Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hear The Thunder

Our elder’s spoke of a time in the future when Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit would begin to reveal changes and Mother Earth would call her own home.  “Listen”, is what they would say “for the message of Spirit, all things will change.”  Do you hear the thunder?

Just as our elders said we are seeing changes daily.  Life as we know it is now finishing its course.  Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit and the Earth know who the children of Light are.  We are in the time of great change.

Many thousands of years have passed, leading us to this special moment in time.  Spirit is manifesting in a much greater way.  We are witnessing a coming together of the children of The Lighted One.  Breath Master has laid before us a path to the ancient Rainbow Grounds, where Truth reigns.

Each day people are seeing a greater spiritual influence on their lives.  Those that have True Hearts will be led down the white path while all others will journey the path of falsehood.  The white path leads to the land of the Ancient White Fire.

Every day the influence of Spirit separates the givers from the takers.  Every living thing is under the influence of The Spirit.  We are walking one of two roads.  There is no escaping the Creator’s breath.

Each moment we move closer to a brighter and more brilliant voice.  This sound emanates from the Grand Center, the place of the Ancient White Fire.  Each moment we hear the subtle voice that directs us to a place of Truth.

The elders spoke of this time.  They gave us the clues.  We now see face to face the manifesting of their words.  Off in the distant mountains a storm approaches, do you hear the thunder?

Yona Unega



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Are We There Yet?

Most of us have experienced the negative side of life, some more than others.  The more difficult it gets the more impatience most of us become.  Sooner or later the question runs through our mind “are we there yet?”  The journey seems long especially when times are difficult.

Have you arrived?  Most of us can answer this with a resounding NO.  For those few that think they have well ......  So, here we are wondering how to get there, so that we are not here.  Getting there is the problem.

We have got to change out stinkin thinkin.  As long as we are trying to get somewhere else it will never happen.  It is like trying to find God somewhere out in the nether world.  God is in you and me.  Within each of us resides the place we are seeking.

We have been programmed from birth to find peace, joy, success and happiness outside of our self.  Remember, we are born poor miserable wretches that desperately seek love and approval from a God who lives far, far away.  I say BULL.

God, the Creator of the universe not only loves us, but dwells within us.  God is not external to you and I.  God has chosen a unique way to communicate with us.  First, the God of creation decided to make a home within our body.  This home is our Soul.

You and I are spiritual beings on a physical journey.  The entity that operates our life is our Soul.  Our Soul works hand in hand with God, for it is a spark of God’s fire.  From the day we were born until this body dies our Soul resides deep within our physical body, God within us.

So, what is it that we seek far away?  What is it that we are looking for?  Where do we need to look to find that special place?  Try looking within.

Conn Niul


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Centering on the Center

At the center of everything is a beginning.  The Center is the core of all that is.  From the Center emanates the waves of energies that form life.  The Center is unique from and yet one and the same with the Great Space.  Within the Center is an unlimited force; a source of energy without end.

The Center is represented in form by the Celtic Cross, the Medicine Wheel, the Swastika and Yatiti etc.  Within the very center of these forms there is a Fire. It is this Fire that is the Center.  It is the original Fire of existence.  The forms with their centers allow our human minds to shape the essence of the Center.  These structures allow for a point of focus.

The Center is who we are.  The Center is the reason for our being.  At the center of every kingdom: mineral, plant, animal and human resides the Fire of the ancient Center, the source of our destiny.  We are That which always is and shall always be.  We are the eternity of our Center.

Each of us walks a road that is unique and specific to our reason for being.  On this road the subtle speaks, pointing the way to our higher purpose.  Along the way we encounter the full expression of life.  However, most seldom recognize that at each turn, over every hill and in every moment we are walking in companionship.

Our companion along the journey is our True Self, a spark of the Fire.  This True Self is our Soul that resides in the Center.  We are never truly without a companion.  Yet, we seek to find companionship and in our searching usually end up suffering because of choices we make.

The Center is stillness.  It is the knowing that is always right.  Within our Center we know all that is or will ever be.  However, through life’s circumstances we have diluted our true sense energies and become slaves to the lesser feelings, emotions and desires of the false self. 

We all know ‘The Way’; we just have to realize it is under cloud cover.  The truth of all things is revealed to us through our finer sense energies.  Centering is getting to know how these finer energies operate, how they feel in our mind, body and spirit.  The ‘my gut’, I got a feeling’ or ‘something told me’ are good examples of our Soul (Center) communicating with our mind, body and spirit.

Saga Yashkah