Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Breath of Gohantone

Everything derives from the One.  Our elders spoke often of the oneness of all things.  They told how everything is connected and only in mans eyes is there difference.  Nothing exists outside of Gohantone.

We are taught that everything has a breath and therefore breathes.  Not just animals and humans, but rocks, trees and grass all have breath within their being.  All of us, brothers and sisters inhale and exhale.

The breath is the animating force that brings life into being.  Breath works in conjunction with Yashkah Yati, the sacred fire.  In reality breath is a type of fire.  All breath comes from Gohantone, the Breath Master.

All that we see in the physical world are mere expressions of Creator.  When we look past the physical manifestations we experience breath.  The body dies, breath remains.  With fire, breath is the moving force in all creation.  It is inseparable from Gohantone.

It is said that for fire to exist breath first had to move.  Air was the first child of the Great Center or Space, the seat of Gohantone.  The Breath Master, Gohantone began to blow and through the movement of air fire came to be.      

Our own words find life in the sacred breath.  They are the children of the sacred breath of Gohantone.  However, most of us do not know this truth.  We are responsible for every word that we utter.  The elders would say that ‘we speak words of life or words of death’.

Each day we inhale and exhale.  Each of these momentary breaths is a life of its own.  Our breaths are connected to our thoughts and in turn our spoken words.  Every thought and spoken word is a sacred act.  Gohantone has made it so.

The sacred breath is a gift that has the power to create anything.  The way we perceive life is the world that we create for ourselves.  Every thought, word and action has formed the world we live in.  We are co-creators with the Creator.

Becoming conscious of these ancient teachings gives us the knowledge to change anything we desire to change.  At any moment we can choose to create a better life for ourselves through the sacred breath of Gohantone.  Think of it, every thought and word ultimately has its source in the breath of Gohantone, Creator of all.  It is there for us.  We are gifted with all of the abilities to live a life of our choosing and therefore capable of walking the Sacred Road.

Saga Yashkah

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