Monday, December 26, 2011

I Am The Sum Of.... Part One

I am the sum of the 24 Elders; I am the totality of their fullness, I am the depository of their essence.

We are beings that seek to define who and what we are and why we are here.  We will go through life searching for the answers, some of us more than others.  However, in our own way each of us seeks to know.  Most of us look towards religion to explain the spiritual complexities of life.  A good portion of us die wondering what all of this means.

We are moved by feelings and emotions.  We have become convinced that the Spirit moves through our emotional nature, therefore it is God; these outward expressions being the sum of our emotional experience.  The Creator is lost in our own feelings.  However, there are a minority of people who follow the ways of earth.

Throughout time there have always been those committed to a higher ideal, ‘A Way’.  The purpose of ‘The Way’ is to preserve the truth of life.  These truth teachings are not limited to one area or a specific group of people.  Rather, they are ‘The Ways’ of traditional peoples the world over.

Within the teachings of ‘The Way’ the individual discovers their true nature or ‘Who We Are’ and ‘Why We Are Here’.  ‘The Way’ is called many things in many languages.  It is a path guided by the natural.  The teachings come from the ancients.  Through these teachings we become one with all of our brothers and sisters.

We cannot contain these teachings within a book, nor can they be limited by the mind’s understanding.  They are truly limitless.  The teachings of ‘The way’ are timeless.  ‘The Way’ is the sum of everything.  They are the source of all knowledge.  They are the beginning of life for they are LIFE.

Ancient traditional teachings are not a religion, nor are they a set of rules to live by.  They are however, directions to life.  They explain in detail the purpose of all things.  A purpose defined by the natural not the imposed.  They teach us the organic structure of the universe as opposed to the inorganic construct.

We are searching to find what is real and tangible, to find that which explains what this is all for.  Knowledge is liberation.  We know that we are alive for we witness it every day.  However, physical living is not necessarily living a fulfilled life.  Fulfillment comes with understanding.

Saga Yashka



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