I am the sum of the 24 Elders; I am the totality of their fullness, I am the depository of their essence.
All processes, principals and laws that govern the universe are contained in the Great or Spiritual Mind. It is the Great Mind; pure, without individuality and presiding in a state of natural governance. It is through this Great Mind that space, time, the Sacred Word and the beginnings of differentiation occur. These are the seed forms, waiting to burst forth and manifest themselves. Within each individual the Great Mind becomes the power of intelligence, giving us the ability to discern right from wrong, truth from falsehood, and the eternal from the transient.
The seeds of differentiation existing in the Great Mind begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego. Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution. This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, tree etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother and the Great Mind use to manifest. Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.
Conditioned mind (leading to individual mind) is the next level of understanding. Ego projects mind, allowing for the coordination of activity and energy at the most minute level of nature. The conditioned mind, working through the senses connects us to things of the outer world. This is known as an underlying mind, much different than the Great Mind spoken of earlier.
From conditioned mind we move into the subtle energies of sound, touch, sight, taste and smell. These energies are a key to the workings of the sense organs. It allows for their coordination with the sense objects. These energies of sound, touch, sight, taste and smell are emitted by all living things on a subtle level. They are the subtle forms of the sense organs, before their manifestation into their physical forms.
The five sense organs ears, skin, eyes, tongue and nose follow next. These five allow us to experience the outer world. They have subtler forms that are not limited like the physical and are the actions that give extrasensory perception. These receptor organs allow us to perceive the outer world and at the same time receive at the more subtle levels, therefore they are also referred to as organs of knowledge.
Next are the five organs of action; mouth, hands, feet, urino-genital and anus. These are the expressive organs, the manifestation of ideas such as movement. The more subtle forms of the organs of action exist and have a direct action on the mind and psychic phenomenon.
Following the organs of action are the five great elements of, ether air, fire, water and earth. So much has been written regarding the elements and the so called effect they have on our lives. Yet, what of the relationship they have with earth and all living things.
To see an element traditionally means to ‘KNOW ITS TRUE NATURE’. You can only know A THING by having knowledge and an understanding of what makes it WHOLE. This WHOLE understanding of the elements consists of knowledge of their development, including the planes of their existence.
The five great elements are so often a place of beginning. Simply put a place that someone starts from on their journey back home. They give us a wonderful starting point where we can work forward or backward in our pursuit of gaining knowledge.
Saga Yashka