'Life is about relationship'
However, it is to the external; their relationship to people, emotions, job, pets, home, environment, etc. This idea of relationship stems from a physical concept of life. All that one sees and hears gets processed through a mind that is physically based. From that physically based perspective the gross (physical) nature usurps control over the spiritual Self. Thus, our human physical experiences are given much more credence than those of a spiritual nature or pursuit.
Yet, physical is fleeting, a mere flash of light in the universal scheme. Its life is short lived and cannot carry on past its given allotment of time. Spirit on the other hand is eternal; a spark of the Creators Fire that always is, never ceasing to exist.
Within all people there appears a line of demarcation, a conflict resulting in a war that is waged on difference. Physical refuses to accept spiritual. Our physical nature begins to dominate and oppress spirit. A certain degree of satisfaction is felt when the physical self or ego is in control. However, it is short lived because Spirit never lies dormant for long. Once again the conflict arises. This war ultimately leads to the physical nature’s indifference toward spirit.
It is common for most people to go through their entire life with this internal conflict. Never recognizing they are responsible for creating their own war. Pain and suffering becomes a way of life for them. This painful life is not what Spirit wants for us. There is no true joy, peace, or happiness when we oppress Spirit. At this point, we have become a servant to the oppressor. Our lives become governed by our physical nature with all its desires, wants and feelings. We become addicted to physical gratification.
From our traditional Khotani belief, any physical action should be Spirit led. Physical accomplishment should be your Spirit’s vision. Emotions should play no role in life’s decisions. And external relationships should never be more important than your own internal relationship with the Creator.
Yona Unega and Nvdoi
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