Friday, April 13, 2012

We All Have Meaning

There is not a person or thing on this earth that is meaningless.  Every living entity has meaning.  The physical manifestation of your earthly life is proof of this.  The fact that you and I are presently walking this earth as breathing, living creators defies the idea of aimless existence.

We so often miss the subtle characteristics of our nature, which reveal a hidden or deep working that serves a purpose; for instance, natural propensity for something.  Just as water moves freely to its destination, we naturally move.  However, this natural movement is almost always stifled.

We cannot see or at least that is what we tell ourselves.  Yet, we ignore or place less importance on that which is directly in front of us.  We do not see the Spirits vision for our life and instead accept as fact that which we are programmed to believe.  How can this be?

It is all in the mind.  To capture the mind is to enslave it to something or someone.  Humanity has taught us to place supreme power and importance on the mental operation to the detriment of our inner Spirit Being.  We let the mind lead the way, never allowing ourselves to be led by the Creator’s Spirit that dwells within us.

There are many reasons for this and it would take a book to go into them all.  Suffice it to say that you and I have been programmed.  Our minds have been captured and we are now servants to our lord.  Yet, within the center of our being is all truth.  It is the abode of our True Person.

In the center is where we find balance and meaning for our life.  Our gifts are signs leading us to our true purpose which is our present to the world.  By not living it we deprive the earth and its inhabitants of their blessing.  You see, we all are participants in the blessing way.

Our struggle so often is in not being.  We are not doing what it is we are here to do.  Watch what happens when someone throws off their false self and starts living their purpose.  Everything in life changes for them.  They open up to the deeper aspects of their being and LIVE.

Most of our imbalances are due to living contrary to our truest nature.  Inside of you and I dwells our truth nature.  Its source is the Creator.  It is always present on our journey.  It constantly speaks to us in a subtle voice, pointing us to ‘The Way’ that reveals ‘who we are’ and ‘our purpose for being’ which evidences We All Have Meaning. 

 Yona Unega

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