'To See'
All that we hold to as truth is a perception of reality. Is it truth? It is a manifested reality on an individual basis. Truth always is, however, each of us has a perception of reality that changes. This perceived reality is based upon past life, past environment and current circumstances. Our understanding of the moment greatly affects our perception.
I remember once sitting on my teacher’s porch. He was a great man and highly respected among his people. He was a tribal historian, story teller and medicine man. As we sat there he asked me what I thought of his new pickup. I knew that the pickup in his driveway was old and ran fair at best. I said what pickup? He pointed towards the driveway and said “My new pickup.”
Now, the old man liked to joke once in awhile. However, he was as serious a person as he was a jokester. The conversation went back and forth a few minutes when he said “that truck is new to me.” I looked at him and knew that he wanted me to understand something. He said that the “truck is old to everyone else but me. As long as I know that the truck is new and runs like a top I will never have a problem with it” and he didn’t.
We had numerous conversations about perception. He talked often about people and how they no longer understand that everything around them has happened because of the way they see things. He compared it to a man traveling along a mountain road, his mind on bills, work and the stresses of the day. He would say “that man sees nothing.” He would point out every little thing in the forest that the man missed. If you asked the man if he saw such and such he would say no and sometimes argue that you didn’t see it either. Every second of every day is a whole world unto itself.
Brown often marveled at man’s apparent contempt for the things of nature. He would say that “as long as he struggles against the mother is as long as he will walk blind.” Yet, the same man could talk for hours about his troubles. Brown said many times that “whatever man focuses upon is his world.” He proved this himself. He loved to experiment and one day decided to see if this whole perception thing was real.
Brown grew up in a rough logging community. The area was both beautiful and at times harsh. As he got older he began to work in the mills. Before long he had less and less to do with his culture and was becoming more like a non-traditional. He had his fair share of brawls in the local logging saloons. Trouble began following him. One day he woke up and said “let’s see if this perception thing works.” Well, it did and as he told me many times it didn’t take long.
Fewer and fewer people understand what perception really is and how it affects our lives. I heard Brown numerous times instructing people about the deeper truths of perception. He would say “if you don’t like what you’re waking up to then change it.” Many a man and woman thought he was crazy. However, those that applied his teachings were never disappointed. He knew that man is addicted to his feelings. Even though feelings are very deceptive, man still shakes as an addict for another fix.
I learned from Brown that most people really don’t want a change. He would say “that’s ok, don’t push em.” He knew that man is fickle and seldom do you meet those that want real and lasting change.
Perception is our reality. Even when it is a long way from the truth, it is still our manifested reality. Traditional elders used to teach that each of us must find our own way. As hard as that might seem, we should all understand that within each of us is the potential to change our circumstances. It is just perception. There is no sin or judgment just life and our walk through it.
Every day that we perceive something we cement it into our psyche and it becomes our reality. Perception is not some new age mind over matter theory. It is a natural science, one that if applied correctly has the power to change everything. This is a great truth and one that should be taught again.
Where are the elders and teachers of these great truths? I believe that most of them have passed on. However, we still have some around us. Each of us has within our being the potential to overcome all things. We are a microcosm of the Breath Master, Grandmother and Grandfather Spirit, the Universal Consciousness etc.
What you perceive this moment is your world. Don’t try and convince others of the concreteness of your perceived reality when it is usually nothing more than an attempt to explain a chaotic life. We are better than this.
Once upon a time warriors knew this art. When they mastered it they could create the outcome. The First and Third Legs of the Panther knew it as well. Even some of the Fourth Leg understood this ancient teaching. Where is it today? You wake up and go to bed with it every night, it is you.
Yona Unega
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