Monday, October 4, 2010

The Great Center - Mor Lar (Khotani List #4)

Brown Tadd taught me much about the old way.  He was the embodiment of all that one believes and imagines to see in a traditional elder.  Nothing escaped his vision and yet he appeared at times to be oblivious.  He was simply centering.

From a Khotani perspective The Great Center (Mor Lar) is within everyone.  All things have THE GREAT CENTER within their being.  Notice I did not say a center, but The Great Center.

Vision quest conjures up all sorts of thoughts and ideas within and without the red community.  Most people think that it is some fluffy new-age concept of awakening.  On the contrary, it is or should I say was a much disciplined act, which took time and guidance to prepare for.

All of the peoples that once made up the larger body of ancient Khotan had a type of vision quest for the purposes of learning how to center.  The process had to be preceded by an understanding of what The Great Center was.
The Great Center is the Universe and more; it is all that exists in and outside the Great Space.  It moves but is unmoving.  For example, you move throughout life, both physically and mentally, the microcosm.  The Great Center, the macrocosm, is ever present and in a state of complete balance that cannot be moved.
Nature shows us that within her many movements there exists a Great Center, silently maintaining a state of balance.  The noise of nature often overrides the silence of its Center.  Yet, its very balance teaches us of the essence of its core.
Lehiyugese, Sean Dedma and Forn Sidhr mean nothing to most people.  Upon being told of their meaning they still cannot see the connection.  Each is a language expression unique to the people that once made up the larger body of the Khotani.  Their definitions are the same, ‘The Way of the Ancients or The Ancient Way’.
This ‘Way of the Ancients’ is all about understanding The Great Center and the many aspects of the process of creation, life, prime natures etc.  The process leads us to the core understanding of The Great Center and how it came into being.
The elders used to teach that every movement of mind and body is first seen in the Spirit that is ever still.  It is in the stillness of The Great Center that the old ones could know all truth, just as it is outside of The Great Center that we fall prey to the illusions of life.
Many non-traditional people have wondered at and even asked “what is the difference between Great Spirit, Grandfather Spirit and Grandmother Spirit?”  The answer provides part of the understanding of The Great Center.
Below is an excerpt from chapter three of the future book we are working on The 'Art of Being.'  This will begin to open your eyes to the process that gave us the Great Center.

The Art of Being

Lehiyugese presents us with levels of knowledge, preparing us to live life as True Human Beings.  These levels of knowledge are interlocking and lay a foundation for understanding Creator, the universe and Earth.  Proper use of this knowledge is the beginning of understanding.  Knowledge is often just stored information, but becomes wisdom when it is understood at the Soul level.         
There is a process known to AhniKhotani, explaining in great detail the many layers of the creation story and energies behind the processes; from the Original source down to the minutest levels of creation.  This source or foundation is where we commence our teachings of THE OLD WAY.
In the beginning is the purest state of being.  It has no beginning or end, it just is.  From this place of complete stillness, where no mind exists, resides the Grandfather of ALL.  It is not a place in the earthly sense of the word, but rather a state of being.  Grandfather, the Original source, who’s thought vibrations are the beginnings of the entire cosmos.  He is outside of everything created, yet is the reason for its existence.  We are all a part of the Grandfather, just as sparks are of the fire.  We cannot be separated from Grandfather no more than a spark can exist without fire.  However, Grandfather is pure consciousness and seeks Grandmother to manifest the physical.
Grandmother is the substance of the universe, the first or Original form, the beginning of matter.  She is not the substance, but the pure potential of all objects present or that can be imagined.  As the first cause of form, life would not exist without Grandmother.  She is primal matter in the purest since of the word.  She consists of the three qualities of harmony, action and resistance.  These three qualities balance and uphold everything in the universe.
Grandfather and Grandmother transcend the layers or processes of creation.  The idea of Spiritual Mind and Manifestation is passed down to each generation.  This teaching tells us that man (Grandfather Spirit) gives spirit to the infant while woman (Grandmother Spirit) gives substance.  Yet, boy or girl, man or woman each carries equally spirit and substance.  Grandfather and Grandmother are the Great Couple whose laws are written and contained within Intelligence.  
All processes, principals and laws that govern the universe are contained in this Great Intelligence known to AhniKhotani as The Great Mind.  It is the Great or Divine Mind; pure, without individuality and presiding in a state of natural governance.  It is through this Great Mind that space, time, the Sacred Word and the beginnings of differentiation occur.  These are the seed forms, waiting to burst forth and manifest themselves.  Within each individual the Great Mind becomes the power of intelligence, giving us the ability to discern right from wrong, truth from falsehood, and the eternal from the transient.
The seeds of differentiation existing in the Great Mind begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego (Ignore the western definition).  Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution.  This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, plant etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother and the Great Mind use to manifest.  Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.

End of Excerpt

The great Center exists because of Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit and the Great Mind.  It is through the Great Mind that The Great Center finds its form.  The Great Mind is also the source of our own intelligences that are mere microcosms.
However, the Great Center is really outside of the Great Mind.  It is a type of beginning in and of itself.  The journey to Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit leads us to the Great Center.
In the stillness of the Great Center reside Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit.  Even though they are outside of its influence, they are the cause of its beginning; they have created the sacred place. It is permeated by their essence.
The Great Center contains all words, expressions, chants, and songs etc. that have ever been expressed.  It is the origin of An Tri, An Focal and Do focal.
Through Lehiyugese, The Great Center is understood.  Outside of ‘The Ancient Way’ (the many expressions of truth) people are led to follow false ways.  Lehiyugese, Sean Dedma and Forn Sidhr were ancient, powerful expressions of The Creators Way.
Our Lehiyugese has nearly vanished and escapes the mind that is incapable of understanding.  It was the ‘Way of the Ancients’ when The Way was truly desired.  Today, it is rarely expressed, for seldom are people wise to the Little Being that is the True Self.

Yona Unega

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