The Sacred Rainbow Grounds (sometimes referred to as The Square Grounds) are a microcosm of the universe. Within the elder teachings of the Rainbow Grounds we are taught ‘The Way’ of life. It is within these teachings that we learn and gain a deeper understanding of the Sacred Directions.
The Sacred Directions give us a type of field to operate within. Within this semi fixed and yet fluid field many energies flow. As mentioned earlier the Sacred Directions have energies, the Quarter Directions have energies as well as the Seven Horsemen. All of these energies greatly affect life on earth.
All things work in unison. Proper alignment of a sacred site allows for the directions to not be at conflict with other energies. For instance, at sunrise a unique force enters the earth’s atmosphere. This energy has the ability to heal, bless and protect any area that is in proper alignment to receive. A Rainbow Grounds aligned north to south would create a chaotic and eventually diseased place.
However, when a Sacred Square Grounds is aligned east to west it is positioned correctly to receive the powerful rays of light both at sunrise and at sunset. Many other considerations must be taken into account as well. It is within this understanding that we develop a strong, healthy place for people, animals, plants and the mineral kingdom.
Many more energies operate in conjunction with the Sacred Directions such as The Four Wind Messengers. Like the other energies the Four Wind Messengers have energies that are responsible for the wind, rain and more. Yet, they work within the law of the sacred Directions. There is a North Wind Messenger as well as east, south and west.
The Four Wind Messengers operate through the Sacred Directions much as the Sacred Elements work through the Sacred Quarter Directions. Aligning all things according to our understanding of the Sacred Directions creates a sacred place where we are in Right Relationship with all energies.
Right Relationship means that we are working harmoniously with all causal, subtle and physical entities and energies. We literally create a space every day of our lives. Every movement, placing of objects, construction of buildings etc. creates a space that either works with or against the Sacred Directions.
Saga Yashkah
The Sacred Directions give us a type of field to operate within. Within this semi fixed and yet fluid field many energies flow. As mentioned earlier the Sacred Directions have energies, the Quarter Directions have energies as well as the Seven Horsemen. All of these energies greatly affect life on earth.
All things work in unison. Proper alignment of a sacred site allows for the directions to not be at conflict with other energies. For instance, at sunrise a unique force enters the earth’s atmosphere. This energy has the ability to heal, bless and protect any area that is in proper alignment to receive. A Rainbow Grounds aligned north to south would create a chaotic and eventually diseased place.
However, when a Sacred Square Grounds is aligned east to west it is positioned correctly to receive the powerful rays of light both at sunrise and at sunset. Many other considerations must be taken into account as well. It is within this understanding that we develop a strong, healthy place for people, animals, plants and the mineral kingdom.
Many more energies operate in conjunction with the Sacred Directions such as The Four Wind Messengers. Like the other energies the Four Wind Messengers have energies that are responsible for the wind, rain and more. Yet, they work within the law of the sacred Directions. There is a North Wind Messenger as well as east, south and west.
The Four Wind Messengers operate through the Sacred Directions much as the Sacred Elements work through the Sacred Quarter Directions. Aligning all things according to our understanding of the Sacred Directions creates a sacred place where we are in Right Relationship with all energies.
Right Relationship means that we are working harmoniously with all causal, subtle and physical entities and energies. We literally create a space every day of our lives. Every movement, placing of objects, construction of buildings etc. creates a space that either works with or against the Sacred Directions.
Saga Yashkah