Is There A Tool In The House?
There is one thing certain; you cannot fix something without the tools to do so. The constant in working with people is that they are looking for something tangible, something that makes sense and can be used; a plan, format or way to explain life and fix or mend that which is broken.
You and I want to believe that there is a plan that is workable. We want to believe that there is a logical explanation, followed by a process that works. However, when there is no real working plan available we explain away the flawed system we are currently attempting to follow. Goodbye common sense.
Everyday we speak with people that are searching or justifying. The searchers will not stop until they discover ‘A Way’ that has working tools for life. The justifiers are searchers as well. They spend their life searching for answers to explain why their non-workable system works.
Searchers never stop looking for truth. Justifiers never start looking for truth. Searchers feed the fire. Justifiers explain it away. Searchers use common sense, the laws of nature and perception. Justifiers demonize everything but their false protocols. Searchers look for truth everywhere and in everything. Justifiers blindly defend their dogma.
Which to give, a fish or fishing pole? Searchers look for the pole and instruction on its use. Justifiers want only the fish for a day. Searchers are far seeing and know that if they can learn the tool they can feed themselves forever. Justifiers on the other hand want only to be satisfied in the moment of their illusion.
I am that which I think, speak and act. Master or fool, each first thinks it, then speaks it and lastly walks the path of choice. We were given knowledge, it is everywhere for us to see. However, our religious leaders have taught us to demonize the natural and only accept as truth that which their holy books decree.
Where are you? Do you see the truth in the Creator’s world or have you thrown out everything of God. Can you point to the Source and then draw only from Its wisdom? And, what is wisdom? Can it be defined by man and his holy precepts? Or, is it solely the domain of The Great Master.
Conn Niul