughts.  You are literally what you think that you are.

The universe works within a set of laws that came into existence and operates on subtle vibrations.  Everything within the universe including our thoughts sends out vibration patterns of subtle energy.  Every thought whether conscious or unconscious is alive.

The thought becomes a living entity whose force of power is derived from our mind.  The strength, longevity and potential fulfillment of the thought depends upon the force behind the will, emotion and ones ability to focus.  Imagination also plays a role.  Every single person on earth successfully sends out and therefore creates thought entities of a positive or negative nature.  It is most often done unbeknownst to the sender.

Our current Souls evolution is the key indicator of our ability to properly operate this ancient law.  However, past and present environment, media etc. influence our thinking processes to such a degree that most people are nothing more than puppets following the dictates of MIND CONTROL.

The idea that man is a free and independent thinker is an illusion.  Your thoughts are often not your own, but rather influences entering into the mind from various external forces.  So subtle are these forces that most people will swear that their thoughts are their own.

Like attracts like, therefore every thought attracts unto itself a thought entity of a similar nature.  Simply put, you create daily circumstances based upon your thought patterns.  Where your mind dwells is the life that you create for yourself.  Victory, success, love, integrity like failure, anger, hatred and depression attract forces that magnify their strengths.

Each of us is a magnificent power source.  Yet, we allow the world to influence us through trauma, media, school, religion etc.  These influences have established protocols that run on auto mode.  Most people automatically think in a negative frame of mind due in most part to these influences.  Like the saying goes ‘bad news sells.’  Have you ever asked yourself why?

Throughout history we have seen time and again a handful of corrupt people lead an entire nation into a total oppressive dictatorship.  How can this happen?  Why do people allow themselves to be blindly led into chains of slavery?  The answer is quite simple, psychological warfare.  Where is the field of battle?  It is within the mind.

Your daily surroundings have built the foundation to your mental operations.  Every influence plays a significant role in the way you process thought.  This is an established fact that has been known since ancient times.  You control the mind of the people via media, school and religion.

Through fear of the unknown difference, race and religions are pitted one against the other.  The media, schools and religion are the medium used to frame our minds.  Negative influences have been so ingrained within our psyche that positive news or thought carries little interest.  However, create an enemy be it a neighbor or another country and emotions become heightened.  Add to this a focus of will to destroy and the outcome is what we have today.

You have the ability to change everything in your life.  Not through positive thinking, but through the minds thoughts in conjunction with your will, focus and emotion.  Ask yourself where your mind is the majority of the time.  Is it positive or negative? Are the mind processes in line with the vision for your life?

Perhaps it is time that each of us determines within ourselves to change the negative process and focus intently upon that of the positive.  Together we can change anything in the world that we seek to change.

The Warrior Creed to Walk in Silent Victory.

Saga Yaxka

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