Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Crossing Over The Great Waters

'Upon death our Soul Journeys'

When our physical bodies have served their purpose, they return to the earth, their home. The animating or life force returns to its home in the Western Land, beyond the Great Waters. We are taught that upon returning to the Western Land we are washed, ‘Going to Water’, preparing the spiritual body to receive insight, so that it can process the experiences of its most recent journey of ‘Soul Walking’.

The Great Waters are universal. They are the origin or original water from whence all other waters are birthed. Each leg or journey of Soul Walking culminates in Going to Water. Once across the Great Waters our spiritual body rests and reviews its most recent journey.

At one time it was common for each of us to have one person that helped us in our journey and crossing. This individual was often referred to as a ‘soul friend’. The relationship was very sacred, the two people as close as any family member could be. We were taught from birth about the sacredness of having a ‘soul friend’. This ‘soul friend’ knew us intimately, for true ‘soul friends’ were with us for life.

When death of the physical body draws near the ‘soul friend’ sings the last songs, meditates upon the final thoughts and journeys with us to the water’s edge. Preparation for the final Going to Water Ceremony had long been completed; all that was left were the subtle and physical acts. The Great Waters were now ready to wash our spiritual bodies, the final process before the Great Rest.

Only the Great Waters can wash us sufficiently, Creator establishing this order. The fifteen elders have their origin within the Great Waters, one of the very reasons that we wash ourselves one last time. The sense energies and subtle bodies of the sense organs and sense actions must dissipate, leaving only their crystalline causal bodies, the spiritual body therefore processing only truth.

The fact that the subtle and physical aspects of the fifteen elders affected our everyday life, the information received through them often being distorted by the mind, leaves us needing to be washed of their illusory aspects. They serve a great purpose; however, in the pure realm of the Western Land the residual of their physical and subtle aspects must be removed.

The crossing of the Great Waters in the Western Land is crucial to our spiritual body’s return on its journey of ‘Soul Walking’. When Going to Water we are reminded of the Great Waters that will wash us one last time. We also know that the waters here on earth are children of the Great Waters, this sacred relationship being our common bond.

The Great Waters also wash our mind. For those that have journeyed long in ‘Soul Walking’ their mind is now accompanying them on each journey. Therefore the mind must now be washed as well. For all others the mind ceases to exist.

We know the mind to be a microcosm of the universe. The universe is seen as being a cosmic body of water, an ocean. The mind is therefore of a water nature. The beginning of the mind is the universal mind. The Great Waters wash all of the illusory aspects of mind, restoring it to its native state, one with universal mind. This puts us in the flow of the ancient grandfather or grandmother mind (universal consciousness).

Free of the darkening aspects of the lesser self we are now free to reflect and process all of our experiences. The Great Waters are the source of our cleansing when leaving this plane. It is the essence of all waters that cleanses our True Self’s body (the spiritual body) allowing for a smooth transition to the other side.

The very expression ‘crossing over’ originated long ago when our ancestors referred to the Soul’s journey of ‘crossing over the Great Waters’. For the ancients the expression brought to mind the sacredness of the crossing. One last time we ‘go to the Great Waters’. No other place is made for our crossing and upon its banks we see for the first time the hollowed ground of the Western Land.

Yona Unega

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