Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part Four

The Sacred Rainbow Grounds (sometimes referred to as The Square Grounds) are a microcosm of the universe.  Within the elder teachings of the Rainbow Grounds we are taught ‘The Way’ of life.  It is within these teachings that we learn and gain a deeper understanding of the Sacred Directions.

The Sacred Directions give us a type of field to operate within.  Within this semi fixed and yet fluid field many energies flow.  As mentioned earlier the Sacred Directions have energies, the Quarter Directions have energies as well as the Seven Horsemen.  All of these energies greatly affect life on earth.

All things work in unison.  Proper alignment of a sacred site allows for the directions to not be at conflict with other energies.  For instance, at sunrise a unique force enters the earth’s atmosphere.  This energy has the ability to heal, bless and protect any area that is in proper alignment to receive.  A Rainbow Grounds aligned north to south would create a chaotic and eventually diseased place.

However, when a Sacred Square Grounds is aligned east to west it is positioned correctly to receive the powerful rays of light both at sunrise and at sunset.  Many other considerations must be taken into account as well.  It is within this understanding that we develop a strong, healthy place for people, animals, plants and the mineral kingdom.

Many more energies operate in conjunction with the Sacred Directions such as The Four Wind Messengers.  Like the other energies the Four Wind Messengers have energies that are responsible for the wind, rain and more.  Yet, they work within the law of the sacred Directions.  There is a North Wind Messenger as well as east, south and west.

The Four Wind Messengers operate through the Sacred Directions much as the Sacred Elements work through the Sacred Quarter Directions.  Aligning all things according to our understanding of the Sacred Directions creates a sacred place where we are in Right Relationship with all energies.

Right Relationship means that we are working harmoniously with all causal, subtle and physical entities and energies.  We literally create a space every day of our lives.  Every movement, placing of objects, construction of buildings etc. creates a space that either works with or against the Sacred Directions.

Saga Yashkah

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part Three

In our ancient fire ceremonies we have the Four Direction Logs, the Quarter Direction Spaces and the Great Center (center of the Dogwood flower).  This we call Yatiti, others refer to it as the Four Log Fire or Unilateral Cross.  The teachings of Yatiti are a well spring of knowledge about the ancient ways, especially those of the Sacred Directions.

Every part of the fire has a Sacred Direction aspect to it.  For instance, the North facing Log shows us ‘The Way’ of the ancients and the cultural aspects of our Lunar Arbors and Clans.  Between the North and East Log is the Sacred Space of the Ancient Waters.  This open space allows the free movement of the subtle energies of water to flow freely through Yatiti.

The Sacred Quarter Directions of Northeast, Southeast, Southwest and Northwest are the doors through which the sacred Elements of Water, Fire, Earth and Air move.  The first element or parent of all other elements is the Sacred Space, the Great Void or Ether.  It is the space which all other elements have life.  This Sacred Space is within the center of Yatiti and is the Great Space for everything.

Within the Great Center of Yatiti the Four Directions co mingles with the Four Quarter Directions.  The Sacred Directions and the Sacred Elements must be able to move within and out of any structure, sacred ground etc. for there to be harmony.  If not the place becomes chaotic and full of a confused energy.

The Sacred Directions establish an order and placement for all things.  It is within this order that the Ancient Seven Horsemen (known by science as the spectrum of light) energies penetrate the earth’s atmosphere.  For us to work in Right Relationship with the Ancient Seven Horsemen we must be in Right Relationship with the Sacred Directions.

An example of working in Right Relationship with the Sacred Directions is the placement of our Rainbow or Square Grounds.  Our grounds always run east to west.  The Rainbow Grounds are always longer east to west than north to south.  The Zopathla’s arbor is in the west facing east.  The fire is in the center of the Zopathla’s square. 

The east to west placement of the Rainbow Grounds allows us to properly receive the vital energies that course through the atmosphere at sunrise and sunset.  These energies seek a place that allows them to freely flow from east to west without any obstruction.  The entrance therefore must be true west, facing east.  The Sacred Directions show us ‘The Way.’ 

Saga Yashkah   

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part Two

From infant to teen and from adult to old age we are learning.  Most of the learning evolves around the so-called culture we are raised and choose to live in.  We develop speech and its patterns, habits, and customs based on the culture and our relationship to it.  However, most so-called culture seldom, if ever, acknowledges or places the sacred in the Center of its life.

The directions give us clues every hour of every day.  The mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms are a witness to the effect the directions have upon life.  Throughout each of our days we have before us teachers in every kingdom, instructing us in ‘The Way’ of the Sacred Directions.

Take a Red Oak; it is much stronger and vibrant if growing on a north facing slop as opposed to a south facing slope.  When harvesting herbs we see a marked difference in the quality and power herbs have when harvested from slopes facing different directions.

The qualities (personalities) are quite different in each of the Sacred Directions of North, East, South and West.  Their subtle energies move through the universe and penetrate the earth’s atmosphere.  It is these energies, which are the personality traits of the directions, that we seek to understand. 

The Sacred Directions are intimately connected with the quarter directions where the Great Elements come from.  For instance, the ancient source of water (its beginning) comes from the Northeast, while fire comes from the Southeast.  The directions are influenced greatly through their relationship with the quarter directions.

Each direction has personality traits that are formed much like ours are.  Each direction has a type of culture that is unique to it.  As an example, the Sacred Direction East Culture helped form, shape and influence the direction East through its unique culture.  The Sacred Direction cultures help us walk a life “In Right Relationship.”

Yatiti tells us a story about the Sacred Directions. Within this story we begin to learn the True nature of an ancient family of ours.  Yatiti shows us that by seeing with our inner eye we will truly understand the ancient cross with its Sacred Four Directions, Four Quarter Directions and the Sacred Grand Center of the Dogwood Blossom.

Saga Yashkah

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Sacred Directions - Part One

The directions are sacred according to our Khotani teachings.  They tell us many things about life and show us our place within the Great Center.  It is within the Center of the directions that we seek to reside.  This Center is within the Unilateral Cross (Yatiti).

Everything and everyone is marginally within the Center of the directions.  However, most people operate in ignorance of it and therefore are not in Right Relationship with the Center of the Sacred Four.  Right Relationship begins with understanding of the Sacred Directions.

The directions are both fixed and fluid.  The directions show us a fixed nature when we use a compass to find magnetic north and orient ourselves to the four directions.  Anywhere that we move from one step to thousands of miles the directions remain constant.  Yet, the directions show us their mobile nature as well.

At any moment in time, anywhere in the world we can be centered within the four directions.  From the moment we awake we become a moving being.  Imagine millions of beings all over the world and yet each can be centered within the directions.  This is one aspect of their so-called mobile nature.  From a subtle perspective they are fluid.

Everything that we do in life should take into consideration the relationship between object and the directions.  The Sacred Directions will either flow freely through objects, or find resistance based upon the objects relationship to the directions.  Placement of buildings, the lay of the land, direction water flows all create a relationship.

To understand this relationship we must be aware of the subtle energies of the directions.  The directions are to be understood by their nature.  They have characteristics that give them personality.  These characteristics are their blessings or gifts that they freely give to the earth.  To be aware of them opens us up to understanding and Right Relationship.

This is much like learning the language and customs of another culture.  When we become knowledgeable of a society that is not our own we can develop a Right Relationship with it.  It is very much the same with the Sacred Directions.  By learning the unique characteristics of the directions we understand their culture and how it affects our life.

Saga Yashkah