Thursday, February 18, 2010

Question: How Do We Live 'The Way' In Today's World


Quite simply, by living it.  The Way of Lehiyugese is not bound by time or geography, nor is it dependent upon the clothes you wear, the job you have or the car you drive.  'The Way' is timeless.  It is about your relationship with everything around you, especially The Creator.

The first thing Lehiyugese Khotani teaches is to know yourself.  By knowing yourself you can then discover why your are here.  It is through the discovery of Self that we catapult our life forward.  This is a life long process, however, we develop continuously along the entire journey.  You are the reason for the journey.  You are the focus and the purpose for all that you experience.

The first step in finding out who you are is understanding the Soul.  You are not  the physical caricature that we so often relate to as our self.  No, you are so much more.  You are the capital 'S' Soul.  Your True Self is the entity that journeys  through numerous lifetimes and knows no death.

The first step then is to grasp the idea that there is an eternal force in me that is my True identity.  This force is known as the Soul and is a spark of the Creator's Fire.  It can never know separation from nor exist outside of an eternal presence of The Breath Master.

There is nothing you can wear, drive or a time you could live in that would change this universal Truth.  The Soul is outside of the law of cause and affect.  The Soul is as timeless as The Creator, for it is a spark of the Sacred Fire.

To live Lehiyugese in today's world requires nothing more than the desire to do so.  Through the will of the Soul the rest of our being is subtlety nudged toward 'The Way'.  Lehiyugese dwells within the Soul of our being.  Therefore, it matters not whether you be an urban or rural dweller. 

Lehiyugese is not limited by the age we live in, nor how simple or sophisticated you might be.  It is 'The Way' of Spirit and the things of man have no effect upon it.  Lehiyugese teaches that you are the sum of all that you hear, see, feel, taste and smell.  You, the Soul, are perfect and without error.  There is no more perfect time to be in Lehiyugese, for it is now that you have asked the question and the moment is the time presently given

Yona Unega

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