'The Five Streams flowing through our being'
In Lehiyugese we have The Body Khotani that contains our teachings. Within The Body Khotani are numerous parts to Lehiyugese that we refer to as ‘The Three’, ‘The Four’, 'The Five' etc. Each of these contains further sub-divisions. For instance in 'The Five' one of the teachings is The Five Streams.
From The Great Tree flow the ‘Five Streams’ that become the Great Waters. ‘The Five Steams’ are the five sense energies. The Great Waters that are formed by the ‘Five Streams’ are the fifteen elders. These fifteen elders are the five energies of the senses, five organs of the senses and five actions of the senses.
The ‘Five Streams’ are intimately connected to feelings and emotions. The idea of feeling that evokes an emotion is said to originate at the waters. These waters play upon the thought processes of the mind. Emotions are of a lunar nature and therefore are water (or watery).
The ‘Five Streams’ (energies of the senses) allow us to communicate with Creator’s universe. However, it takes all fifteen elders for the communication to flow freely between the universe, our minds and Spirit. The ‘Five Streams’ have a profound affect upon our lives. So much so that without them there would be no feelings and their resultant emotions.
Our elders taught that one must learn the truth of the ‘Five Streams’ and the ‘Great Waters’ so that you do not become a slave to them. They are powerful tools that anyone can use; however, they are usually misunderstood and lead to much sadness, sorrow, depression etc.
In the grand scheme of things it wasn’t long ago that our tribal elders imparted to those desirous of the truth, the teachings of the ‘Five Streams’. What did they know that was so important?
The ‘Five Streams’ give us a medium to communicate with the world. Without them we could not perceive the things of our earth. They reveal the manifestation of the ‘Primal Nature’ of all things. Yes, they are illusive in a sense; however, our elders were quite clear.
We live our lives on this earth as spiritual beings on a physical journey. Understanding who we truly are (our True Self) is the pinnacle of our teachings. Yet, we never lose sight of the importance of the manifested or physical world. It is here on this plane that we ‘Soul Walk’. Therefore, it deserves the same respect and honor as that of Spirit, for in fact it is a mere physical manifestation of Spirit.
Emotions are the manifestation of feelings. Without the deeper feelings emotions would not exist. Most people confuse feelings with intuition which is a huge mistake. They are not the same creature. Feelings come out of the ‘Five Streams’. Just as feelings are the cause of emotions, the ‘Five Streams’ are the cause for feelings.
Emotions are more surface in their nature. They are not a true response of Spirit. Emotional swings or outbursts are due to lack of properly understanding feelings and their often false impressions. Most of us have fallen prey to false feelings manifested as emotions. These false feelings are based upon a lack of understanding of the ‘Five Streams’.
All of our people learned these truths. The warriors were especially required to master this area of the body Khotani. Most ancient tribal peoples went to great lengths to teach their warriors through the ‘Sitting Out’ ceremony. It was during this ceremony that one began to understand the microcosm of The Great Tree from whence the ‘Five Streams’ flowed.
Our youth soon learned that by understanding the ‘Five Streams’ their lives would be much better lived. They also learned that these teachings were crucial to the health of our ancient clan structure. By learning to control false feelings and their resultant false emotions the entire tribal structure lived on. The contrary is true when we do not understand these teachings.
From the base of Tsusga we perceive the ‘Five Streams’. The realization that the micro base is within us reveals to the ‘Hunter’ (one that seeks truth) their own potential to cause harm or good to befall themselves and others. Wrong use through lack of understanding has caused greater damage than most other things imagined. In actuality the elders taught this to be the Great Enemy.
Yona Unega
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