Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Walk of The Bear Part 2 (Khotani List #20)

The illusion is called many things.  It encompasses all aspects of life, everything that we see, hear, feel, taste and smell.  The senses are alive with it.  There is nothing that escapes its grip.  Some see it as the great matrix, others as the great deception.  It is both friend and foe.  It comforts and discomforts our every day life.  The Walk of The Bear liberates us from the bondage of the illusion of the matrix.
Mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms seek to break the bonds of the great illusion.  However, only the human has the ability to free him/herself.  It is within the human kingdom that we have the opportunity to step into The Walk of The Bear.
In Khotani teaching we must first recognize the Bear before we are ready to take the walk.  In the walk we are shown how our life is manipulated every moment, driven by a force that within the matrix appears as external.  We are shown the false distinction between us and that force which is a separate and distinct entity.
Government and religion are two sides of the same coin minted in the matrix.  The illusion seeks to will us into believing we are fallible and finite beings.  The matrix manipulates us into believing that without the saving grace of a father government or religion we are doomed.  We see and know that which the matrix desires for us, nothing more and nothing less.
The Walk of The Bear tears down the walls of the illusion, revealing that of our True Self which is contrary to all that we have been taught.  The false self is exposed with all of its failures and inconsistencies.  However, man is so attached to the illusion of his false self that he cannot extricate himself from it.  Our whole life has been spent training in the matrix.  Every aspect of our being has been programmed from pre day one.
The Walk of The Bear is an enemy of the state of the matrix.  The illusion cannot allow for us to walk the path of the Great Bear.  The illusion sets itself up as our savior.  The Great Bear has no need of a savior.  The Great Bear just is.  In the Walk of The Bear we see that our Soul is the Divine spark that is beyond pre-ordained.  It is self contained, sent here to earth with all of the power to operate as a wave of the Breath Master.
The Walk of The Bear shows us the place of hibernation, where the Mother nourishes us at the birthing place of consciousness.  This is heresy to religionists, treason to governments but Truth to those of the Lightning Path, the AniKhotani.

Most of us confuse the Khotani teachings, liking it to one of numerous spiritual ways such as Cherokee, Irish, and German etc.  This is all part of the matrix.  The Khotani ways are ancient and the mother of dozens and dozens of ancient tribal people’s teachings.  However, the illusion is so ingrained that man has to see what appears as a clear distinction.  In The Walk of The Bear we are shown the source.  Only then can we see with clarity the illusion of separation.
Good and evil, true and false, right and wrong are all within and part of the ‘Way.’  The matrix seeks to divide us within our own being.  Our words reveal how deep the programming is.  We fail to see that which is of The Light Bearer because of the darkened window of the matrix.  We act out freedom when in reality we are in complete bondage.  Every word that we speak comes from matrix programming.
The walk of The Bear goes straight to the source.  Why settle for that which is down stream.  Only within the four faces of Creator can we attain the truth.  The matrix is not the source therefore; it is unable to affect the beginning.  At the source we have revealed to us all truth, thus seeing the illusion for what it is.
Our visions, dreams and spiritual insights are all processed through the mind of the matrix.  Only at the source can we clearly define those secondary movements.  Because man places higher importance upon himself and those things that are less than true mastery, he further deceives himself.  Lofty, he places his ideals, believing that he is the originator of them, only to have revealed in The Walk of The Bear that they are all illusion.
It was once said “to know thyself is true mastery.”  However, most of us fail in our definition of thyself, therefore where is the mastery.  All that we perceive is a manifestation of something.  The materialization is one thing, the perception of it quite another.  The matrix materializes through the ‘FALSE IDEA (FI).’  Within FI we create small worlds that tap the matrix to survive.  From the onset we are living in the illusion.
Man is easily manipulated.  He is so programmed that his every day is nothing more than a robotic action of preprogrammed responses.  Furthermore, we emit and receive subtle energies from every living thing in the universe.  Every thought, word and action that has ever been assaults our person.
In The Walk of The Bear we are given the keys that open the doors of our minds, Soul and other entities of our being.  An Corp Khotani is revealed and we begin to see the illusion more clearly.  Slowly and deliberately we move away from the matrix and into ‘The Way.’  Adults have a much more difficult time.  Our young people are the answer.
The Walk of The Bear is the walk of a True Heart.  Every traditional culture has a similar belief in place.  It is within this walk that we gain the high ground and break the bonds that have enslaved us far too long.  The Walk of The Bear is life and freedom.

Saga Yashkah

Friday, November 5, 2010

One Moment, One World - The Walk 0f The Bear (Khotani List #20)

One moment of any given day, hour or second is one world.  Every millisecond of every day there are dozens of worlds we create.  Some live for seconds while others live for days, years and lifetimes.  We co-create with the Breath Master; however, for most of us we are unaware of the worlds within moments.  These moments help mold and form ‘The You’ that everyone including yourself identifies as your true person.  Below is an excerpt from the book ‘I AM Khotani.’
“Every human being walks a path that is unique to them.  Every breath that we take, every beauty that we see is unique to us.  ‘An Tri’ (thought, spoken word and action or walking in it) is universal and yet it is different for each of us.
Your walk is your life.  It becomes the springboard for our near and distant future.  If we perceive the present and all that pertains to it, then we can truly accomplish greatness.
‘I Am’ is the culmination of ‘The You’.  Without the ‘I Am’ there is no you, they are inseparable.  ‘I Am’ is the culmination of every single thought that you have had, every single word that you have spoken and every single action that you have taken.
The magic, mysticism, spirituality and resultant power that are manifested are you.  You are in a constant state of spiritual renewal; you just do not know it.  Your walk is sacred; you are just unaware of it.
Every magnificent mountain, stream, ocean, plain, desert, flower or animal is within you.  Within your center is the Divine greatness that has called forth these wonders of nature.  Seek that which is the most glorious to your nature and you WILL BECOME.  Therefore, ‘I am all that I perceive myself to be.’
No matter the humble beginnings or troublesome things that you have done, all of these wash away like snow in spring rain.  You are not forgotten, lost, forsaken or destined for eternal damnation.  On the contrary, YOU ARE DIVINE.”
The I am is the accumulation of all your thoughts, words and actions.  Each one of these ‘An Tri’ is activated within a moment of time.  The more active the mind, words and actions the more we help materialize that entity.
Over the years of working with elders and eventually doing my own work I have rarely found people content and happy with whom they have become.  For too many reasons to mention here they are less than satisfied with their so-called reality of the entity they have created.  I have discovered that if they were truly honest with themselves things would change.
Human beings seek to misplace blame.  Rarely do you find the individual that is completely honest with them self.  When you do run across one of these gems they are brutally honest when they look into the mirror.  The brutally honest are the ones that attain the highest levels within their walk.  No judgment, no sin, no error, just truth.  We avoid ‘The Walk of The Bear.’
Within our teachings there is a walk that is often times referred to as ‘The Walk of The Bear.’  Within these ancient instructions we are given a weapon of freedom.  This weapon is capable of slaying our greatest enemy.  The problem is people do not want to defeat the greatest foe.  Instead they choose to do battle with the generals minions.
In ‘The Walk of The Bear’ we are taught that the greatest enemy is the darkened one, our self.  However, most people are completely incapable of understanding the depth of these teachings.  They might acknowledge the truth therein; however, they are usually unable of even taking the field to attempt to defeat this one great enemy.  Failing to engage the darkened one we create a false I Am.
Every moment that the darkened one reigns supreme we materialize a false concept of our ‘True Self.’  Through psychological warfare of the darkened one we manifest the false self.  Once the false self is taken to be our nature we start down the path of illusion.  At this point every thought, word, action, vision, dream, spiritual message etc. is jeopardized.  There is an enemy in the camp and we are compromised.
Everything that is created starts with a thought, leading to a word and fully manifesting in an action.  We are the only ones that think it, speak it and act it out.  To credit some one or some thing with our thoughts, words and actions is evidence of the delusion that has crept into mankind.
Each moment we create a world or worlds that are manifestations of our Divine power.  To accept that we are Spiritual manifestations of the Breath Master means we must also accept our ability to create and destroy our outer selves.  We wield a power that cuts both ways.
Why is man so easily manipulated?  He fails to see or acknowledge the real enemy and then deal with him.  ‘The Walk of The Bear’ shows us that one moment creates one world and in each moment our enemy seeks to gain the high ground.
The Illumined Ones have slain the darkened ones.  Their vision is crystal clear.  They can discern false thoughts from True thoughts.  Their words and actions that follow are of a Divine nature.  It is from these that we learn the highest form of warfare, Spiritual engagement.
True enlightened beings know that each moment is a world and it is within the present moment that we create.  However, the darkened one seeks to steal the moment and lead us into a life of illusion.  ‘The Way of the Warrior’ starts with ‘The Walk of The Bear.’

Saga Yashkah