Monday, December 26, 2011

I Am The Sum Of.... Part One

I am the sum of the 24 Elders; I am the totality of their fullness, I am the depository of their essence.

We are beings that seek to define who and what we are and why we are here.  We will go through life searching for the answers, some of us more than others.  However, in our own way each of us seeks to know.  Most of us look towards religion to explain the spiritual complexities of life.  A good portion of us die wondering what all of this means.

We are moved by feelings and emotions.  We have become convinced that the Spirit moves through our emotional nature, therefore it is God; these outward expressions being the sum of our emotional experience.  The Creator is lost in our own feelings.  However, there are a minority of people who follow the ways of earth.

Throughout time there have always been those committed to a higher ideal, ‘A Way’.  The purpose of ‘The Way’ is to preserve the truth of life.  These truth teachings are not limited to one area or a specific group of people.  Rather, they are ‘The Ways’ of traditional peoples the world over.

Within the teachings of ‘The Way’ the individual discovers their true nature or ‘Who We Are’ and ‘Why We Are Here’.  ‘The Way’ is called many things in many languages.  It is a path guided by the natural.  The teachings come from the ancients.  Through these teachings we become one with all of our brothers and sisters.

We cannot contain these teachings within a book, nor can they be limited by the mind’s understanding.  They are truly limitless.  The teachings of ‘The way’ are timeless.  ‘The Way’ is the sum of everything.  They are the source of all knowledge.  They are the beginning of life for they are LIFE.

Ancient traditional teachings are not a religion, nor are they a set of rules to live by.  They are however, directions to life.  They explain in detail the purpose of all things.  A purpose defined by the natural not the imposed.  They teach us the organic structure of the universe as opposed to the inorganic construct.

We are searching to find what is real and tangible, to find that which explains what this is all for.  Knowledge is liberation.  We know that we are alive for we witness it every day.  However, physical living is not necessarily living a fulfilled life.  Fulfillment comes with understanding.

Saga Yashka



Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Difference In The Dawn - Part Four

I am the sum of everything that I sense.  I am alive and dwell within the realms of my senses.  I cannot escape them for they define me.  I am all that I have seen, heard, felt, tasted and smelled.  Yet, I cannot see them for their nature is subtle and outside of the bounds of my limited view.

I walk through fields of sense energies and do not know them.  They internalize the external, revealing a more subtle nature of myself, because ‘I AM’.  Yet, they are a stranger to my conscious mind.  I sense something every moment but it is without physical form.

I am moved by their touch and know it not.  They are my constant companion Yet, I do not know them by name.  Their power is immeasurable, however humble they may be.  I am unaware of their workings in my life.  I am unaware that every answer to the question of life is defined by them.   

The Difference In The Dawn...

They are the force behind creativity and vision.  They are the cause of wrong decision.  They are the difference in you and me.  They are present upon my arising and vigilant in my sleep.  Life speaks through them and yet we see only a figment of their form.  They are....

They are everywhere and nowhere.  Every direction and every place is affected by their force.  They are the language we use to define all things.  They are my compass.  They are my beacon.  I see them, hear them, feel them, taste them and smell them, for they are the energies moving these actions.  They are.... 

They are the reason we seek to find, burn with desire, walk through fire and conquer the demons in our lives.  They are the reason we marry, divorce, move and settle.  They are the reason we define our surroundings.  They are the reason of my reality.  They are the reason I believe.   They are....    

The Difference In The Dawn...

Conn Niul

Friday, December 16, 2011

The Difference In The Dawn - Part Three

Today, like all other days we will experience the world through our sense energy filter.  I could not believe what I saw.  Did you hear that?  That feels great.  I love that taste. Doesn’t that smell wonderful?  Every thing and every moment of every day is recognized, categorized and filed based upon our relationship to the experience.

We see and believe just as we hear, feel, taste, smell and know.  It is within this process that we begin to categorize something as good or bad, pleasant or not; the sense energies playing a key role.  For instance, a smell is neither good nor bad, it just is.  The situation influences our experience.

The first time you smell the fragrance of a Spruce could be positive or negative.  The circumstances of the situation will greatly affect the outcome of your experience.  Yes, there are people who do not like this smell.  Usually the like or dislike is associated with a positive or negative situation.

The Difference In The Dawn...

Whether we are having a wonderful or traumatic experience, the sense energies are at play.  They always are and will always be.  They help us define the world around us.  They are a blessing, being a key to the discovery of life.  Without them we would cease to exist.  

Like breathing, the sense energies are operational around the clock; though they may appear to be insignificant in the grand scheme of life.  Their impact is beyond measure.  They help form our opinions on every subject under the sun, including those that impact our lives the most.

Every single thing that we see, hear, feel, taste and smell affects us each moment.  Our outlook is based upon experience and these experiences come in the billions.  Each day we have hundreds and hundreds of them, there can be no experience without the sense energies.  Imagine that.

The Difference In The Dawn...

Conn Niul


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Difference In The Dawn - Part Two

We move through life, gathering information from numerous and varied sources.  We are able to capture that data at a very minute level.  Constantly receiving, we compile figures, stats and records that become our facts.  This statistical data becomes the basis for our perceived reality.  We do it unconsciously.

We are on auto pilot most of the time, not even aware that we are gathering data.  We all do it every day.  There is not one single moment in any given day that we are not recording something.  The record button is locked in the run mode.  We are an amazing vessel, capable of recording numerous things simultaneously.

The process is quite complex.  However, we do it without any effort.  It is as natural for us as speaking, eating and sleeping.  Unaware, we go through life gathering data from a myriad of sources.  We take this data and compile it into categories to be used as a foundation for ‘Who We Are’.  

The Difference In The Dawn....

Every sight, sound, feel, taste and smell is an entity on its own.  Did you hear what I said?  Every sense energy is alive, affecting us every moment.  These energies are one of the keys to understanding the experience in the moment.  They are ever present, subtly influencing our daily lives.

Is there anything you do in life where sense energies are not present, affecting the moment?  Everything we do is affected by their life force and yet we cannot define them nor fully explain their reason for being.  We just know that they exist.  Have you ever really thought about it?

Every experience exists because of the sense energies.  We associate our experiences (pleasant or unpleasant) with a sight, a sound, a noise, a taste or a smell.  Experience cannot be without sense energy.  We are the sum of the sense experiences.  They shape and define the moment and our perception of it.

The Difference In The Dawn....

Conn Niul


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Difference In The Dawn - Part One

Everyone awakens to a different world each and every day.  Your dawn and my dawn are different.  We begin each day seeing a reality unique to our individual perception.  We are so, so different; our processes (accumulated experiences) being as varied as the numerous dawns of our life.

We vehemently hold to what we know to be the truth, after all it is right there before us.  We cannot understand why others do not see it.  The sun rises and we are a witness to its birth.  We can describe in detail what we have experienced and yet others see it differently.

We struggle in our attempt to correct those around us, for surely they are in error.  We have the proof validating our own experiences.  Each moment of each day we gather data (through experience) that is proof of our perception of the experience.  These proofs become our reality.

The Difference In The Dawn...

There are moments in every second, minute, hour and day.  It is within these moments that we experience.  It is within the experience that we perceive.  Our perceptions are the accumulation of data gathered through the experience of the moment; each moment/experience formulating our perceived reality.

Your life and mine, like all others is lived through our perceived reality.  Religious, political and cultural beliefs are based upon our perceptions.  We perceive something because we have an experience or experiences in moments that have given us the proof and validation.

Our truths are as real as the proof within the experience that forms our perception.  You and I are no different within the Center, our difference is within the outer concentric rings of our being.  Our truth is of an individual nature, making it different and unique, distinguishing it from all others.

The Difference In The Dawn...

Conn Niul

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We're Back

First, I would like to apologize to everyone who supports this blog for our absence as of late.  We have been out of pocket for six months, working on several projects.  We did have access to the internet, but we let our busy schedules interfere.  Shame on us.

Some of you know about much of our work, others do not.  Suffice it to say that we have been working and will continue to work towards our ultimate goals.  First and foremost the preservation of these ancient teachings.

The Khotani ways are about all of life and being in Right Relationship with it.  Our work with people, horses, cattle, dogs and the land are just a few of the areas that 'The Way' has had a positive affect.  We will continue down this path. 

All of us choose the path we will take.  Are there influences, absolutely.  However, in the end it is our own self that chooses.  Yes, we are pulled by numerous energies, but we make a choice.  It is you and I and everyone else.

We are here this time for a reason.  We have an opportunity to do what the elders have taught us to do and that is what is right and good.  We do this by following the Spirits vision for our life.  Which in truth is our Souls own purpose.

Seek it. Find it and you will be liberated.

Saga Yashka 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Food for the Mind

        Just as what we eat and drink provides food for the body, our thoughts and feelings provide food for the mind.  We’ve all heard the saying, “You are what you eat.”  That’s true.  We are also what we think.
        We, as traditional people, need to really pay attention to our thoughts.  Do we think about positive, life giving things?  Do we put good things into our minds?  For instance, what type of TV shows or movies do we watch?  What books do we read?  How do you feel afterward?  Do you feel uplifted, good, etc. or do you have negative thoughts and feelings?
        Another issue that can easily be overlooked is our conversation.  What do you talk about?  Do you like to spend your time in idle chatter, gossip, back biting, spreading rumors or lies or does your conversation bring life to yourself and those you are conversing with? 
        In all these areas, you have been feeding your mind.  Just as a daily consumption of junk food will destroy the body, so will pouring junk into our minds produce a toxic mind.  The result can be many things from negative, sad, depressed people to over-stimulated, chaotic, criminal behavior and everything in between. 
We need to consciously think and speak “life.”

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What Is Coming

The future world is coming into existence.  It is bringing with it a light that many if not most are incapable of understanding.  This new world will not be the highest state we can attain.  It will appear to be only because of our ignorance.  What is coming will once again break down barriers and walls. 

We all see our selves as different and unique.  This is true only to a degree.  Everything comes in degrees.  Our eyes perceive difference in everything that they witness.  Yet, the physical eye does not perceive that which is behind the scenes.

What is coming will shed light on our darkened minds.  However, it will not be the highest world; it will only appear that way.  Yes, it will be much better for us.  In actuality we are already experiencing this change.  People are being drawn to an unseen light.

Cultures are mixing; we see it all the time.  What one claims as their teaching another stands up and says those words are ours.  In many instances both sides are right.  What we will be shown is that the origins of all our traditional teachings have a common source.  The beauty is in our unique expressions.

What is coming will continue to show us that we have more in common than not; traditionally speaking of course.  The choice to open the outer aspects of our being to this truth is our own.  There is no doubt that we are moving into a more spiritual age and with this comes choice.

Our elders have always spoken of the oneness of all things.  Yet, human beings in their confused states only see difference.  It is one thing to see natural difference and quite another to see artificial difference.  The two are not the same.  We must begin to see that difference is only a unique expression of the Breath of Gohantone.

What is coming is a move more towards spirit.  This movement will continue until one day, long from now we are in a place of completeness.  Until then we should look towards the essence of all things, The Source.  By doing this we will begin to understand that all things are really one.

Saga Yashka

Monday, August 1, 2011

Love is Divine

All relationships need 3 parts – love, trust and respect.  If any of these three aspects are missing, the relationship will suffer.  So many people focus on love.  Love is important, but without trust of your loved one and respect for them the experience of love will not reach the deepest levels of your being.  You will not know the joy of union with another at a level that transcends the physical.  When trust is present in the relationship, your body, mind, heart and soul can open to allow the truest, deepest part of yourself to emerge and flow into your beloved.  When that love is returned, magic happens.

When your soul touches another, the combination transcends the individual self and becomes a unified force piercing the veil of space time.  Those things that are the magic, the mystical, the most elemental force of life and love are penetrated in the universal flow and wash back into your being filling you with the purest expression of the divine.

Upon bridging the gap between ourselves and the divine all things in life are touched by that divine essence.  You become an embodiment of the divine.  We all carry that spark of divinity deep within our being, but few of us have the courage to dive deep into the dark recesses of ourselves, to face the dark night of the soul and conquer our innermost fears to come back victorious.

We can become free.  There are many paths to freedom.  Mine just happens to be the path of love.  All paths lead us somewhere.  Our souls are searching for the destination that will bring fulfillment.  We come to this earth to fulfill certain things and we are given the gifts to get the job done.  We need to be aware the journey is also the destination.  Therein lies our bliss. 

Bliss comes through touching the divine.  We need to remain conscious of the connection between our own divinity and the universal divine.  Having touched that universal fountain, the well springs forth from within, then flows out to others and causes positive change in the world.  When we open our hearts to the divine love we are capable of, cosmic change begins.


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Life Is About Learning

Life is About Learning

Why do we come here?

We come – we live – we die. . .

What is the purpose of it all?  Some people say it is to do well.  Some believe we are to choose between good and evil.  If we choose the good, we will be eternally saved.  If we choose evil, we will be lost, finished and live in torment in the afterlife.  There are those who believe we are here to work out our own Karma.  We have done things in a past life or in this life that we must make restitution for.  That still sounds like judgment to me.  Don’t misunderstand. I don’t condone evil or believe in harming anything.  I do believe that there is so much more meaning to life than what has been stated here.

I believe just like the title of this article – Life is about learning.  Every thing that happens has a higher purpose if we take the time to find it and look beyond to the deeper meaning.  There you will experience truth.  With truth comes peace, joy, contentment . . . Our souls are on a journey seeking answers.  We are all walking our road, our path to enlightenment.

We must embrace all of ourselves and our life lessons – the good with the bad.  Only then will we become whole.  To be perfect we must embrace our wholeness.  Imagine a world without opposites.  I can’t.  What would life be with only the brilliance of the day without the balancing embrace of night’s blanket?  Such is the idea of all good and no bad.  Without opposites, we wouldn’t have balance.

I am better for acknowledging, feeling and living as these opposites encased in one being.  Now I am whole.  When we deny a bad thought, a harshly spoken word or a wrong deed, we lose.  When we blame others or make excuses for certain actions, we lose.  Embrace all of you!  Only then will you know who you truly are.  Embrace your uniqueness.  It doesn’t matter if you are white, red, yellow or black, if you are male or female, if you have done some rotten or great things.  See, know and accept them all.  Fully accept your blood (whatever it is), your gender, your financial status, your abilities, and your dark side. 

Oops!  I said to accept your dark side.  It’s true, we all have one.  We are meant to find that balance within ourselves that causes us the greatest opportunity to live our own life to the fullest, to learn, to grow and to help others on their journey.  When we fight against ourselves, there are many lost opportunities. 

Imagine the difference between riding the wave and paddling against the current.  You will eventually arrive at your destination, but what condition will you be in?  Allow yourself to experience life and look for the meaning behind the events.  You will be amazed at what you find. 

I just came through another situation recently that many would view as a total loss, a failure and a waste of time.  I don’t look at it that way.  I received a blessing that can only come through the great catastrophic events.  Before going through this situation, I hadn’t fully appreciated aspects of myself.  I ignored them, made them less important and admired other people I shouldn’t have.  I learned a wonderful lesson through all that.  I have those things that I searched for and wanted to find in others, all inside myself.  I needed to learn that. . .


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Life's Purpose

Finding our life’s purpose or reason for being here should be a main focus in our lives.  Some people never find their true calling.  One of the reasons is - we are born, we learn the do (s) and don’t (s) within our own family, we learn the rules at our church or religious assembly; we have more rules and regulations at school, work, etc.  Life becomes one rule after another until it takes up so much of our time remembering what to do and not do, we don’t have time to just ‘be’.
    To just ‘be’ is the one true way to know your own soul which is where we hear the voice of our Creator.  We all have a divine spark, a life energy that courses through us, that part of all creation that never dies.  That spark, that divineness is our true nature or being.  That inner voice knows who we are, why we are here and what path will lead us to fulfillment.  Not fulfillment in the physical sense, but fulfillment of the soul.  There is nothing that compares with fulfillment of the Soul.
    My desire for all humanity is for someone to teach them how to listen to that inner voice, that voice from Creator.  We are all special and carry the gifts and abilities for our life’s work, our purpose for being here.  We need to receive the support and encouragement to follow our soul’s yearning.  This may seem simplistic, but we need to get back to the basics.  Without a proper foundation, the building will not stand. 
    Two of the most important questions you will ever ask yourself are:
1)  Who am I? And 2) Why am I here?  I have been asking myself these questions for years and I continue to find deeper and deeper answers.  I know absolutely that I am here for a divine purpose.  So are you.  It doesn’t matter if you are a banker, a farmer, a nurse or a school teacher.  If you are following your true life’s purpose, you are a blessing to yourself, the Creator and those you encounter every day.
    We sometimes think we want to be someone else.  We want to be famous, rich, beautiful, etc.  The grass is always greener on the other side.  I used to be one of those people wondering what it was like to be someone else.  I didn’t know then who I was or what I was supposed to do with my life.  I no longer have those thoughts or feelings.  I am on the path with my Creator and very blessed to be here.  When you are on your path and following your own life’s purpose, there is a joy in being you.
    Take the time to hear what your soul is saying; to find where you are going and what road you should be traveling to get there.  Peace and joy await you!

Renina (Nvdoi)


We just wanted to give you, our readers, an update on the absence of articles.  Our intent is never to be disconnected for very long without an explanation.  We have been led to go forward with Project business and have been traveling with limited computer access since late May, 2011. 


Through the gifts of individuals who have become dear friends and recognized kindred spirits, will be up and running very soon.  This has taken a certain amount of time and energy. 

We are excited about what has been accomplished and are very thankful for those who see and follow The Way.  These individuals are an inspiration to us here at the Project and we feel you will be inspired to learn and go to even deeper levels within your self as we all share the voice of Spirit through yet another medium - the new Medicine Bag Project website.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hear The Thunder

Our elder’s spoke of a time in the future when Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit would begin to reveal changes and Mother Earth would call her own home.  “Listen”, is what they would say “for the message of Spirit, all things will change.”  Do you hear the thunder?

Just as our elders said we are seeing changes daily.  Life as we know it is now finishing its course.  Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit and the Earth know who the children of Light are.  We are in the time of great change.

Many thousands of years have passed, leading us to this special moment in time.  Spirit is manifesting in a much greater way.  We are witnessing a coming together of the children of The Lighted One.  Breath Master has laid before us a path to the ancient Rainbow Grounds, where Truth reigns.

Each day people are seeing a greater spiritual influence on their lives.  Those that have True Hearts will be led down the white path while all others will journey the path of falsehood.  The white path leads to the land of the Ancient White Fire.

Every day the influence of Spirit separates the givers from the takers.  Every living thing is under the influence of The Spirit.  We are walking one of two roads.  There is no escaping the Creator’s breath.

Each moment we move closer to a brighter and more brilliant voice.  This sound emanates from the Grand Center, the place of the Ancient White Fire.  Each moment we hear the subtle voice that directs us to a place of Truth.

The elders spoke of this time.  They gave us the clues.  We now see face to face the manifesting of their words.  Off in the distant mountains a storm approaches, do you hear the thunder?

Yona Unega



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Are We There Yet?

Most of us have experienced the negative side of life, some more than others.  The more difficult it gets the more impatience most of us become.  Sooner or later the question runs through our mind “are we there yet?”  The journey seems long especially when times are difficult.

Have you arrived?  Most of us can answer this with a resounding NO.  For those few that think they have well ......  So, here we are wondering how to get there, so that we are not here.  Getting there is the problem.

We have got to change out stinkin thinkin.  As long as we are trying to get somewhere else it will never happen.  It is like trying to find God somewhere out in the nether world.  God is in you and me.  Within each of us resides the place we are seeking.

We have been programmed from birth to find peace, joy, success and happiness outside of our self.  Remember, we are born poor miserable wretches that desperately seek love and approval from a God who lives far, far away.  I say BULL.

God, the Creator of the universe not only loves us, but dwells within us.  God is not external to you and I.  God has chosen a unique way to communicate with us.  First, the God of creation decided to make a home within our body.  This home is our Soul.

You and I are spiritual beings on a physical journey.  The entity that operates our life is our Soul.  Our Soul works hand in hand with God, for it is a spark of God’s fire.  From the day we were born until this body dies our Soul resides deep within our physical body, God within us.

So, what is it that we seek far away?  What is it that we are looking for?  Where do we need to look to find that special place?  Try looking within.

Conn Niul


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Centering on the Center

At the center of everything is a beginning.  The Center is the core of all that is.  From the Center emanates the waves of energies that form life.  The Center is unique from and yet one and the same with the Great Space.  Within the Center is an unlimited force; a source of energy without end.

The Center is represented in form by the Celtic Cross, the Medicine Wheel, the Swastika and Yatiti etc.  Within the very center of these forms there is a Fire. It is this Fire that is the Center.  It is the original Fire of existence.  The forms with their centers allow our human minds to shape the essence of the Center.  These structures allow for a point of focus.

The Center is who we are.  The Center is the reason for our being.  At the center of every kingdom: mineral, plant, animal and human resides the Fire of the ancient Center, the source of our destiny.  We are That which always is and shall always be.  We are the eternity of our Center.

Each of us walks a road that is unique and specific to our reason for being.  On this road the subtle speaks, pointing the way to our higher purpose.  Along the way we encounter the full expression of life.  However, most seldom recognize that at each turn, over every hill and in every moment we are walking in companionship.

Our companion along the journey is our True Self, a spark of the Fire.  This True Self is our Soul that resides in the Center.  We are never truly without a companion.  Yet, we seek to find companionship and in our searching usually end up suffering because of choices we make.

The Center is stillness.  It is the knowing that is always right.  Within our Center we know all that is or will ever be.  However, through life’s circumstances we have diluted our true sense energies and become slaves to the lesser feelings, emotions and desires of the false self. 

We all know ‘The Way’; we just have to realize it is under cloud cover.  The truth of all things is revealed to us through our finer sense energies.  Centering is getting to know how these finer energies operate, how they feel in our mind, body and spirit.  The ‘my gut’, I got a feeling’ or ‘something told me’ are good examples of our Soul (Center) communicating with our mind, body and spirit.

Saga Yashkah

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part Four

The Sacred Rainbow Grounds (sometimes referred to as The Square Grounds) are a microcosm of the universe.  Within the elder teachings of the Rainbow Grounds we are taught ‘The Way’ of life.  It is within these teachings that we learn and gain a deeper understanding of the Sacred Directions.

The Sacred Directions give us a type of field to operate within.  Within this semi fixed and yet fluid field many energies flow.  As mentioned earlier the Sacred Directions have energies, the Quarter Directions have energies as well as the Seven Horsemen.  All of these energies greatly affect life on earth.

All things work in unison.  Proper alignment of a sacred site allows for the directions to not be at conflict with other energies.  For instance, at sunrise a unique force enters the earth’s atmosphere.  This energy has the ability to heal, bless and protect any area that is in proper alignment to receive.  A Rainbow Grounds aligned north to south would create a chaotic and eventually diseased place.

However, when a Sacred Square Grounds is aligned east to west it is positioned correctly to receive the powerful rays of light both at sunrise and at sunset.  Many other considerations must be taken into account as well.  It is within this understanding that we develop a strong, healthy place for people, animals, plants and the mineral kingdom.

Many more energies operate in conjunction with the Sacred Directions such as The Four Wind Messengers.  Like the other energies the Four Wind Messengers have energies that are responsible for the wind, rain and more.  Yet, they work within the law of the sacred Directions.  There is a North Wind Messenger as well as east, south and west.

The Four Wind Messengers operate through the Sacred Directions much as the Sacred Elements work through the Sacred Quarter Directions.  Aligning all things according to our understanding of the Sacred Directions creates a sacred place where we are in Right Relationship with all energies.

Right Relationship means that we are working harmoniously with all causal, subtle and physical entities and energies.  We literally create a space every day of our lives.  Every movement, placing of objects, construction of buildings etc. creates a space that either works with or against the Sacred Directions.

Saga Yashkah

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part Three

In our ancient fire ceremonies we have the Four Direction Logs, the Quarter Direction Spaces and the Great Center (center of the Dogwood flower).  This we call Yatiti, others refer to it as the Four Log Fire or Unilateral Cross.  The teachings of Yatiti are a well spring of knowledge about the ancient ways, especially those of the Sacred Directions.

Every part of the fire has a Sacred Direction aspect to it.  For instance, the North facing Log shows us ‘The Way’ of the ancients and the cultural aspects of our Lunar Arbors and Clans.  Between the North and East Log is the Sacred Space of the Ancient Waters.  This open space allows the free movement of the subtle energies of water to flow freely through Yatiti.

The Sacred Quarter Directions of Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest are the doors through which the sacred Elements of Water, Fire, Earth and Air move.  The first element or parent of all other elements is the Sacred Space, the Great Void or Ether.  It is the space which all other elements have life.  This Sacred Space is within the center of Yatiti and is the Great Space for everything.

Within the Great Center of Yatiti the Four Directions co mingles with the Four Quarter Directions.  The Sacred Directions and the Sacred Elements must be able to move within and out of any structure, sacred ground etc. for there to be harmony.  If not the place becomes chaotic and full of a confused energy.

The Sacred Directions establish an order and placement for all things.  It is within this order that the Ancient Seven Horsemen (known by science as the spectrum of light) energies penetrate the earth’s atmosphere.  For us to work in Right Relationship with the Ancient Seven Horsemen we must be in Right Relationship with the Sacred Directions.

An example of working in Right Relationship with the Sacred Directions is the placement of our Rainbow or Square Grounds.  Our grounds always run east to west.  The Rainbow Grounds are always longer east to west than north to south.  The Zopathla’s arbor is in the west facing east.  The fire is in the center of the Zopathla’s square. 

The east to west placement of the Rainbow Grounds allows us to properly receive the vital energies that course through the atmosphere at sunrise and sunset.  These energies seek a place that allows them to freely flow from east to west without any obstruction.  The entrance therefore must be true west, facing east.  The Sacred Directions show us ‘The Way.’ 

Saga Yashkah   

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part Two

From infant to teen and from adult to old age we are learning.  Most of the learning evolves around the so-called culture we are raised and choose to live in.  We develop speech and its patterns, habits, and customs based on the culture and our relationship to it.  However, most so-called culture seldom, if ever, acknowledges or places the sacred in the Center of its life.

The directions give us clues every hour of every day.  The mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms are a witness to the effect the directions have upon life.  Throughout each of our days we have before us teachers in every kingdom, instructing us in ‘The Way’ of the Sacred Directions.

Take a Red Oak; it is much stronger and vibrant if growing on a north facing slop as opposed to a south facing slope.  When harvesting herbs we see a marked difference in the quality and power herbs have when harvested from slopes facing different directions.

The qualities (personalities) are quite different in each of the Sacred Directions of North, East, South and West.  Their subtle energies move through the universe and penetrate the earth’s atmosphere.  It is these energies, which are the personality traits of the directions, that we seek to understand. 

The Sacred Directions are intimately connected with the quarter directions where the Great Elements come from.  For instance, the ancient source of water (its beginning) comes from the Northeast, while fire comes from the Southeast.  The directions are influenced greatly through their relationship with the quarter directions.

Each direction has personality traits that are formed much like ours are.  Each direction has a type of culture that is unique to it.  As an example, the Sacred Direction East Culture helped form, shape and influence the direction East through its unique culture.  The Sacred Direction cultures help us walk a life “In Right Relationship.”

Yatiti tells us a story about the Sacred Directions. Within this story we begin to learn the True nature of an ancient family of ours.  Yatiti shows us that by seeing with our inner eye we will truly understand the ancient cross with its Sacred Four Directions, Four Quarter Directions and the Sacred Grand Center of the Dogwood Blossom.

Saga Yashkah

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part One

The directions are sacred according to our Khotani teachings.  They tell us many things about life and show us our place within the Great Center.  It is within the Center of the directions that we seek to reside.  This Center is within the Unilateral Cross (Yatiti).

Everything and everyone is marginally within the Center of the directions.  However, most people operate in ignorance of it and therefore are not in Right Relationship with the Center of the Sacred Four.  Right Relationship begins with understanding of the Sacred Directions.

The directions are both fixed and fluid.  The directions show us a fixed nature when we use a compass to find magnetic north and orient ourselves to the four directions.  Anywhere that we move from one step to thousands of miles the directions remain constant.  Yet, the directions show us their mobile nature as well.

At any moment in time, anywhere in the world we can be centered within the four directions.  From the moment we awake we become a moving being.  Imagine millions of beings all over the world and yet each can be centered within the directions.  This is one aspect of their so-called mobile nature.  From a subtle perspective they are fluid.

Everything that we do in life should take into consideration the relationship between object and the directions.  The Sacred Directions will either flow freely through objects, or find resistance based upon the objects relationship to the directions.  Placement of buildings, the lay of the land, direction water flows all create a relationship.

To understand this relationship we must be aware of the subtle energies of the directions.  The directions are to be understood by their nature.  They have characteristics that give them personality.  These characteristics are their blessings or gifts that they freely give to the earth.  To be aware of them opens us up to understanding and Right Relationship.

This is much like learning the language and customs of another culture.  When we become knowledgeable of a society that is not our own we can develop a Right Relationship with it.  It is very much the same with the Sacred Directions.  By learning the unique characteristics of the directions we understand their culture and how it affects our life.

Saga Yashkah

Friday, March 25, 2011


Everything happens because of today.  There is nothing, absolutely nothing that happens outside of today.  Yesterday is your today, today is your today and tomorrow is your today.  The past had and is a today, the present is a today and the future has and is a today.  Your present state is the today you create for the future.

There is no past or future only today.  We are everything in the moment of today.  Outside of today is a mere illusion.  Today is our present state.  The key is today, for the knowledge of it unlocks the door to ‘The Way of The Ancients’, Sean Dedma.  We are all that we are because of today.

Long ago elders taught that we create a life day to day.  We were given knowledge of how to form the world that we perceived.  Within Sean Dedma we were taught the way of the Teach Allais or Sweat House.  Like many traditional cultures within the Teach Allais we transformed ourselves.  Many things were taught and many separate ceremonies were performed.

Teach Allais gave us many things, however, the greatest knowledge we received was through silence.  The quieting of our mind allows for us to center our self within the Greater Silence.  It is here that we begin to understand that the Infinite is always in a present state of existence.  It is never in the past or future, it always is in the present state of today, all that one wishes to be is today.

When we begin realize that our transformations from week to week, month to month and year to year happen in the today, we will bring forth our greater self.  We will begin to form our thoughts, words and deeds, An Tri Gniomh accordingly and our life will begin to change as we take a new and completely different approach to living.  Today, we can start a new transformation. 

In the moment of time we are in the today.  It is within this and every moment of time that we BECOME.  Every change of being is the becoming of our today.  Every thought, every word and every action, An Tri Gniomh happens in a present state, today.  The knowledge of this is the toll to absolutely change our world.

Every moment in time is a life unto itself.  It is within these lives that we form through perception our life, for as we perceive our self and our world so be it.  An Tri Gniomh is always in a present state, it cannot exist outside of the present moment in time.  Our being and the present state of circumstance we contributed in forming through our today.

Happiness, joy, freedom and peace, like sadness, sorrow, pain and anger found their life within someone’s today.  We knowingly or unknowingly participated in creating the person and circumstances that we live with.  Yes, there were other things that helped in our formation, however we were the designer.

Rather than lash out against the words written here, think.  If there is the slightest possibility that I speak words of truth, then we must of course have a tremendous power.  Outside of the Creative Force who or what carries this kind of energy?  We are all that we can imagine ourselves to be.  Let us become what our Soul moves us towards.

Conn Niul

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our Perception

Our perception of reality is based upon preprogrammed ideologies.  We perceive what we have been bred, programmed and taught to see as truth.  Each of us faces a construct that is not of our True Self, but of another nature.

The preprogramming effects our thought processes; ideas and responses are not our own.  We act out on a grand stage a play written by another.   Humanity for the most part has marched blindly to the beat of a foreign drum. We see what we have been preprogrammed recognize.

If our perception was True we would perceive a world, universe, galaxy, cosmos that differs significantly from that of our delusional minds.  Our world would become open to us, we would begin to observe and truly understand its heartbeat.  Everything would reveal its true nature and we would be free.

Life, to this point, has led you to commune with the sterile, synthetic, artificial processes of a foreign nature opposed to all that is pure, natural and True.  The power lies dormant within our being, subdued by the delusion that we are weak, powerless forms of flesh, denying the resolute processes of Truth.

If...we had a glimpse of the ABSOLUTE, we would throw off the diseased mind and return to ‘The Way’.  If...we saw the Light we would recognize Truth and through recognition destroy the artificial mindset.  If...we Truly Perceived the false paradigm would fall away, leaving a pure crystalline being of certainty.

Our life, our world, our cosmos operates within the pure laws of The One, The Ultimate, The Source.  It is within each of us to open our hearts, minds and bodies to the rays and rhythms of the universe, to throw off the diseases of the mind and open ourselves to that which is infinite.

Today we hear and see a world that is awakening to the Truth.  No more are we willing to accept slavery.  Delusion is being subdued by the rays of Reality.  Truth is expanding into the minds of the ordinary.  Humanity is breaking free and seeing the Light of the One Great Source.

Each...of us has a choice.  Each...of us will be faced with decisions that will change the course of our lives.  Each...of us has a Soul subtly nudging us towards the Light of True perception.  Each...of us faces moment by moment decisions and choices where laid before us are roads leading in opposite directions. our time. the opportunity to receive. the time to open up to Truth and deny the artificial self.  Now...are you and I willing, desiring to perceive things as they are.  Now...we will walk as the ancients once walked, free of delusional thoughts and perceiving for the first time life and The Way of The Tuatha De Danann.

Conn Niul  


Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Elements Within

In Khotani teaching all of the elements are within each living thing.  Air, fire, water and earth are held within a space, the Great Circle.  The Great Circle is ether, the parent to all other elements.  It is within the Great Circle that we have life. 

In the center of the Great Circle is the origin of its (ether) being.  From Grandmother Spirit flow three great forces known as primal natures.  From these three the Five Great Elements are born; first ether, then air, next fire, followed by water and earth. 
The elements, like all things, are made up of three circles; the inner circle, the middle circle and the outer circle.  The inner circle is causal, the middle subtle and the outer is physical.  From the most subtle to the physical the elements make up all living things.

From our ancient Khotani ways we are taught that the elements have characteristics that make up their nature.  Their character is a manifestation of their inner essence.  It is this essence which shows us the signs or path of each element.

You, I and every living thing is a reflection of the nature of elements.  The quality of elements is their personality.  Ajila is fire and has a nature or personality unique to itself just as all other elements have.  Their quality or personality teaches us about them.  It shows us that their nature manifests in different forms.

By reading the signs we learn when something is out of balance with itself.  For instance, Ajila or Fire in the mind is responsible for inspiration and discernment, also known as the discerning of fire.  However, when fire becomes out of balance it jumps its boundary and becomes a problem.  Imbalances such as infections are a sign of high fire that is out of Right Relationship.

Every level of our being mental, vital and physical is in a relationship with the inner, middle and outer elements.  There are mental fires, vital fires and physical fires.  Each element seeks to be in Right Relationship on all levels.  The elements like all things living communicate with us, telling us about who and what they are.  It is our responsibility to stop, listen, learn and live.

Yona Unega


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everything is Essence

We are all an essence.  The physical part of our being is nothing more than a shadow of our True Self or the True Human Being.  However, we tend to place our emphasis on what appears to be the most tangible.  All that we hear, feel, see, taste and smell demands our attention to the detriment of everything else.

What is it that moves our being?  What is it that remains after the physical dissolves?  These are questions that most people answer with an opinion influenced by their religious belief.  Bottom line, most everyone believes that some part of us lives on into eternity.

In Khotani teaching we recognize that all things are manifestations of their greater Self.  For instance, we are an image of our Creator Unetlvnvhi.  What do we mean by this?  Our beginning starts with a spark.  The origin of our spark is the Creators Fire.  From this spark comes our fire.

Everything in life begins with a spark from the Creators Fire, also known as Acherra Wanaka (The White Fire).  Minerals, plants, animals and humans all have an inner fire to their being.  This inner fire is our essence.  Upon physical death our fire returns to its source, Creators Fire.

We see and understand that through our related fires everything is linked.  Therefore, in Khotani teaching we are literally brothers, sisters, etc. with all living things via a common Creator.  My Creator is also you’re Creator and the Creator of everything.  The Creator of all is our common parent.

When a rock dissolves, a tree ceases to exist or an animal or human dies their essence returns to its Source.  At the Source (The Grand Center) our fires once again become a part of the Creator’s Fire.  However, all throughout our physical existence our fire remains constant.  It always is.

The fire is our essence, which is our Soul.  Our Soul is on a journey walking through a physical life.  The Earth that we walk on, just like the water that is Her blood has an essence that is their life force.  Mineral, plant, animal, human and Earth all have an essence.  It is who and what we are and it is eternal.

Yona Unega


Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Path of Life and An Tri Gniomh

I was working with someone the other day regarding things of a deeply spiritual nature.  This individual has had several experiences with regard to spiritual phenomena.  His experiences are real to him and yet mainstream science explains them away.  Is it because they have never had an experience?

Why do some people have encounters and others don’t?  Why are some people visited by benevolent entities while others are tormented by dark forces?  These were some of the questions he asked.  After years of praying and pondering over these things he was still seeking answers.
The answer was given long ago in this short dialog between student and master.  Student, “if every person has two dogs fighting in them which one is the strongest?”  Master, “The one that you feed.”  

The path of life is made up of many things.  The basics of the formula are 1) our Souls evolution, 2) past life experiences/choices and 3) present life experiences/choices.  These three are the result of our present conditions in life.  However, your present situation can be changed.

Actions are one of or combination's of our thoughts, words and deeds (walking in it).  They are referred to as An Tri Gniomh, The Three Deeds.  There is thought action, mental action and deed action. All past actions are planted seeds that produced offspring, your current conditions.  All present actions are seeds that will produce offspring, your future conditions.

Imagine a circle with the four directions placed around it. North on top, South on bottom etc.  One complete circle represents one life.  Some circles are very large and take a considerable amount of time to travel their course; North to East, to South, to West and back to North.  Other circles are very small and take a fraction of a second to travel. 

Every moment has a complete life and all actions, An Tri Gniomh are within moments.  Some of our actions manifest and live their entire life within seconds.  Others can take weeks, months or even years.  Yet, each action contributes to a larger circle of life that is built block upon block.  However, all things can be manipulated and ultimately changed.

What has An Tri Gniomh got to do with someone having visitations, everything.  Remember, An Tri Gniomh consists of thoughts, words and deeds.  These actions show that we are in a state of something.  For instance, someone who thinks, speaks and walks in peace draws to themselves peace energy. 

Entities live off of energy.  Their food comes from our thoughts, words and deeds.  They are drawn to that which they can live off of.  Every thought, every word and every deed is food for something in life.  We knowingly or unknowingly draw to us life forces that contribute to our current condition.

Following a universal law these forces or entities travel to their food source.  They diligently seek energy to sustain and strengthen their existence.  We literally become beacons, advertising our menus.  We are a 24 hour full service establishment.

However, An Tri Gniomh applies to the physical world as well.  We draw unto ourselves people of like kind.  Remember the three aspects of the formula in paragraph four.  This is important for someone will declare that they have nothing in common with the one they mistakenly married. 

Every aspect of our lives we have helped to build (remember the formula).  Throughout numerous lifetimes we have built our lives through the natural law of An Tri Gniomh.  This did not happen over night.  Yet, we have the formula to affect change.

Right now or at any moment you can decide to change the way you think, speak and act.  Right now you can apply An Tri Gniomh and start planting seeds that will be your future harvest.  It is really that simple.  Changing our thoughts affects our spoken words and together they birth our deeds.   

Conn Niul    

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Breath of Gohantone

Everything derives from the One.  Our elders spoke often of the oneness of all things.  They told how everything is connected and only in mans eyes is there difference.  Nothing exists outside of Gohantone.

We are taught that everything has a breath and therefore breathes.  Not just animals and humans, but rocks, trees and grass all have breath within their being.  All of us, brothers and sisters inhale and exhale.

The breath is the animating force that brings life into being.  Breath works in conjunction with Yashkah Yati, the sacred fire.  In reality breath is a type of fire.  All breath comes from Gohantone, the Breath Master.

All that we see in the physical world are mere expressions of Creator.  When we look past the physical manifestations we experience breath.  The body dies, breath remains.  With fire, breath is the moving force in all creation.  It is inseparable from Gohantone.

It is said that for fire to exist breath first had to move.  Air was the first child of the Great Center or Space, the seat of Gohantone.  The Breath Master, Gohantone began to blow and through the movement of air fire came to be.      

Our own words find life in the sacred breath.  They are the children of the sacred breath of Gohantone.  However, most of us do not know this truth.  We are responsible for every word that we utter.  The elders would say that ‘we speak words of life or words of death’.

Each day we inhale and exhale.  Each of these momentary breaths is a life of its own.  Our breaths are connected to our thoughts and in turn our spoken words.  Every thought and spoken word is a sacred act.  Gohantone has made it so.

The sacred breath is a gift that has the power to create anything.  The way we perceive life is the world that we create for ourselves.  Every thought, word and action has formed the world we live in.  We are co-creators with the Creator.

Becoming conscious of these ancient teachings gives us the knowledge to change anything we desire to change.  At any moment we can choose to create a better life for ourselves through the sacred breath of Gohantone.  Think of it, every thought and word ultimately has its source in the breath of Gohantone, Creator of all.  It is there for us.  We are gifted with all of the abilities to live a life of our choosing and therefore capable of walking the Sacred Road.

Saga Yashkah

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Finding The Light - Part Two

Listen, for the voice of the Creator is speaking.  We must learn to discern the difference between the mental voice and the inner voice.  We mentioned in part one ‘intuition’, ‘gut’ and ‘a feeling’ as all being the same and that everyone has experienced the sensation of ‘knowing’.  Most of us simply followed this ‘knowing’ and experienced its truth.

How do we really know?  The answer is simple, by listening.  Ask yourself this question, when was the last time that you were leaving the house and felt the sensation that you were forgetting something?  Next, ask yourself if you waited and remembered what it was or you went out the door, realizing later that you had in fact forgot something.

The point we are making is that it doesn’t matter whether you remembered in time or not.  What matters is that you realize its truth.  The ‘knowing’ is your inner voice emanating from Yashkah Yati (the White Fire) or the Creators Fire.

Each of us has this.  Furthermore every one of us has experienced it numerous times in our lives.  Where we get into trouble is in mentally analyzing.  At first our mind wants to point out all of the reasons why this cannot be so.  However, you find that your ‘gut feeling’ is NEVER wrong.

We discussed in part one that the ‘intuition’, ‘gut or gut feeling’ and ‘a feeling’ are not emotions or feelings.  By ‘a feeling’ we are not referring to feelings, but rather a sensation deep within our person.  These expressions are mere attempts on our part to try and define something that is not of a mental, emotional or feeling nature.  It is ‘a knowing’.

The next time you have ‘a feeling’, ‘a gut feeling’ etc. pay attention.  Here is an example.  You are heading out the door and you get this ‘feeling’ that you are forgetting something.  Stop and listen.  Quiet your mind and wait to see if you remember, if not head out the door.  Somewhere down the road or in days to come it will be brought to remembrance what you forgot.

What is important here is that you start to become familiar with the sensations of ‘the knowing’.  Let us say that you had ‘a feeling’ you were forgetting something but were in such a hurry you forgot to stop and listen.  Days pass before you even remember that you had the experience.  That’s ok.  As soon as it is brought to your remembrance stop and go back.  The sensation is still there.

By doing this you will begin to connect those parts of your being that are on the surface level with those that are inner aspects of you.  Slowly but surely you will become more and more aware of the voice within and your true Self.

Our goal in life is to ‘Walk in Right Relationship’ with our self and in turn all things.  However, for this to happen we must first know who we are and for this to happen we must know that OUR TRUE SELF is not the physical person but the inner being.

Saga Yashkah         

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finding The Light - Part One

There is a spark within each of us, a light that is ever constant.  It is the reason for our being; it is who we really are.  It dwells within the inner recesses of our spirit or causal body.  Deep within the Center are its endless flames.  The most sacred of all fires its smoke purifies completely.

At the Center is the core of our being.  This is where all things share a common flame.  In the world around us we see numerous and diverse minerals, plants, animals and humans, yet each are a spark from the original fire.  All things manifest within the three fold world through the Fire.

Most human beings are programmed to look to the external for God, heaven, peace or salvation.  We are taught the throne of God dwells outside of us and the sum of who we are is less than perfect.  Man in his darkness stumbles trying to find the Light, repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

The original spark of Yashkah Yati (White Fire) is the source for all fires.  Each spark represents our individual Soul.  Every mineral, plant, animal and human have Souls.  Our Soul is the Fire that dwells within each of us.  Our Fire is inseparable from Yashkah Yati.

When we seek the Light we are in reality seeking our own higher Self.  The voice of Creator is within Yashkah Yati.  Truth is within each of us.  However, we are usually influenced more from the mind than we are from the Source.  Our society has taught us to seek mental and emotional satisfaction.

Everyone has experienced hearing from what is referred to as ‘the gut’, ‘intuition’, ‘a feeling’ etc.  These are all the same thing.  They come from a direct line out of Yashkah Yati.  The ‘gut feeling’ that people experience is never wrong.  It is not emotion and is not based on feelings.

Finding the Light is learning to hear our inner Self.  This inner being is a spark of Yashkah Yati.  Our inner Self resonates with all things sacred.  Creator, God, the mountains, waterfalls, sacred images etc.  All of these cause a response within our Center, Yashkah Yati.

Start by listening and paying attention to your ‘intuition’ or ‘gut’.  Observe the bodily sensations.  If you remember after the fact revisit the experience.  Engage the mind with your remembrance and catalog the sensations.

This is only a start.  However, simply paying attention to ‘the gut’ will eventually lead you into greater truth.  You must start somewhere and with something that everyone can relate to.  We have all had these experiences, for they are the small still voice that is The Light.

Saga Yashkah


Friday, January 21, 2011

Uisce Co Aicned

The stream that flowed upon the land saw no night,
It was I that remained within the veil of a darkened world.
I, the mountain of knowledge forever is,
Yet, I walk through a valley enveloped in mist.

Sister stream following the enlightened course of sairse,
Knowing not the limitations of the less fortunate waters.
Images permeating that, which is silently still,
Echoes a voice whose permanence remains concealed.

Uisce, a constant movement never faltering in its course,
Living, moving and ever within that which is Ap.
Luan reflecting its greater light draws you forth,
Intinn but a wave of its greater source.

Conditioned as it is, separating from aicned,
Intentioned upon that which withers and fades.
Aicned, three present in the living, knoweth their natures,
The very essence of Grandmother, upholding the living stature.

Old man asks of that, which is living,
Please reveal the nature hidden within.
Flowing past, all that remains is silence,
Revealing the profound natures of science.

Whispers from the nine levels grow loud,
Walking the steps upward I discover seven septs.
The seven clans revealing the inner and outer spheres,
At the base of the great Tree flow the five tears.

Uisce moving, always in a state of balance,
Aicned, Inntinn and Menma, three rings of three.
Five tears forming streams of fifteen elders………tell
Mind within the universal waters fell.

Conn Niul

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Our Faint Calling (Khotani List #3)

Long ago I felt a faint calling to fulfill that which moved my life in the ‘subtle way’ of spirit.  Eventually I came to discover everyone had a similar moving within their being.

Years later a friend shared what he called McClellanism, “we all see life through a different world, each of us being a single raindrop.”  He continued “numerous drops of rain form small streams eventually becoming rivers.”  His grandfather McClellan would often share great words of wisdom with my friend and fellow coach.
He and I discussed many things about spirit.  He relayed how Grandfather McClellan would say “if your rain drop is for good, then you affect life in positive ways that you will never know.”  Furthermore, “every good intentioned person contributes to that stream of life.”
Grandfather McClellan was a highlander, who carried within his being the old ways of the Celts.  I learned many things about Grandfather McClellan whom I never had the pleasure of meeting in person.  Yet, is this a true statement.  I beg to differ with myself.  I did in fact meet him and that meeting came through his own grandson.
I thought back to the times that I sat on a stream and listened to the old traditional elders teaching me about life.  I had heard the McClellanisms before; however, they came through the heart of someone whose people were from another place.
Flowing through my veins were the Highland, Irish, and several native tribal peoples.  Yet, every time I sat to learn they all in their own way spoke of the oneness of being and the uniqueness of each thing upon this earth.
From a Khotani perspective all life is ultimately ONE.  There is no difference in spirit, individual distinction only being found in the physical form.  We are Spiritual beings on a physical journey, not the other way around.
Your calling is the unique place that your Soul is at on its individual journey, the Four Legs of the Panther.  You have experienced numerous things on this journey, all of which give you the tools to succeed this time around.
Imagine knowing how to draw upon those experiences anytime that they are needed.  However, in order to do so you should first understand that you have journeyed, Soul Walking.
Two great spiritual leaders from different parts of the world and from apparently different cultures spoke words that can help you understand this journey.  Below are words that Chief Seattle a Squamish chief spoke circa 1851, followed by Amergin Chief Draoi of the Milesians several thousand years ago.
I have elected to use an excerpt from the future book The Art of Being we are currently working on.  We have only used the words of Seattle and currently do not have Amergin’s words in the unfinished book.  The Song of Amergin will follow those of Seattle without commentary.

From the book The Art of Being

The great Chief Seattle spoke words from his heart, hoping to enlighten a world caught in the illusion.  To truly comprehend the words spoken by this great Chief, one must have a traditional perspective.  Below (in italics) are words from one of his talks given circa. 1851.  We will make comments after each paragraph.  We are not attempting to read into, or take from these WORDS OF WISDOM; however, we are commenting for the sake of revealing the deeper truths found therein.  Our intent is one of utmost respect and desire to present them from a traditional Khotani perspective as best we can.  

“Every part of this Earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle. Every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing and humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man.”

He makes it clear that all of the natural things on Earth (Sa) and Earth herself are sacred to us.  You cannot begin to comprehend this unless you see the Oneness in all things, stemming from their common origin.  Like a mountain meadow, exploding with a great display of color when spring flowers first come out.  All these wonderful and unique flowers are each expressing their life, via their beautiful displays of the colors blue, purple, yellow, orange, red etc…  Yet, each has in common with the other their origin, which are Earth and The Breathmaster.

Traditionally, the sap of a tree is directly related to our blood.  To fully realize the depth of this, you need to understand that the tree is the most evolved Soul in the plant kingdom.

Furthermore, when the Soul evolves to the level of a tree, it now possesses all of the tissues that we humans have, not to mention our Souls experience as a tree.  Our blood and the Tree’s blood (sap), carries its own life force.   We are ultimately carrying the same blood, only at a different evolutionary level.

“The white man's dead forget the country of their birth when they go to walk among the stars. Our dead never forget this beautiful Earth, for it is the Mother of the red man. We are part of the Earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle, these are our brothers. The rocky crests, the juices in the meadows, the body heat of the pony, and man - all belong to the same family.”
How much better this world would be if man could only see and understand these magnificent words.  Can the dead truly forget?  Yes, we can affect the other world by believing something to be absolute.  When we depart this body and return to the abode in the stars, we are returning, in a since, to the land that we have perceived in our physical life.  If the Earth (Sa) is of no importance and not related to man, then so be it in your world after death.  Chief Seattle was pointing to the truth, ‘what man perceives to be on Earth, he shall experience in the after land’.

The Earth (Sa) for a traditionalist is literally our Mother.  She has birthed our people from the dawn of time.  We Khotani, see the Earth as The Great Mother, for she is involved in birthing both the Solar and Lunar dynasties.  She also finds her origins in the Breathmaster, much like we do.

When we refer to the rocks, trees, mountains, clouds, birds, deer etc. as being our brother or sister, we are speaking a literal truth.  For all these things have their beginnings with the Great Breath Master.  All things, no matter their physical form, are Souls walking through life’s evolutionary process.  We are literally of the same parentage.  Souls taking form and manifesting according to their level or place on The Good Road.
“The land is sacred to us. This shining Water that moves in the streams and rivers is not just Water but the blood of our ancestors. We must remember that it is sacred, and we must teach our children that it is sacred and each ghostly reflection in the clear Water of the lakes tells of events and memories in the life of my people. The Water’s murmur is the voice of my father.”

How important to understand his statement that Water (Tse) is the blood of our ancestors.  Just as the sap is the blood of a tree, the Water is the Earths blood.  Our ancestors upon physical death, return (our bodies) to Earth, joining our blood with that of Hers.  However, all blood is ultimately the same.  The great Chief makes reference to the blood and its importance in not only our lives, but the LIVING THINGS.  For without the precious Fire of blood, all living things die.  There is LIFE IN THE BLOOD.

He directs us to teach our children of its sacredness. By understanding the sacredness of all Water (Tse), we protect it from contamination and our certain early death.  The reflections are a type of spiritual DNA, which tells us the things of our people.  Through these reflections, we can also see the condition of the Earth’s blood.  Traditionally, a reflection reveals the truth to the honest seeker.

The Water (Tse) is Lunar, thus its affinity to the Moon.  This Moon or Lunar connection is feminine, yet at times is seen as masculine.  The voice of the Water is the Fathers voice speaking to his children.  Because of the Earth’s feminine association, we must have a natural balance; therefore, Water is the masculine or father’s side in this particular instance. Remember, water is the blood of the earth, therefore, in this instance it is the masculine fire.  This is why he says, “The Water’s murmur is the voice of my father.”  It is also one of the ways our Father expresses himself.  For instance, all of nature is the voice of the Father, a type of communication between the Father and his children.

“The air is precious to the red man for all things share the same breath, the beast, the tree, the man; they all share the same breath. The white man does not seem to notice the air he breathes. Like a man dying for many days he is numb to the stench.”

Air (Hoda) is the second element and the first born, also known as the Etheric Air of the Original element.  Air is intimately connected to the forward air the life force that sustains us on this Earth (Sa).  As he points out, people just do not pay it respect.  We should daily pay homage to this LIFE FORCE and its sustaining power.  How do we do this?

First, we should develop proper breathing techniques, through which we gain understanding of this VITAL FORCE.  Through the right use of chants, songs, prayers etc. we tap into this forward air power.

The slow degradation of our culture has resulted in this ancient art form nearly being lost to our people, sadly resulting in a devitalized body, mind and spirit.  The precious Air can revitalize our lives, transforming the dead matter into a vibrant life form.  Our old chants and prayers were originally meant to tap into this great reservoir of transformational power.

“Children must be taught that the ground beneath their feet is the ashes of our grandfathers. So that they will respect the land, tell your children that the Earth is rich with the lives of our kin. Teach your children that the Earth is our Mother. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.”

The obvious “is the ashes” are a reference to the decomposed bodies of our ancestors.  However, this is not what he is speaking of.  Here again, he is touching on a great element, Fire (Yati).  The ashes are what are left of matter after it has gone through the Fire of refinement.  This Fire, is a part of the Fire of creation, and lives on long after its flame has appeared to have died.

When our ancestral Fires (Yati) merge back into the Earths’, we have a type of returning to the source.  Our physical Fires have their beginnings in the Earth and upon death return to their place of birth.  The Earth is calling her own home, for we are the children of our mother.  The Earth is “rich with the lives of our kin”, which are her children.

The great Chief refers to these ashes as those of the fathers.  Here you need to see, that the Fire (Yati) is most always seen as a masculine element.  Therefore, the reference to the ashes must be in the masculine form.  Traditionally, we always see the balance in life.  If we do not, then the equilibrium is thrown off center and we suffer for it. 

The last line of this paragraph, tells us what befalls those who do not understand this Law of Nature.  Traditionally we gave our lives for the nation of our people.  For when the last of our kind passed on, the end of our traditional way died with the people.   “Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons of the Earth.”  This is a family thing and until people of the world know and truly understand this, they will continue to destroy their own blood kin, their mother.

“This we know, the Earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the Earth. All things are connected. We may be brothers after all. One thing we know which the white man may one day discover; our God is the same God. He is the God of man, and His compassion is equal for the red man and the white.”

We have already pointed out that our physical bodies come from the Earth (Sa).  Yet, she is also connected to our mind and Soul.  We do not own her, no more than you can own your own mother.  The Earth birthed us and our physical bodies return to her.

He goes on to point out that all things are connected.  The Earth, man, plants, minerals and animals have a common origin in Grandfather, the original or great awareness Grandfather is the beginning of Gohantane, the Breathmaster.  Through the Breathmaster the mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms were created.

There is no favoritism in the Breathmaster and the Great Law, seen as the Law of Nature.  This law teaches us that all things are sacred, for they are parts or expressions of the Breathmaster.  Unfortunately, man often only sees the physical manifestation and its limitations.

Looking beyond the physical allows us to see the pure or sacred in all.  To see less is the beginning of pain, suffering, sorrow and war.

“This Earth is precious to Him, and to harm the Earth is to heap contempt on its creator. Contaminate your bed and you will one night suffocate in your own waste!”

In the end man ultimately kills himself.  By not seeing through the illusion, he confuses that which is sacred with that which is profane.

The illusion is what Chief Seattle was trying to reveal through the words of truth.  Only truth can dispel the darkness of ignorance, revealing its true nature for all to see.

Song of Amergin

I am the wind on the sea
I am the stormy wave
I am the sound of the ocean
I am the bull with seven horns
I am the hawk on the cliff face
I am the sun's tear
I am the beautiful flower
I am the boar on the rampage
I am the salmon in the pool
I am the lake on the plain
I am the defiant word
I am the spear charging into battle
I am the god who put fire in your head
Who made the trails through stone mountains
Who knows the age of the moon
Who knows where the setting sun rests
Who took the cattle from the house of the warcrow
Who pleases the warcrow's cattle
What bull, what god created the mountain skyline
The cutting word, the cold word

Both of the elders were referring to the same thing.  Chief Seattle speaks of the oneness of all and Amergin speaks of having been all.  They are both about the journey and the present moment.
Right now you are in ‘the moment’.  It is in this moment that you accomplish all.  Your purpose is found within this moment.  The power of all that you have been and will become is in the present.
The faint calling is the Soul’s leading towards your true Purpose.  This purpose is developed over numerous lifetimes.  You are here right now to fulfill this current purpose and propel you towards your next time to walk upon this great earth.
In Khotani teaching everything is perfect.  Where and who you are right now is perfect, you just do not know it.  All of your experiences have helped guide you to your current state.  It is neither right nor wrong, it JUST IS.  To be different would be wrong.
However, you should know your True nature.  The false or lesser self is what deludes you into thinking that you are something else and here for a false purpose.  The words of a great freedom fighter say it all.  “Because the tiger acts according to his nature and knows not anything else, therefore he is divine and there is no evil in him.  If he questioned himself, then he would be a criminal.”
Know your True nature and you will find the purpose for your life, the faint calling.
Saga Yashkah