Thursday, December 23, 2010
To Brown and the Season of Lights
We walked across a mountain valley towards a beautiful stream we called ‘The Medicine’. As we moved silently towards our destination the movements of the earth seemed to come alive.
For a moment I was suspended in time and nothing else existed. I wanted to hold forever this fleeting moment and the ceremony of ‘Going To water’. I knew that my blessing was with this old elder and his life teachings. No words can fully describe this experience.
After years of living in harmony with the earth he had an insight to life that is rarely witnessed today. His very movements were Hers. He spoke of Her with a sacredness that left one feeling as if you were in the very presence of the Creators own. He described in minute detail life and its glories.
“The water is the earths blood”, he would say “and it is our duty not to pollute Her arteries and veins”. He told how all water is related no matter where on earth you find it. That life is precious and full of mystery.
As our hands touched the waters of The Medicine I realized that in that moment he was aware of everything. He was at one with every living thing. “Like the river in its natural course all things must freely pass through us” he would say and finish with “it is our healing”.
He often compared humans to a river that has been damned up. He would continue. “Life does not freely flow through them, their minds and bodies have become stagnate like a river whose waters have been blocked”.
I remember this as if it were yesterday. I can still see, feel, hear, taste and smell that experience. The Medicine still flowing through my body, mind and spirit unrestricted.
In The Season of the Lights, the Winter Solstice I remember many years ago the blessings of an elder named Brown. One who once walked from the path and then returned to bless the younger generations like myself.
Every mountain, stream, meadow, tree, squirrel, sunrise or sunset brings to mind how blessed we are. Every moment is a breath and every breath is a life. Like winter to spring and summer to fall we are ever moving and changing. Let us not forget our many blessings, most of all let us remember life.
Yona Unega
All Things Are As They Should Be - The Walk Of The Bear Part Two (Khotani List #27)
Each of us is where we are supposed to be. We come here with the knowledge and tools to accomplish the task. However, we are here to overcome our shortcomings, so that we can advance in our walk. The path that we choose to take in getting where we should be is based upon our past lives and present circumstance.
In the human kingdom we see a multitude of personalities and types. Modern man attempts to categorize these traits by placing them into neat little boxes with defined characteristics. However, nature’s law continually upsets our neat and tidy definitions of physical, psychological, vital and spiritual traits. Why?
The answer is quite simple. Humans choose to define their life through a physical process. Everything is run through the thinking apparatus called the mind. If it cannot be rationalized then it is non-existent or unexplainable phenomena.
Nature, on the other hand has its own set of rules where each aspect (physical, mental, vital and spiritual) has a specific order governed by rules within its domain. For instance a physical rule cannot govern in the mental world and that of the Spirit follows a set of natural laws that are different than those that function in the vital world.
In Khotani tradition we see humans as multi-faceted beings that are very complex. Humans are made up of numerous entities, each playing a role that contributes to the whole of our earthly being. However, for there to be a human there must first be an operational structure governed by a Divine hand.
In ‘The Walk of The Bear’ we are taught that human nature is the product of ‘The Body Khotani.’ It is this body also referred to as the twenty four elders that is responsible for the manifestation of all four kingdoms mineral, plant, animal and human. In each kingdom are innumerable types within the physical, mental, vital and spiritual aspect of our being. We see that the human tendency is based upon numerous external influences that affect us according to our own nature.
For instance, look at a crowd of people at a ball game, lecture, concert etc. Each individual is played upon by the external atmosphere. No different than every day life. However, at these events the forces of other worlds become magnified because of us. Every emotion, feeling, thought etc. is put into a subtle field by thousands all at one time and in one place. Entities from the other planes of existence act upon our unconscious movements.
People have asked why we relate things through the eyes of nature. Little do they realize that our humanity would not exist outside of the law of nature. For instance, the element of water has many characteristics to its nature. An elder takes us to the water many times to teach us of its ways. It has a close relationship to the moon and in our teachings is of a lunar nature. It is the very blood of the earth. Waters’ characteristics are seen in the lunar parts of our mind. Many of the emotions are water and lunar related. We know that the heavier emotions that attach someone to something are of a water nature.
Fire is different. It is sun related and has a moving force within it. All fire is related to the Ancient White Fire or the original fire of creation. Fire is central to the formation of creation just as it is within us. It is through fire that we process food and perceive things to be. Fire within the mind is responsible for clear thinking. However, if our body fires are contaminated our perceptions become much clouded.
What does this have to do with a crowd of people at a concert? Each element is related to the five sense energies, earth and universal minds and many other things. Our individual makeup (physical, mental and vital) responds according to its nature. Let us consider for the moment just the physical aspect of our being. Someone who is predominately of a water nature will react different than a fire dominate person. A song for instance will move them in a different direction.
The vibrations or energies behind the song will cause reactions within these two people that can be opposite in nature. A fire nature love is different than a water nature love. A love song will cause responses within these two that are of opposite natures and often times at odds with each other. A third person might be a combination of the two which adds another response that is different from the first two.
Physically speaking someone who is Ama Gageda (of a cloudy water nature) has a view of life that is more family oriented than someone of an Acherra (fire nature). The Acherra nature is usually more driven to accomplishment. Neither one is wrong.
There are seven types of physical characteristics, numerous mental and the vital aspects that make up our being. All play an equal role in manifesting the person that others see. These two were just used as an example. The other physical types are Unole (air), the three dual types of Unole/Acherra, Unole/Ama Gageda and Acherra/Ama Gageda and one that is all three. The mental types are quiet numerous and play as much of a role in who we are as the physical characteristics do.
The vital nature of our being is composed of all the desires, emotions and feelings that we have. Most people are in bondage to the vital part of our being, especially in today’s society where we are driven by the emotions and feelings. It takes many years to understand their inner workings and the affect that they have on our life.
Our Spiritual side is the Soul and its soul travel using the spiritual or soul body. It is the only knower of truth. As I have written many times it is the Soul that actually travels from life time to life time. The Soul forms the spiritual or soul body to travel with it. The inner being that we refer to is the center of our existence. The Soul is the foundation that our center is built upon. The Soul is the spark of the Ancient White Fire.
Our entire being receives via the universe subtle vibrations all the time. These vibrations are of many natures. Our elders taught us that the spirits operated in other worlds. These spirits or entities interact with us at all times. What we think, speak and act out attracts to us the attention of these beings from other worlds. However, most people are oblivious to this and continue down a path that self-destructs.
We have all seen people act out of the emotions and desires of anger, hatred, lust, sorrow, depression, joy, happiness, kindness, generosity etc. Yet, how many of us know or knew that each emotion was a response to external forces and our own inner workings? Most of us believe that our actions are solely our own. In the elder teachings this is considered a false idea.
There is an interchange of energy between all livings things. This interchange is not bound by geographical or worldly boundaries. In our teachings the otherworldly entities are interacting with us as well. Therefore, it was considered important to teach our children ‘The Way of Universe.’ Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit has always been a key to our understanding of this great family of entities.
In traditional culture nature and nature’s law are inseparable from the Breath Master and Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit. By seeing and associating life through the eyes of the natural world we see our true nature, bringing enlightenment to not only ourselves but those around us. It is only when we see our natural self as opposed to the inorganic person that we begin to truly grasp life.
Our nature is understood through the law of nature. This organic law cannot be understood from a strictly mental concept. It must be experienced at all of its levels. There is a reason that our ancestors had us experience silence, sweat and other ceremonies, nature observation and communing with Spirit. It is only through these different mediums that we can communicate in the language of their world.
Someone called by the name Hawk at one time understood who they were and how their natural characteristics were that of the Hawk. A name once meant so much more than it does today. Everything in the natural world corresponds with us. Everything interacts constantly with everything else. However, the other worlds play upon these energies based upon their world and its operations.
Elders have said to me many times “we are surrounded by spirits. Most cannot see them, however some of us do. There are good and bad spirits and each of them wants to attach to you. Be careful of your words and thoughts, for they are like lights sent out in search of others like themselves.”
These thoughts, words and actions speak a language that most of humanity does not understand. They are based upon our natural characteristics whose origins are in our past lives and present life circumstances. This is why our elders dedicated their lives to teaching us to ‘know who we are.’
Today we see a humanity that for the most part has not cared to dedicate them selves to learning who they really are. However, times are changing and more and more people are seeking to know the deeper things of Spirit. The elders have said over the years that Elohi (earth) waits for man to come home. It is the way of earth that directs us to our inner most being and all truth.
Yona Unega
All Things Are As They Should Be - The Walk Of The Bear (Khotani List #27)
The universe makes no mistakes, the earth makes no mistakes and most certainly the Creator makes no mistakes. On the other hand man is seen as imperfect, full of flaws. Is this the way it should be?
Each kingdom mineral, plant, animal and human knows a form of perfection. However, it is only within the human kingdom that we see a myriad of imperfections. We see man and all of his flawed thoughts, words and actions as less than everything else. It is only within the human kingdom that we place such high standards. The necessity to judge that which appears to be of a higher form is ingrained within our inner minds.
Man and his religions attempts to define himself as that which is of a higher order, an entity that God chooses above all other living things. In our ignorance we grope in the darkness to find answers to life’s questions. According to religious thought, of all living things only man is created in the image of God and he alone hears the voice of his Maker.
The ‘Walk of The Bear’ shows us ‘The Way’ and how ‘all things are as they should be.’ Within each kingdom deeper truths are revealed to us. But first you must understand that your Soul walk has taken you through all other kingdoms. You must see that in God’s wisdom it was paramount that for true understanding to occur we must take ‘The Walk of The Bear.’ The world would be a different place if we were taught the Breath Masters predetermined ‘Walk of The Bear.’
What is this walk that the elders refer to? All things are as they should be. Do you understand this? Religion has programmed man to such a degree that his mind refuses the idea that everything is perfect or exactly as it should be. Religion likens growing pains to the work of the devil. Suffering is caused by entities external to our self. Religion has no place for or understanding of the law of attraction.
In each kingdom we advance through, another layer of ignorance is removed. We are taught that as our Soul walks this path of truth we attain a greater and greater understanding of life and its purpose. Once we reach a certain level of knowledge we no longer walk in that particular kingdom, but return to the next. Every step of Soul walking reveals deeper insights to life and when our Soul enters the human kingdom we now have the power of determining right from wrong. Thus, man becomes responsible for his actions in a completely different way than required in the other kingdoms.
A great master once said “because the tiger acts according to his nature and knows not anything else, therefore he is divine and there is no evil in him. If he questioned himself, then he would be a criminal.”
How accurate these words are. There is a general nature in all kingdoms, yes; we have individual natures as well. However, it is the ignorance in the general nature of each kingdom that we shed before we attain the next kingdom. The power of the knowledge of right and wrong only comes when our Soul, clothed in a physical body advances to the human kingdom.
So are humans imperfect and all other kingdoms perfect? Man is perfect in his natural place, his imperfection being revealed through the law of the general nature of the human kingdom. We are now responsible for our thoughts, words and actions as humans, where we were not in the other kingdoms.
In the human kingdom we become a completely thinking entity, conscious of at least our outer workings. It is in this kingdom where we become co-creators. An Tri becomes active only in the human form, giving us the power of creating worlds every moment of every day. Our perfection becomes imperfection much as a child falling while trying to walk for the first time. Imperfection is the predecessor to the perfected being. Through our imperfections we eventually attain the level of ‘The Ancient White Bear.’
All things are as they should be. Everything exists for a specific reason. All thoughts, words and actions are entities that we give power of life to. They become living beings whose force of power is determined by our physical and spiritual wills. Most of us are completely oblivious to this law of the universe, creating for ourselves lives that are less than desirable. Each of us has advanced through the other kingdoms by our Souls force of will. We are not helpless humans, ignorant of life.
Within each of us lies the complete knowledge of life, just as the Creator planned it. Our lack of true understanding is simply because of our own ignorance. However, we know that one day the Light will shine fully upon our darkened minds and we will be the Light Bearers to our brothers and sisters in all the kingdoms. Just as those masters have done for us we will be the immense glow on a darkened road that leads those less advanced in their Soul’s walk.
Yona Unega
Monday, December 20, 2010
The Vision (Khotani List #25)
Volumes could be written on this one subject. Vision Quest is the most often used English term when referring to the Vision of Spirit. It was and still should be intimately connected to ones understanding of The Four Legs of The Panther.
The Spirits vision for our life is our Souls purpose for being. Each of us walks the path of the Soul. Soul walking can be likened to walking a mountain trail with a purpose. You have a starting point, mid point and ending destination. The list of your journey could be quite detailed. The purpose for your journey could be a number of things. You fill in the blanks.
Each time our Soul incarnates we are a little further down the mountain trail and closer to our final destination. Yet, do most of us know when, why and where? The so-called Vision Quest was once a much disciplined act. From a small child you were instructed in ‘The Way’ of Spirit. By the time of our Vision Quest we had an understating of The Four Legs of the Buffalo, Panther, Four Log Fire, Creation etc., etc. We were now ready to hear from Spirit.
This is where we get all turned around. Hearing from Spirit is not necessarily an audible voice originating outside of ones being. On the contrary, it is the voice of inner being, the Soul. However, for one to understand this they must have some grasp of ‘The Way.’
Man looks for the miraculous outside of himself. He has been programmed to believe that only those that have so-called miraculous physical manifestations have attained Medicine status. This could not be further from the truth. In fact, for most traditional societies there were at least three main levels of becoming a master. Actually there are dozens of levels. However, for simplicity reasons we will look at three levels. The levels we speak of are for those called to ‘walk the path of Khotani.’ Each level takes many years to master as there are levels within levels.
The first level is the ceremonialists. Their function is to perform and maintain all things that pertain to our traditional ceremonies. The second level is those that have transcended ceremony and have attained proficiency in shape-shifting, astral travel etc. They no longer have a need to perform ceremony. The third level is individuals that have mastered life. They are self contained and need neither ceremony nor any external aspect of life. The master is in communication with the Divine universe.
Today the masters are not much celebrated. Therefore, the Vision Quest has become a futile attempt at getting God to perform the so-called miraculous, so that man can FEEL close to the Creator and thus have his so called vision for his life. Yet, man suffers more today than ever before. Caught in the illusion he struggles to free himself. Through the ‘false idea’ he continues processing truth through the darkened mind. It reminds me of the song ‘The Dark Night of the Soul.’
The Spirits Vision for our life is all about our place within The Four Legs of The Panther and its relationship to The Four Legs of The Buffalo. Without this understanding man seeks out and follows a path foreign to his inner being. Few of us today can say with a certainty that we are doing exactly what our Soul is meant to do.
The understanding must come after we have a grasp of the minds, the physical, the vital and the Spirit. Without knowing the source we listen to one of these others. For instance, there is a mind semi attuned to the things of Spirit, however, it is not the Soul. The mind therefore can lead us down a false path.
Thought for most people originates within the minds. If thought is not of the Soul then it is of a lesser entity within our being. Vision Quest is easily manipulated by thoughts originating from numerous sources inside and outside of our being. Yet, thought attuned to and originating from Spirit is a very powerful tool of a Divine nature.
A great master once said “thought is not essential to existence nor its cause, but it is an instrument for becoming; I become what I see in myself. All that thought suggests to me, I can do; all that thought reveals in me, I can become. This should be man’s unshakable faith in himself, because God dwells in him”.
Thoughts have many aspects. A thought originating from the purely physical mind is not necessarily bad; it is just not necessarily of a Divine Nature. However, the bad or negative thought greatly affects the outcome of the Vision Quest and our entire life. Another great master said regarding bad thoughts “one must not admit bad thoughts into oneself under the pretext that they are merely thoughts. They are tools of execution. And one should not allow them to exist in oneself if one doesn’t want them to do their work of destruction.”
The Spirits Vision for our life is an individual endeavor. Each and every one of us plays a role and has a unique purpose in life. The Vision Quest is a key to unlocking that purpose. However, much like ceremony today there is little to no instruction leading up to and through the Vision Quest. We have become the false embodiment of the illusion.
It is not difficult to throw off the artificial coverings and see truth. An earnest desire within each of us attracts those of like mind. Our focused thoughts, words and actions cause the universe to respond accordingly. Man just needs to start changing his perspective. Most of the information that we entertain is of a negative nature. Change and the universe will respond. It is a universal law.
Yona Unega
Friday, December 17, 2010
Everyday we see and hear the things that make up life. And everyday we present ourselves to an unseen audience, yet recognize only the visible. Much to our displeasure we prepare ourselves for that which is physically present before us, oblivious to the real substance of IT all.
A subtle energy moves freely throughout the universe, speaking a language of the heart. The language is not one of emotion or feeling, rather a small vibration emanating from the center of our being. IT is often referred to as ‘a gut feeling’, ‘an intuition’, ‘a knowing’ or ‘a small still voice’.
IT is everywhere at all times. IT always is and will always be. IT is the God of religion, the Great Spirit of traditional cultures, Eochaid Ollathair The Father, The Sacred Tree Bile, The Way of Life, The Fire Within and IT is you.
Everything seen or unseen exists because of IT. Everything is a mere reflection of IT, manifestations materializing before our eyes. IT is causal, IT is subtle, and IT is physical. Circular in ITS motion IT dwells at the center of three concentric rings.
At one time we all had an intimate relationship with the land. And at times of the year we participated in the celebration of life through ceremony. The Yule season is one such ceremony. IT is about the Light, because IT is the Light. The Light is the Fire and IT is the force behind both Light and its manifestation Fire.
IT is the patience of the Soul and the redeeming nature of our Higher Self. IT is the salvation that many seek. IT is the peace that we desire and the force that causes all things to be. IT is my heart and yours and his and hers and theirs.
IT is our abiding faith. IT is the sole of both moccasin and boot. IT is our reason for being. IT is The Dagda, The White Buffalo Calf Woman, Brahma, The Buddha, The Christ, Krishna, Vishnu and Shiva and The Four Faces of Creator. IT is Cause and Effect because IT IS.........
Conn Niul
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Path of the Grandparents – ‘The Way’ (Khotani List #23)
Long ago traditional people followed ‘The Way’ of Grandmother and Grandfather. The clan system was highly organized and established to maintain equilibrium. ‘The Way’ of earth and the moon was considered the path of Grandmother and ‘The Way’ of the universe and the sun the path of Grandfather. Together they formed the complete system of ‘The Way’, each path consisting of both solar and lunar aspects.
Today, people are cutoff from the old way. Each generation like a river, cuts through the granite walls of tradition, creating an ever widening chasm. ‘The Way’ has become an archaic path that is relegated to dusty old discussions of history that have no relevance in modern society; being traditional means having historical knowledge of an ancient non-functioning society. Only a handful truly knows the power and relevance of ‘The Way.’
What happened? Material man set out to create that which opposes ‘The Way.’ All one has to do is look at religion. The three big religions of the world are out of balance, yet man does not see it. Below is a very short example.
1. God is male
2. Trace the blood through the male line
3. Woman caused man to fall
I could go on and on. Let us take a moment and look at these three. God is male, absolutely absurd. Creator is neither male nor female. Creator is the embodiment of all that exists within the universe. Poles, the positive (male) and negative (female) flow from Creator and into the universe. The essence of material creation starts with the solar energy (male) as thought vibrations and manifests through the lunar energy (woman) of form. Therefore, creation is equally dependant upon the two opposite polls that have a common origin, Creator.
Breath Master is no more male than female. Creator is the embodiment of all that exists. Yet, man needs to believe in a male dominant system that is governed by a male god sitting upon a masculine throne. It is pure fiction.
Trace the blood through the male line. Once again man shows his ignorance of universal law. For traditional people we know that it is the lunar or female energy that creates form or the body that materializes. All form is of the mother. Nature’s law teaches us that blood must be traced equally through the female and male lines or we become a weakened diseased entity. Yet, so-called holy scriptures only mention certain female lines while going on and on endlessly about the male line.
Return to nature’s law and nature’s God. Who is it that framed the stars, sun, moon, planets and constellations? Nature clearly shows that any plant, animal or human that ignores the pole that gives substance is a weak species that will eventually become diseased and die. If nature’s law is God’s law then why does man seek to circumvent the Divine? It is simple; he wants to control you and me.
Woman caused man to fall. Once again, control through divide and conquer. Man seeks to create an artificial system to control others, yet he realizes that it is a non-living entity. It cannot maintain itself because it is devoid of key ingredients that produce life. A seed (negative) is first fertilized (positive) and then the third principal (the manifestation) grows.
How can woman be a villain when she is a co-creator? For this to be we must accept that creation is flawed. Only the woman carries the creative potential of God. Her Divine womb seeks to birth a Divine creation. It is only when man vilifies her that the womb becomes a corrupted place of dark creation. Sacred Sex becomes the darkened world of perverted sex. Male dominant religion creates a dark womb.
Far from its holy source woman becomes that of her sick male captor. Needing his covering, protection, advice etc., etc. she becomes nothing more than the false woman of the common law. This law is not nature’s law, but the imposter of a well thought out plan emanating from the mind of anti-God religionists.
Are we to suppose that Breath Master has succumbed to a false way? Do we suppose that God is dead? We cannot know the Lunar without the Solar and vise versa. There is no superior form, rather forms that make up the whole of a Divine system governed by The All knowing, complete in its being.
The ancient clan system worked because it followed ‘The Way’ of God. Balance was maintained through understanding and following the law of Creator. Religion sought to bring God’s way down. Every traditional culture in the world has been assaulted by religionists. History shows what religion has done or attempted to do. Every time religion conquers a traditional region of the world what follows is alcoholism, drug abuse, spousal abuse, molestation the list is endless. Male dominant religion DESTROYS.
God is balance. To know the Creator is to know balance. Man is diseased in his body; his mind functions through a programmed male dominant system that is extremely difficult to overcome. Our every move is dictated by a mind that has been programmed to filter all things through MALE DOMINANCE.
Today we suffer the disease of a male god who is nothing more than an illusion, part and parcel of the matrix. Every supportive action that we take within this system helps to keep it in place. We are solar and lunar, producing a third entity within our being.
The ‘Great Diamond’ held within that of The Mother is a subtle presence within us men as well. Every moment in thought, word and action that we honor the center of its existence we participate in overthrowing the death of godless religion. All ceremonial ground, Asi etc. are a celebration of Grandmother Spirit, that which flows freely from the Creative Force.
We are walking embodiments of The Breath Master. From Grandfather’s first thought waves through Grandmothers subtle manifestation we carry the key principals that make us Divine Sparks of the Ancient White Fire. Each of us moves because of this ancient fire. It operates only within that which is truth, universal law.
Deep in the center of our being is a knowledge that knows that which TRUTH is, that which SACRED is, that which both SOLAR and LUNAR is, that which defies the illusion of a perverted, sick, diseased male dominant society of religionists.
Wake up man and woman. Divineness is within each of us, we just do not know it. Throw off all vestiges of that which seeks to enslave and embrace the ‘The Ancient of Ways’, Lehiyugese, Forn Sidhr, Sean Dedma.
Saga Yashkah
Today, people are cutoff from the old way. Each generation like a river, cuts through the granite walls of tradition, creating an ever widening chasm. ‘The Way’ has become an archaic path that is relegated to dusty old discussions of history that have no relevance in modern society; being traditional means having historical knowledge of an ancient non-functioning society. Only a handful truly knows the power and relevance of ‘The Way.’
What happened? Material man set out to create that which opposes ‘The Way.’ All one has to do is look at religion. The three big religions of the world are out of balance, yet man does not see it. Below is a very short example.
1. God is male
2. Trace the blood through the male line
3. Woman caused man to fall
I could go on and on. Let us take a moment and look at these three. God is male, absolutely absurd. Creator is neither male nor female. Creator is the embodiment of all that exists within the universe. Poles, the positive (male) and negative (female) flow from Creator and into the universe. The essence of material creation starts with the solar energy (male) as thought vibrations and manifests through the lunar energy (woman) of form. Therefore, creation is equally dependant upon the two opposite polls that have a common origin, Creator.
Breath Master is no more male than female. Creator is the embodiment of all that exists. Yet, man needs to believe in a male dominant system that is governed by a male god sitting upon a masculine throne. It is pure fiction.
Trace the blood through the male line. Once again man shows his ignorance of universal law. For traditional people we know that it is the lunar or female energy that creates form or the body that materializes. All form is of the mother. Nature’s law teaches us that blood must be traced equally through the female and male lines or we become a weakened diseased entity. Yet, so-called holy scriptures only mention certain female lines while going on and on endlessly about the male line.
Return to nature’s law and nature’s God. Who is it that framed the stars, sun, moon, planets and constellations? Nature clearly shows that any plant, animal or human that ignores the pole that gives substance is a weak species that will eventually become diseased and die. If nature’s law is God’s law then why does man seek to circumvent the Divine? It is simple; he wants to control you and me.
Woman caused man to fall. Once again, control through divide and conquer. Man seeks to create an artificial system to control others, yet he realizes that it is a non-living entity. It cannot maintain itself because it is devoid of key ingredients that produce life. A seed (negative) is first fertilized (positive) and then the third principal (the manifestation) grows.
How can woman be a villain when she is a co-creator? For this to be we must accept that creation is flawed. Only the woman carries the creative potential of God. Her Divine womb seeks to birth a Divine creation. It is only when man vilifies her that the womb becomes a corrupted place of dark creation. Sacred Sex becomes the darkened world of perverted sex. Male dominant religion creates a dark womb.
Far from its holy source woman becomes that of her sick male captor. Needing his covering, protection, advice etc., etc. she becomes nothing more than the false woman of the common law. This law is not nature’s law, but the imposter of a well thought out plan emanating from the mind of anti-God religionists.
Are we to suppose that Breath Master has succumbed to a false way? Do we suppose that God is dead? We cannot know the Lunar without the Solar and vise versa. There is no superior form, rather forms that make up the whole of a Divine system governed by The All knowing, complete in its being.
The ancient clan system worked because it followed ‘The Way’ of God. Balance was maintained through understanding and following the law of Creator. Religion sought to bring God’s way down. Every traditional culture in the world has been assaulted by religionists. History shows what religion has done or attempted to do. Every time religion conquers a traditional region of the world what follows is alcoholism, drug abuse, spousal abuse, molestation the list is endless. Male dominant religion DESTROYS.
God is balance. To know the Creator is to know balance. Man is diseased in his body; his mind functions through a programmed male dominant system that is extremely difficult to overcome. Our every move is dictated by a mind that has been programmed to filter all things through MALE DOMINANCE.
Today we suffer the disease of a male god who is nothing more than an illusion, part and parcel of the matrix. Every supportive action that we take within this system helps to keep it in place. We are solar and lunar, producing a third entity within our being.
The ‘Great Diamond’ held within that of The Mother is a subtle presence within us men as well. Every moment in thought, word and action that we honor the center of its existence we participate in overthrowing the death of godless religion. All ceremonial ground, Asi etc. are a celebration of Grandmother Spirit, that which flows freely from the Creative Force.
We are walking embodiments of The Breath Master. From Grandfather’s first thought waves through Grandmothers subtle manifestation we carry the key principals that make us Divine Sparks of the Ancient White Fire. Each of us moves because of this ancient fire. It operates only within that which is truth, universal law.
Deep in the center of our being is a knowledge that knows that which TRUTH is, that which SACRED is, that which both SOLAR and LUNAR is, that which defies the illusion of a perverted, sick, diseased male dominant society of religionists.
Wake up man and woman. Divineness is within each of us, we just do not know it. Throw off all vestiges of that which seeks to enslave and embrace the ‘The Ancient of Ways’, Lehiyugese, Forn Sidhr, Sean Dedma.
Saga Yashkah
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Matrix and Ego (Khotani List #22)
The matrix is not man made. Much has been written about the artificial system many are referring to as the matrix, artificial intelligence etc. People have the false idea that the origin of this system is man. Everything that appears to be evil, dark, unholy or unnatural is credited to man. What of God?
Religionists have put many a false spin on truth in their endeavors to control the masses. As long as people believe that man is capable of ‘Original Creation’ is as long as they will be enslaved.
Yes, I have said many times that we are co-creators. I have also said that we create our own worlds. However, in the creation process we are never the Originator. We are simply tapping into the fabric that is already in place. The material makeup of the matrix existed before man. Human beings simply learn to manipulate the substance.
One of the keys to understanding the matrix is ego. However, most westerners have a false idea or definition of ego based upon the false definition given by those seeking to control others. Western man takes an allopathic approach and points to the symptoms of ego much like western doctors defining disease. The manifestation of a boastful or arrogant nature is not ego, but an imbalance of the ego principal. I will not bore you with mindless definitions of our modern society’s idea of ego. However, we will take a moment and look at the ancient teaching on this subject.
I once had someone say to me that ego meant “edging God out.” This is obviously one of those neat little ditties that cause us to spend endless hours chasing our tail. The following excerpt is from the future book ‘The Art Of Being – Khotani.’
“The seeds of differentiation existing in Cosmic Intelligence (Sacred Mind) begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego. Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution. This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, tree etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother (Ulisi) and the Divine Mind use to manifest. Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.”
This simply states that ego is a natural part of the creation process. Ego allows for there to be differentiation in the universe. We would not have a world without it. There would be no mineral, plant, animal or human kingdoms nor their unique differences within each kingdom without it. Simply stated, ego is the beginning of all that we see in the material world.
Ego is a necessary process of creation to remain in continuum. Yet, it is also something that we are to eventually overcome. First we must see and recognize our uniqueness, an individual separate from all other humans, animals, plants and minerals. We must become familiar with that which we are or think we are. After numerous times returning in our Soul Walk we begin to discover the illusion of separateness.
This is accomplished over a long period of time. Sooner or later we start to recognize the commonality in all things. This only happens once the Spiritual Body has matured sufficiently enough to influence the other members of our being like the minds.
Ego then is not a symptom but a much needed cause. It is a necessary aspect of our creation story. Without ego we fail to see the Source of our Self. Ego allows for the Spiritual Body to mature on its journey. All that is good is first seen and recognized through ego. By identifying ourselves as separate we are moved by the generosity of that which is not of our being.
Man manipulates us into believing that it is to be praised or hated. Those with a lot of ego conquer the world and those that slay it know God. Both are the twisted view of man’s desire to control others. The matrix is nothing more than man injecting ego into the web of universal law. Once man believes that ego is either supreme or evil he is susceptible to the matrix.
The matrix existence is solely dependent upon an organized universe subject to Divine law. Much energy is given to the matrix/artificial intelligence etc. and it’s so called strangle hold on man. This only perpetuates the system by applying universal law, thinking, speaking and acting (An Tri) feeds the subject of An Tri.
It is true that the masses will always feed the false system. However, in traditional thinking the false system is totally dependent upon Truth for its very existence. A false system only exists because man knowingly or unknowingly manipulates a universal material that is the original substance of all creation.
Ego is not evil nor is it the ultimate in mastering ourselves. However, it is a necessary ingredient to all that we know in the world that we hear, see, feel, taste and smell. It is one of the twenty-four elders of our creation story. In fact, most religions speak of the twenty-four elders or principals. Without ego there would be no world and the matrix would be non-existent.
Yona Unega
Religionists have put many a false spin on truth in their endeavors to control the masses. As long as people believe that man is capable of ‘Original Creation’ is as long as they will be enslaved.
Yes, I have said many times that we are co-creators. I have also said that we create our own worlds. However, in the creation process we are never the Originator. We are simply tapping into the fabric that is already in place. The material makeup of the matrix existed before man. Human beings simply learn to manipulate the substance.
One of the keys to understanding the matrix is ego. However, most westerners have a false idea or definition of ego based upon the false definition given by those seeking to control others. Western man takes an allopathic approach and points to the symptoms of ego much like western doctors defining disease. The manifestation of a boastful or arrogant nature is not ego, but an imbalance of the ego principal. I will not bore you with mindless definitions of our modern society’s idea of ego. However, we will take a moment and look at the ancient teaching on this subject.
I once had someone say to me that ego meant “edging God out.” This is obviously one of those neat little ditties that cause us to spend endless hours chasing our tail. The following excerpt is from the future book ‘The Art Of Being – Khotani.’
“The seeds of differentiation existing in Cosmic Intelligence (Sacred Mind) begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego. Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution. This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, tree etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother (Ulisi) and the Divine Mind use to manifest. Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.”
This simply states that ego is a natural part of the creation process. Ego allows for there to be differentiation in the universe. We would not have a world without it. There would be no mineral, plant, animal or human kingdoms nor their unique differences within each kingdom without it. Simply stated, ego is the beginning of all that we see in the material world.
Ego is a necessary process of creation to remain in continuum. Yet, it is also something that we are to eventually overcome. First we must see and recognize our uniqueness, an individual separate from all other humans, animals, plants and minerals. We must become familiar with that which we are or think we are. After numerous times returning in our Soul Walk we begin to discover the illusion of separateness.
This is accomplished over a long period of time. Sooner or later we start to recognize the commonality in all things. This only happens once the Spiritual Body has matured sufficiently enough to influence the other members of our being like the minds.
Ego then is not a symptom but a much needed cause. It is a necessary aspect of our creation story. Without ego we fail to see the Source of our Self. Ego allows for the Spiritual Body to mature on its journey. All that is good is first seen and recognized through ego. By identifying ourselves as separate we are moved by the generosity of that which is not of our being.
Man manipulates us into believing that it is to be praised or hated. Those with a lot of ego conquer the world and those that slay it know God. Both are the twisted view of man’s desire to control others. The matrix is nothing more than man injecting ego into the web of universal law. Once man believes that ego is either supreme or evil he is susceptible to the matrix.
The matrix existence is solely dependent upon an organized universe subject to Divine law. Much energy is given to the matrix/artificial intelligence etc. and it’s so called strangle hold on man. This only perpetuates the system by applying universal law, thinking, speaking and acting (An Tri) feeds the subject of An Tri.
It is true that the masses will always feed the false system. However, in traditional thinking the false system is totally dependent upon Truth for its very existence. A false system only exists because man knowingly or unknowingly manipulates a universal material that is the original substance of all creation.
Ego is not evil nor is it the ultimate in mastering ourselves. However, it is a necessary ingredient to all that we know in the world that we hear, see, feel, taste and smell. It is one of the twenty-four elders of our creation story. In fact, most religions speak of the twenty-four elders or principals. Without ego there would be no world and the matrix would be non-existent.
Yona Unega
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Walk of The Bear Part 2 (Khotani List #20)
The illusion is called many things. It encompasses all aspects of life, everything that we see, hear, feel, taste and smell. The senses are alive with it. There is nothing that escapes its grip. Some see it as the great matrix, others as the great deception. It is both friend and foe. It comforts and discomforts our every day life. The Walk of The Bear liberates us from the bondage of the illusion of the matrix.
Mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms seek to break the bonds of the great illusion. However, only the human has the ability to free him/herself. It is within the human kingdom that we have the opportunity to step into The Walk of The Bear.
In Khotani teaching we must first recognize the Bear before we are ready to take the walk. In the walk we are shown how our life is manipulated every moment, driven by a force that within the matrix appears as external. We are shown the false distinction between us and that force which is a separate and distinct entity.
Government and religion are two sides of the same coin minted in the matrix. The illusion seeks to will us into believing we are fallible and finite beings. The matrix manipulates us into believing that without the saving grace of a father government or religion we are doomed. We see and know that which the matrix desires for us, nothing more and nothing less.
The Walk of The Bear tears down the walls of the illusion, revealing that of our True Self which is contrary to all that we have been taught. The false self is exposed with all of its failures and inconsistencies. However, man is so attached to the illusion of his false self that he cannot extricate himself from it. Our whole life has been spent training in the matrix. Every aspect of our being has been programmed from pre day one.
The Walk of The Bear is an enemy of the state of the matrix. The illusion cannot allow for us to walk the path of the Great Bear. The illusion sets itself up as our savior. The Great Bear has no need of a savior. The Great Bear just is. In the Walk of The Bear we see that our Soul is the Divine spark that is beyond pre-ordained. It is self contained, sent here to earth with all of the power to operate as a wave of the Breath Master.
The Walk of The Bear shows us the place of hibernation, where the Mother nourishes us at the birthing place of consciousness. This is heresy to religionists, treason to governments but Truth to those of the Lightning Path, the AniKhotani.
Most of us confuse the Khotani teachings, liking it to one of numerous spiritual ways such as Cherokee, Irish, and German etc. This is all part of the matrix. The Khotani ways are ancient and the mother of dozens and dozens of ancient tribal people’s teachings. However, the illusion is so ingrained that man has to see what appears as a clear distinction. In The Walk of The Bear we are shown the source. Only then can we see with clarity the illusion of separation.
Good and evil, true and false, right and wrong are all within and part of the ‘Way.’ The matrix seeks to divide us within our own being. Our words reveal how deep the programming is. We fail to see that which is of The Light Bearer because of the darkened window of the matrix. We act out freedom when in reality we are in complete bondage. Every word that we speak comes from matrix programming.
The walk of The Bear goes straight to the source. Why settle for that which is down stream. Only within the four faces of Creator can we attain the truth. The matrix is not the source therefore; it is unable to affect the beginning. At the source we have revealed to us all truth, thus seeing the illusion for what it is.
Our visions, dreams and spiritual insights are all processed through the mind of the matrix. Only at the source can we clearly define those secondary movements. Because man places higher importance upon himself and those things that are less than true mastery, he further deceives himself. Lofty, he places his ideals, believing that he is the originator of them, only to have revealed in The Walk of The Bear that they are all illusion.
It was once said “to know thyself is true mastery.” However, most of us fail in our definition of thyself, therefore where is the mastery. All that we perceive is a manifestation of something. The materialization is one thing, the perception of it quite another. The matrix materializes through the ‘FALSE IDEA (FI).’ Within FI we create small worlds that tap the matrix to survive. From the onset we are living in the illusion.
Man is easily manipulated. He is so programmed that his every day is nothing more than a robotic action of preprogrammed responses. Furthermore, we emit and receive subtle energies from every living thing in the universe. Every thought, word and action that has ever been assaults our person.
In The Walk of The Bear we are given the keys that open the doors of our minds, Soul and other entities of our being. An Corp Khotani is revealed and we begin to see the illusion more clearly. Slowly and deliberately we move away from the matrix and into ‘The Way.’ Adults have a much more difficult time. Our young people are the answer.
The Walk of The Bear is the walk of a True Heart. Every traditional culture has a similar belief in place. It is within this walk that we gain the high ground and break the bonds that have enslaved us far too long. The Walk of The Bear is life and freedom.
Saga Yashkah
Mineral, plant, animal and human kingdoms seek to break the bonds of the great illusion. However, only the human has the ability to free him/herself. It is within the human kingdom that we have the opportunity to step into The Walk of The Bear.
In Khotani teaching we must first recognize the Bear before we are ready to take the walk. In the walk we are shown how our life is manipulated every moment, driven by a force that within the matrix appears as external. We are shown the false distinction between us and that force which is a separate and distinct entity.
Government and religion are two sides of the same coin minted in the matrix. The illusion seeks to will us into believing we are fallible and finite beings. The matrix manipulates us into believing that without the saving grace of a father government or religion we are doomed. We see and know that which the matrix desires for us, nothing more and nothing less.
The Walk of The Bear tears down the walls of the illusion, revealing that of our True Self which is contrary to all that we have been taught. The false self is exposed with all of its failures and inconsistencies. However, man is so attached to the illusion of his false self that he cannot extricate himself from it. Our whole life has been spent training in the matrix. Every aspect of our being has been programmed from pre day one.
The Walk of The Bear is an enemy of the state of the matrix. The illusion cannot allow for us to walk the path of the Great Bear. The illusion sets itself up as our savior. The Great Bear has no need of a savior. The Great Bear just is. In the Walk of The Bear we see that our Soul is the Divine spark that is beyond pre-ordained. It is self contained, sent here to earth with all of the power to operate as a wave of the Breath Master.
The Walk of The Bear shows us the place of hibernation, where the Mother nourishes us at the birthing place of consciousness. This is heresy to religionists, treason to governments but Truth to those of the Lightning Path, the AniKhotani.
Most of us confuse the Khotani teachings, liking it to one of numerous spiritual ways such as Cherokee, Irish, and German etc. This is all part of the matrix. The Khotani ways are ancient and the mother of dozens and dozens of ancient tribal people’s teachings. However, the illusion is so ingrained that man has to see what appears as a clear distinction. In The Walk of The Bear we are shown the source. Only then can we see with clarity the illusion of separation.
Good and evil, true and false, right and wrong are all within and part of the ‘Way.’ The matrix seeks to divide us within our own being. Our words reveal how deep the programming is. We fail to see that which is of The Light Bearer because of the darkened window of the matrix. We act out freedom when in reality we are in complete bondage. Every word that we speak comes from matrix programming.
The walk of The Bear goes straight to the source. Why settle for that which is down stream. Only within the four faces of Creator can we attain the truth. The matrix is not the source therefore; it is unable to affect the beginning. At the source we have revealed to us all truth, thus seeing the illusion for what it is.
Our visions, dreams and spiritual insights are all processed through the mind of the matrix. Only at the source can we clearly define those secondary movements. Because man places higher importance upon himself and those things that are less than true mastery, he further deceives himself. Lofty, he places his ideals, believing that he is the originator of them, only to have revealed in The Walk of The Bear that they are all illusion.
It was once said “to know thyself is true mastery.” However, most of us fail in our definition of thyself, therefore where is the mastery. All that we perceive is a manifestation of something. The materialization is one thing, the perception of it quite another. The matrix materializes through the ‘FALSE IDEA (FI).’ Within FI we create small worlds that tap the matrix to survive. From the onset we are living in the illusion.
Man is easily manipulated. He is so programmed that his every day is nothing more than a robotic action of preprogrammed responses. Furthermore, we emit and receive subtle energies from every living thing in the universe. Every thought, word and action that has ever been assaults our person.
In The Walk of The Bear we are given the keys that open the doors of our minds, Soul and other entities of our being. An Corp Khotani is revealed and we begin to see the illusion more clearly. Slowly and deliberately we move away from the matrix and into ‘The Way.’ Adults have a much more difficult time. Our young people are the answer.
The Walk of The Bear is the walk of a True Heart. Every traditional culture has a similar belief in place. It is within this walk that we gain the high ground and break the bonds that have enslaved us far too long. The Walk of The Bear is life and freedom.
Saga Yashkah
Friday, November 5, 2010
One Moment, One World - The Walk 0f The Bear (Khotani List #20)
One moment of any given day, hour or second is one world. Every millisecond of every day there are dozens of worlds we create. Some live for seconds while others live for days, years and lifetimes. We co-create with the Breath Master; however, for most of us we are unaware of the worlds within moments. These moments help mold and form ‘The You’ that everyone including yourself identifies as your true person. Below is an excerpt from the book ‘I AM Khotani.’
“Every human being walks a path that is unique to them. Every breath that we take, every beauty that we see is unique to us. ‘An Tri’ (thought, spoken word and action or walking in it) is universal and yet it is different for each of us.
Your walk is your life. It becomes the springboard for our near and distant future. If we perceive the present and all that pertains to it, then we can truly accomplish greatness.
‘I Am’ is the culmination of ‘The You’. Without the ‘I Am’ there is no you, they are inseparable. ‘I Am’ is the culmination of every single thought that you have had, every single word that you have spoken and every single action that you have taken.
The magic, mysticism, spirituality and resultant power that are manifested are you. You are in a constant state of spiritual renewal; you just do not know it. Your walk is sacred; you are just unaware of it.
Every magnificent mountain, stream, ocean, plain, desert, flower or animal is within you. Within your center is the Divine greatness that has called forth these wonders of nature. Seek that which is the most glorious to your nature and you WILL BECOME. Therefore, ‘I am all that I perceive myself to be.’
No matter the humble beginnings or troublesome things that you have done, all of these wash away like snow in spring rain. You are not forgotten, lost, forsaken or destined for eternal damnation. On the contrary, YOU ARE DIVINE.”
The I am is the accumulation of all your thoughts, words and actions. Each one of these ‘An Tri’ is activated within a moment of time. The more active the mind, words and actions the more we help materialize that entity.
Over the years of working with elders and eventually doing my own work I have rarely found people content and happy with whom they have become. For too many reasons to mention here they are less than satisfied with their so-called reality of the entity they have created. I have discovered that if they were truly honest with themselves things would change.
Human beings seek to misplace blame. Rarely do you find the individual that is completely honest with them self. When you do run across one of these gems they are brutally honest when they look into the mirror. The brutally honest are the ones that attain the highest levels within their walk. No judgment, no sin, no error, just truth. We avoid ‘The Walk of The Bear.’
Within our teachings there is a walk that is often times referred to as ‘The Walk of The Bear.’ Within these ancient instructions we are given a weapon of freedom. This weapon is capable of slaying our greatest enemy. The problem is people do not want to defeat the greatest foe. Instead they choose to do battle with the generals minions.
In ‘The Walk of The Bear’ we are taught that the greatest enemy is the darkened one, our self. However, most people are completely incapable of understanding the depth of these teachings. They might acknowledge the truth therein; however, they are usually unable of even taking the field to attempt to defeat this one great enemy. Failing to engage the darkened one we create a false I Am.
Every moment that the darkened one reigns supreme we materialize a false concept of our ‘True Self.’ Through psychological warfare of the darkened one we manifest the false self. Once the false self is taken to be our nature we start down the path of illusion. At this point every thought, word, action, vision, dream, spiritual message etc. is jeopardized. There is an enemy in the camp and we are compromised.
Everything that is created starts with a thought, leading to a word and fully manifesting in an action. We are the only ones that think it, speak it and act it out. To credit some one or some thing with our thoughts, words and actions is evidence of the delusion that has crept into mankind.
Each moment we create a world or worlds that are manifestations of our Divine power. To accept that we are Spiritual manifestations of the Breath Master means we must also accept our ability to create and destroy our outer selves. We wield a power that cuts both ways.
Why is man so easily manipulated? He fails to see or acknowledge the real enemy and then deal with him. ‘The Walk of The Bear’ shows us that one moment creates one world and in each moment our enemy seeks to gain the high ground.
The Illumined Ones have slain the darkened ones. Their vision is crystal clear. They can discern false thoughts from True thoughts. Their words and actions that follow are of a Divine nature. It is from these that we learn the highest form of warfare, Spiritual engagement.
True enlightened beings know that each moment is a world and it is within the present moment that we create. However, the darkened one seeks to steal the moment and lead us into a life of illusion. ‘The Way of the Warrior’ starts with ‘The Walk of The Bear.’
Saga Yashkah
“Every human being walks a path that is unique to them. Every breath that we take, every beauty that we see is unique to us. ‘An Tri’ (thought, spoken word and action or walking in it) is universal and yet it is different for each of us.
Your walk is your life. It becomes the springboard for our near and distant future. If we perceive the present and all that pertains to it, then we can truly accomplish greatness.
‘I Am’ is the culmination of ‘The You’. Without the ‘I Am’ there is no you, they are inseparable. ‘I Am’ is the culmination of every single thought that you have had, every single word that you have spoken and every single action that you have taken.
The magic, mysticism, spirituality and resultant power that are manifested are you. You are in a constant state of spiritual renewal; you just do not know it. Your walk is sacred; you are just unaware of it.
Every magnificent mountain, stream, ocean, plain, desert, flower or animal is within you. Within your center is the Divine greatness that has called forth these wonders of nature. Seek that which is the most glorious to your nature and you WILL BECOME. Therefore, ‘I am all that I perceive myself to be.’
No matter the humble beginnings or troublesome things that you have done, all of these wash away like snow in spring rain. You are not forgotten, lost, forsaken or destined for eternal damnation. On the contrary, YOU ARE DIVINE.”
The I am is the accumulation of all your thoughts, words and actions. Each one of these ‘An Tri’ is activated within a moment of time. The more active the mind, words and actions the more we help materialize that entity.
Over the years of working with elders and eventually doing my own work I have rarely found people content and happy with whom they have become. For too many reasons to mention here they are less than satisfied with their so-called reality of the entity they have created. I have discovered that if they were truly honest with themselves things would change.
Human beings seek to misplace blame. Rarely do you find the individual that is completely honest with them self. When you do run across one of these gems they are brutally honest when they look into the mirror. The brutally honest are the ones that attain the highest levels within their walk. No judgment, no sin, no error, just truth. We avoid ‘The Walk of The Bear.’
Within our teachings there is a walk that is often times referred to as ‘The Walk of The Bear.’ Within these ancient instructions we are given a weapon of freedom. This weapon is capable of slaying our greatest enemy. The problem is people do not want to defeat the greatest foe. Instead they choose to do battle with the generals minions.
In ‘The Walk of The Bear’ we are taught that the greatest enemy is the darkened one, our self. However, most people are completely incapable of understanding the depth of these teachings. They might acknowledge the truth therein; however, they are usually unable of even taking the field to attempt to defeat this one great enemy. Failing to engage the darkened one we create a false I Am.
Every moment that the darkened one reigns supreme we materialize a false concept of our ‘True Self.’ Through psychological warfare of the darkened one we manifest the false self. Once the false self is taken to be our nature we start down the path of illusion. At this point every thought, word, action, vision, dream, spiritual message etc. is jeopardized. There is an enemy in the camp and we are compromised.
Everything that is created starts with a thought, leading to a word and fully manifesting in an action. We are the only ones that think it, speak it and act it out. To credit some one or some thing with our thoughts, words and actions is evidence of the delusion that has crept into mankind.
Each moment we create a world or worlds that are manifestations of our Divine power. To accept that we are Spiritual manifestations of the Breath Master means we must also accept our ability to create and destroy our outer selves. We wield a power that cuts both ways.
Why is man so easily manipulated? He fails to see or acknowledge the real enemy and then deal with him. ‘The Walk of The Bear’ shows us that one moment creates one world and in each moment our enemy seeks to gain the high ground.
The Illumined Ones have slain the darkened ones. Their vision is crystal clear. They can discern false thoughts from True thoughts. Their words and actions that follow are of a Divine nature. It is from these that we learn the highest form of warfare, Spiritual engagement.
True enlightened beings know that each moment is a world and it is within the present moment that we create. However, the darkened one seeks to steal the moment and lead us into a life of illusion. ‘The Way of the Warrior’ starts with ‘The Walk of The Bear.’
Saga Yashkah
Monday, October 25, 2010
What is Your Knowing?
At the center of each living thing dwells the fire of knowledge. It is within this fire or Center that we know the truth of our lives. Our “knowing” is what we literally become.
Wanting to do something with our life is not the same as “knowing”. To desire to become ......... has an origin. If this desire comes from within the Center of our being then it is our “knowing”. All other desires originate in other areas of our self.
Every single person that has lived or currently walks this earth has a “knowing”. If we are in “Right Relationship” with our Center, we will have an inner knowledge of our “knowing”. Whether we are conscious of it does not change the results.
The innate ability for some people to know what they will become when they grow up mystifies most people. For most of those living this so called miraculous life they cannot explain what just happened. They will speak of intuition, gut feelings etc. However, most truly do not know from where it comes.
“Knowing” defines our life. Those that “know”, become that which they know. Every one of us “knows” at least in part. It is evident in our thoughts, words we speak and our actions. Most of the time our “knowing” becomes confused with our experiences.
Experiences of a traumatic nature have a tendency to redirect our line of communication. The direction tends to be away from the Center and moves more towards the surface entities such as the mind, feelings, emotions etc. These other entities of our person, left to their own accord are deceiving.
To “know” is to be. It is within this “knowing” that we are in Right Relationship with our inner being. To “know” is to be driven by our true Self, that spark of Gohantone. It is our Sacred Self, the perfect Soul that journeys through numerous life times.
There is a fire burning that is pure of essence, a refiner of our thoughts. At its very center is all truth. Every aspect of our person can be in unison with the will for our lives. This force of will is our pure Self. It is within the Center that we discover “who we are”.
We are more than the sum of our confused thoughts, words and actions. These derive from the false self, the impostor whose sole purpose is to divert us from our destiny. However, its force cannot withstand that of our true Self. We just must listen. By truly going within we remove the mask of our lesser self and there before us we plainly see our true Self and that of our “knowing”.
Saga Yashkah
Saturday, October 23, 2010
The Circle Within (Khotani List #16)
Traditionally we look at life as a continuous circle. Actually, we see circles within circles. The drum, ceremonial circles as well as any other circle are representative of our life on earth. Elohi, the earth mother’s symbol is a circle, while that of the universe is a square. Yet, most people never see beyond that of the gross physical or physical/physical.
The circle is the symbol of our being. We are children of the earth and therefore are created in circular fashion. For instance, we have an outer circle, middle circle and inner circle. Each of these circles has a physical aspect, mental aspect and vital aspect. The deeper you go within yourself the more that is revealed along the lines of the circle/s.
Many of our elders used to refer to the five streams as having a circular action. These five streams or elders are the beginnings of the sense energies. They are fed from the inner most circle of our being. This inner most circle of our being is sometimes referred to as the center, it is perfect and without flaw. Here, within the center, is the original circle. It is from this center that the other circles – inner, middle and outer find life. The center is a microcosm of the Grand Center and in actuality is one and the same with it.
It is from this place of absoluteness that we discover our True Self or how to be a True Human Being. Only within the center can we find truth, everything else is ‘Shadow land’, mere distortions of reality. Through the understanding of the circle we see that all life is one.
Elders would take a rope and stretch it out so that you would see it as linear with distinct left, middle and right aspects. The left represented the past the middle represented the present and the right represented the future. However, when they connected the left with the right a circle was formed, joining the past with the future and becoming the present within the great circle of life. Furthermore, it taught us that all things are one in the present. It is only when we see life as linear that we live within the illusion of reality.
The original sacred White Fire is the Grand Center. All fire originates from the fiery center. ‘The Way’ is the center. However, illusion tells us that man is separate from his fellow man, animal, plant and mineral. This distorted view is the circle cut in two. The rope has now become linear, showing all things as separate and distinct beings. Furthermore, our own self becomes a distortion of ‘the circle’, taking the shape of a flat line, this is considered a disconnection. It is no wonder that most people feel disconnected, lost, confused, angry, delusional, unhappy, unsatisfied and needing some kind of fix.
Within the center or Grand Center life is not as we know it on the other circles. The goal of all traditional cultures is and was to get you to discover the center. Once you discovered the center, greater truth would transform your life. This is a God-Truth that cannot be found any place else. It is the place where the Immortals or Gods reside and is ultimately our abode.
The circle is you, whether it is recognized or not. It is not only the place of your True Self, but is the True Self. There is no Truth ceremony that does not know and furthermore have the Great Circle as its center. There is a reason for the fire of ceremony. However, it is rarely understood beyond the outer or middle circle. The rare individual that knows the circle from the inner or center circle is the Illumined One of Light. It is this person that walks the road of Enlightened Being. This is ‘The Way’.
‘The Way’ is also referred to as ‘The Way of The Circle’ or “The Circular Way’. The Vortex is ‘The Way’; its movement is that of the Grand Center. All life is ‘The Way’; people just do not know it. The center or Grand Center is the rhythm of ‘The Way’, the more that one becomes observant to the rhythms of ‘The Way’, the more Truth is revealed. Through the teachings of the elders we have a more direct line to ‘The Way of The Center’.
Every aspect of life is Truth and illusion, both finding their source in the circle. The outer circle acts as a point of communication between the illusion and Truth. Everything is ‘The Way’. Even illusion cannot exist without ‘The Way’.
Yona Unega
The circle is the symbol of our being. We are children of the earth and therefore are created in circular fashion. For instance, we have an outer circle, middle circle and inner circle. Each of these circles has a physical aspect, mental aspect and vital aspect. The deeper you go within yourself the more that is revealed along the lines of the circle/s.
Many of our elders used to refer to the five streams as having a circular action. These five streams or elders are the beginnings of the sense energies. They are fed from the inner most circle of our being. This inner most circle of our being is sometimes referred to as the center, it is perfect and without flaw. Here, within the center, is the original circle. It is from this center that the other circles – inner, middle and outer find life. The center is a microcosm of the Grand Center and in actuality is one and the same with it.
It is from this place of absoluteness that we discover our True Self or how to be a True Human Being. Only within the center can we find truth, everything else is ‘Shadow land’, mere distortions of reality. Through the understanding of the circle we see that all life is one.
Elders would take a rope and stretch it out so that you would see it as linear with distinct left, middle and right aspects. The left represented the past the middle represented the present and the right represented the future. However, when they connected the left with the right a circle was formed, joining the past with the future and becoming the present within the great circle of life. Furthermore, it taught us that all things are one in the present. It is only when we see life as linear that we live within the illusion of reality.
The original sacred White Fire is the Grand Center. All fire originates from the fiery center. ‘The Way’ is the center. However, illusion tells us that man is separate from his fellow man, animal, plant and mineral. This distorted view is the circle cut in two. The rope has now become linear, showing all things as separate and distinct beings. Furthermore, our own self becomes a distortion of ‘the circle’, taking the shape of a flat line, this is considered a disconnection. It is no wonder that most people feel disconnected, lost, confused, angry, delusional, unhappy, unsatisfied and needing some kind of fix.
Within the center or Grand Center life is not as we know it on the other circles. The goal of all traditional cultures is and was to get you to discover the center. Once you discovered the center, greater truth would transform your life. This is a God-Truth that cannot be found any place else. It is the place where the Immortals or Gods reside and is ultimately our abode.
The circle is you, whether it is recognized or not. It is not only the place of your True Self, but is the True Self. There is no Truth ceremony that does not know and furthermore have the Great Circle as its center. There is a reason for the fire of ceremony. However, it is rarely understood beyond the outer or middle circle. The rare individual that knows the circle from the inner or center circle is the Illumined One of Light. It is this person that walks the road of Enlightened Being. This is ‘The Way’.
‘The Way’ is also referred to as ‘The Way of The Circle’ or “The Circular Way’. The Vortex is ‘The Way’; its movement is that of the Grand Center. All life is ‘The Way’; people just do not know it. The center or Grand Center is the rhythm of ‘The Way’, the more that one becomes observant to the rhythms of ‘The Way’, the more Truth is revealed. Through the teachings of the elders we have a more direct line to ‘The Way of The Center’.
Every aspect of life is Truth and illusion, both finding their source in the circle. The outer circle acts as a point of communication between the illusion and Truth. Everything is ‘The Way’. Even illusion cannot exist without ‘The Way’.
Yona Unega
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Every Move You Make (Khotani List #19)
In Khotani teaching every move you make is sacred. Every action is an expression of the Divine. All things have their existence in The Breath Master.
All form is a materialization of the subtle which in turn is a non-physical materialization of the causal. The causal is formed by the two faces of Creator, the positive and negative poles or Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit.
Your movements in the physical are mere reflections of their subtle origins. The gods of the subtle are the causal energies. It is here in the causal realm that we first experience movement. Causal, subtle and physical movements are energized or moved by the primal nature of the negative pole or Grandmother Spirit. Movement then is of God.
This is a threat to organized religion and government which are two sides of the same coin. Khotani knowledge is opposite of controlling the masses. It liberates our being, propelling us towards a Divine knowledge and nature, our True Self. Man made religion and governments are anti-God seeking to imprison man. Creator is living free.
In ancient Khotan the masters were the rulers of their world, every movement being an expression of their True Self or false self. However true or false the movement originates with Creator. Therefore, every move you make is a Divine expression and we are gods. WE ARE GODS. The sooner man understands the better the world will be.
Every move you make is a force in action. All movement is felt as either a positive or negative energy in the universe. It affects all things, making us micro-creators. You are a power force that transmits energy every second of every day. You not only send out but attract unto yourself those same energies.
In Khotani teaching we see these energies as necessary life forces. Through Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit we knowingly participate in creating our own world. We see everything as life and therefore on a journey of the Soul. You think it, speak it and walk in it.
In the Song of Amergin he voices his journey of past, present and future as I am. The I AM is all that we are. Your movement begins with your understanding.
Song of Amergin
I am the wind on the sea
I am the stormy wave
I am the sound of the ocean
I am the bull with seven horns
I am the hawk on the cliff face
I am the sun's tear
I am the beautiful flower
I am the boar on the rampage
I am the salmon in the pool
I am the lake on the plain
I am the defiant word
I am the spear charging into battle
I am the god who put fire in your head
Who made the trails through stone mountains
Who knows the age of the moon
Who knows where the setting sun rests
Who took the cattle from the house of the warcrow
Who pleases the warcrow's cattle
What bull, what god created the mountain skyline
The cutting word, the cold word.
I am the stormy wave
I am the sound of the ocean
I am the bull with seven horns
I am the hawk on the cliff face
I am the sun's tear
I am the beautiful flower
I am the boar on the rampage
I am the salmon in the pool
I am the lake on the plain
I am the defiant word
I am the spear charging into battle
I am the god who put fire in your head
Who made the trails through stone mountains
Who knows the age of the moon
Who knows where the setting sun rests
Who took the cattle from the house of the warcrow
Who pleases the warcrow's cattle
What bull, what god created the mountain skyline
The cutting word, the cold word.
Every thought, word and action is Divine movement. This movement is the world that you create. Every second is a world unto itself. Therefore we hold that you create literal worlds every day of your life. Through movement we create.
Both liberation and enslavement are Divine; one cannot exist without the other. So-called good and evil are mere reflections of that which man cannot properly define. Therefore, he must categorize one as being dark and the other as light. In Khotani teaching we see and know that both good and evil manifest from the Creator. Neither one can exist separate from God.
The actions that bless or curse are manifested throughout our numerous lives. Every move you make brings happiness or sorrow, peace or chaos. However, man has to blame someone other than him self. The devil, satan, evil spirits and the sinful flesh are usually the fall guys. Every move you make is you.
The AniKhotani knew that in order to master anything you must first master yourself. One of the keys is in accepting all of your actions as your own. Until misplaced blame is acknowledged and fully accepted you are living a delusional life. Every move that I make is my own. I am empowered when the understanding of this sinks deep into my being.
Every move you make is an action with a corresponding energy. This energy moves throughout the universe, affecting all things on the Great Web. Your movement is within the Web that you are walking upon. Every action is a vibration that is felt by all things on the Web including your self.
Man has a tendency to see flaws in all things. He seeks to distinguish that which is perfect from that which is imperfect. Yet, his very definition defies the Law of Nature which is God’s Law. Imperfection is a mere distortion of man’s limited view. Your imperfections are Nature’s signature and a voice that reveals your journey.
Every move you make speaks volumes to those who know The Way. Actions are reflections of the self and where it is currently at. No judgment, just truth as to your current evolution.
God is The I AM; we are the I am. I am that which God is. Creator is my movement even in its so-called imperfection. My movement is perfection in action. Even wrong actions knowingly committed do not result in eternal damnation. You will suffer from those self made wrong actions; however, you will also overcome them.
Those of The Great Heart will do the un-ordinary. Every action will be powered by energy of the positive kind. The Great Hearts are present within all Four Legs of the Panther. These Illumined ones show us a higher way and we have a choice to follow those higher roads or suffer walking the low roads of our own doing.
Yona Unega
The Paradigm within Ego (Khotani List #15)
Traditionally all that we see are layers of ego. Every manifested thing becomes distinct because of ancient ego. There appears nothing that is not ego. It is the point of materialization into a separate and distinct entity; tree, stone, human being and all the subcategories like Bob, Mary, Susan and Bill.
It is within ego that all paradigms exist. The falsehoods of belief live within the confines of ego. Fear, joy, white, black, red, Asian, African, European, Bristlecone Pine, I am me and you are you, etc. All idea of separateness from the minute to the grand display lives within ego. Man and his illusory existence are sustained by the ego. Every false world that we develop and those that become our belief system exist not, outside of ego. They are false paradigms that we all live and dwell in and are aspects of ego that we must overcome.
Good and evil exist within the matrix of ego. The concentric rings of ego have layers of paradigms. Every religion that has ever existed is a paradigm within the concentric rings of ego. Ego is not good or bad, rather a mechanism that is a natural cause for our separation to occur. It is one of the Great Twenty-Four Elders or Principals. Yet, it has no influence over the Soul or Spiritual body.
Your truth today is not what it once was. Our truths change like the leaves of a tree. There is no wrong in this. Actually it is the road to enlightenment. Only the ‘Hunter’ (seeker) changes his/her perspective. The journey reveals deeper aspects of truth. This does not happen in one life time, but over numerous journeys, our understanding becoming more refined. Once we have reached a certain level of spiritual proficiency, we begin to see through the false paradigms. This only happens when we see and understand the truth of ego.
Man lives within numerous prisons. His/her so-called fears and strengths are mere reflections that reveal his/her progress in their journey. Light, darkness, victory and failure are all aspects of ego. Today’s paradigm is tomorrow’s discarded failed attempt at truth. They are one and the same, for they both live, although falsely within the present state of the moment. It is within the present state that we participate in our past, present and future conditions. Everything exists within the now.
Life is for living and it is within the living that we succeed, fail, do honor and dishonor, overcome and succumb. It is this very living that liberates us. Nothing that we do condemns us to an eternal separation from the Four Faces of God (the Four Brothers). However, these seeds of thought, word and action create our own joys and sufferings. Yet, they are only temporal and part of the illusion that ego brings.
We are the POWER OF GOD. We are the PRESENCE OF GOD. The Sword Arm of God is the illusion of ego. However, The Divine Power of God emanates from the Grand Center of Creator. We are Light Swords that never fail to exist. Yet, ego and its false paradigms fool us into believing that we are subjects to and therefore prisoners of the Matrix.
There are among us those that walk within this LIGHT. They are not subject to the illusory powers of the Matrix, but are Light Bearers wielding a sword of immeasurable power direct from the Grand Center. Does this sound like fiction? For most it does, however, for those of this cadre they know who they are and the purpose that they serve. Power is nothing in and of itself. However, truth emanating from the Grand Center penetrates all layers of the Matrix, exploding the illusion of ego.
Yona Unega
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Force Within
Long ago our elders taught ‘”The Way” as a means to understand life. Internally was the place of truth. Who we are led to why we are here, revealing the ancient road of Yashkah Yati or Acherra Wanaka (The White Fire).
At the center of our being is a source which is the foundation of our Self; it is the Force within. This Force is the Central Fire of our Soul. It is within this Center that all of life plays out. The Force within is the silent precursor of creation. All that is first begins in the Force at the center of our being.
Each of us has at our core this Force that has the power to literally create or overcome anything. All truth is the Force within. The Force is an energy emanating from the Center which is a microcosm of the Grand Center.
Within our person is a playing field; a place where life as we know it manifests as joy, victory and peace or pain, defeat and sorrow. It matters not your place of birth, age, sex or profession. The material to create always remains constant, never changing.
Over the years we have applied these teachings to children, adults, and the elderly, on the football field, in the military, the business world and on the farm. It is applicable to any situation because it is the foundation of all life.
The entire cosmos exists because of the Grand Center. Within your person dwells your true Self, knowledge of all things and the power to change anything is within you. You limit yourself, for the Force within is limitless.
Many teachers do not want you knowing this that is if they themselves know it. For as long as you are in “NEED” of them you are dependant upon them. In truth they are not true teachers. One who is a true teacher is led by a subtle energy that seeks to help bring light to everyone and everything.
We should always honor our elders and the elder teachings. It is because of the elders that we have available to us “The Way.” The pureness of the teachings sought to bring the light of truth to everyone.
Through “The Way” we can rediscover the Force within. Through “The Way” we find that which reveals who we are and why we are here. Within the Center we have the tools to reshape our current lives, literally changing the direction that we are going, through The Force Within.
Saga Yashkah
At the center of our being is a source which is the foundation of our Self; it is the Force within. This Force is the Central Fire of our Soul. It is within this Center that all of life plays out. The Force within is the silent precursor of creation. All that is first begins in the Force at the center of our being.
Each of us has at our core this Force that has the power to literally create or overcome anything. All truth is the Force within. The Force is an energy emanating from the Center which is a microcosm of the Grand Center.
Within our person is a playing field; a place where life as we know it manifests as joy, victory and peace or pain, defeat and sorrow. It matters not your place of birth, age, sex or profession. The material to create always remains constant, never changing.
Over the years we have applied these teachings to children, adults, and the elderly, on the football field, in the military, the business world and on the farm. It is applicable to any situation because it is the foundation of all life.
The entire cosmos exists because of the Grand Center. Within your person dwells your true Self, knowledge of all things and the power to change anything is within you. You limit yourself, for the Force within is limitless.
Many teachers do not want you knowing this that is if they themselves know it. For as long as you are in “NEED” of them you are dependant upon them. In truth they are not true teachers. One who is a true teacher is led by a subtle energy that seeks to help bring light to everyone and everything.
We should always honor our elders and the elder teachings. It is because of the elders that we have available to us “The Way.” The pureness of the teachings sought to bring the light of truth to everyone.
Through “The Way” we can rediscover the Force within. Through “The Way” we find that which reveals who we are and why we are here. Within the Center we have the tools to reshape our current lives, literally changing the direction that we are going, through The Force Within.
Saga Yashkah
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The Essence of All (Khotani List #14)
The Essence of All is The Ancient Soul. Each of us is a spark emanating from the Grand Center of this Ancient One. Our being is always one with that which is beyond the law of cause and affect. The universal law speaks of our being one with The One. Yet, man seeks a base separation which limits his physical being to a surface existence.
“I am all that ever was or ever will be.” Everything that the eye is capable of seeing is you. We are all in a transmigration that is without limitation. The breath of an elk in the Rockies is my breath. Every subtle essence traces its source to the Grand Center, our separation being the illusion of the false self.
Religion, like all man made institutions, false paradigms etc. exist for the sole purpose of assisting us in our training. These opposing forces are here for us to overcome. It is through this spiritual combat that we attain our understanding of immortality. The Immortals are those that have attained the mastery of the True Self, realizing they are sparks of The Ancient Soul.
Limitation is merely the illusion that you are the outer sheaths. Each of us will eventually transcend that which today is our reality. The false reality blurs our vision, creating an environment where most are incapable of seeing the Sacred Center. “The wind blows, but man fails to see the origin of its being. With effortless ease he IMAGINES that of his undoing, all the while believing in his spiritual quest.”
Layer upon layer we build the false walls of a world that is ever changing. We create that which originates within the lower minds never realizing that these walls are prisons that limit us to the rules of the enemy of truth. We seek to combat that which we have unknowingly participated in creating. Our war is one that is waged upon our own being.
“I am the sum of the many parts of my being.” However true this statement might be, man fails to realize all the entities involved. The mind alone is made up of numerous levels. Each part seeks to lead us down a false path. However, they are all subject to the Soul who is a spark of Gohantone. All forces within you are subject to the higher Self or Soul.
Each of us taps sources of energy daily. These forces operate as points of light or darkness. They are here for one reason, that of our advancement. All light seeks to destroy completely that which is its opposite and darkness desires the same. Each conflict leaves a mental impression that most often further dilutes our understanding of truth. Man struggling to understand asks why God or the Universe would allow such things. He remains in a state of darkened understanding.
The Essence is unaffected by it all. It is the sacred spirit of our diluted imagery, the perfected Seven Horses that permeate the earth, seeking to enlighten our understanding of it all. The eight legs upon the horse are the eight spokes of the Sun Wheel emanating from the Grand Center (Nine Points) as well as the subtle ages of the Four Legs of the Buffalo. Yet, we seek to grasp one concept that man creates, never seeing beyond the murky waters of the darkening land.
The Essence of All manifests as the White Fire Warrior. He is the one that transcends the darkened land and frees the minds of their illusions. He is the one on the journey of becoming an Immortal. He is, simply because he has begun to comprehend The Essence of All. His limitations are only temporary because he is on the road of Yashkah Yati (White Fire).
The Essence of All cannot be defined as that which only contains Light, for it encompasses everything. It is limitless, the boundless expanse of the Grand Center. Grandmother and Grandfather Spirit are mere faces of the Ancient Soul whose residence is within the Grand Center. Within the field of this expanse are two opposing armies, that of Light and that of Darkness. Yet, we are composed of both, each working to perfect our being.
The symbol of a great warrior struggling to free his people is ancient. Its origins are found within the Grand Center and The Ancient Soul. This warrior in his True Self is a spark of The Essence of All, his/her understanding transcending the lower minds. Upon that windswept plain The White Fire Warrior engages a force that the common man cannot comprehend let alone know. It is within this Sacred battle where all truth is revealed.
Saga Yashkah
“I am all that ever was or ever will be.” Everything that the eye is capable of seeing is you. We are all in a transmigration that is without limitation. The breath of an elk in the Rockies is my breath. Every subtle essence traces its source to the Grand Center, our separation being the illusion of the false self.
Religion, like all man made institutions, false paradigms etc. exist for the sole purpose of assisting us in our training. These opposing forces are here for us to overcome. It is through this spiritual combat that we attain our understanding of immortality. The Immortals are those that have attained the mastery of the True Self, realizing they are sparks of The Ancient Soul.
Limitation is merely the illusion that you are the outer sheaths. Each of us will eventually transcend that which today is our reality. The false reality blurs our vision, creating an environment where most are incapable of seeing the Sacred Center. “The wind blows, but man fails to see the origin of its being. With effortless ease he IMAGINES that of his undoing, all the while believing in his spiritual quest.”
Layer upon layer we build the false walls of a world that is ever changing. We create that which originates within the lower minds never realizing that these walls are prisons that limit us to the rules of the enemy of truth. We seek to combat that which we have unknowingly participated in creating. Our war is one that is waged upon our own being.
“I am the sum of the many parts of my being.” However true this statement might be, man fails to realize all the entities involved. The mind alone is made up of numerous levels. Each part seeks to lead us down a false path. However, they are all subject to the Soul who is a spark of Gohantone. All forces within you are subject to the higher Self or Soul.
Each of us taps sources of energy daily. These forces operate as points of light or darkness. They are here for one reason, that of our advancement. All light seeks to destroy completely that which is its opposite and darkness desires the same. Each conflict leaves a mental impression that most often further dilutes our understanding of truth. Man struggling to understand asks why God or the Universe would allow such things. He remains in a state of darkened understanding.
The Essence is unaffected by it all. It is the sacred spirit of our diluted imagery, the perfected Seven Horses that permeate the earth, seeking to enlighten our understanding of it all. The eight legs upon the horse are the eight spokes of the Sun Wheel emanating from the Grand Center (Nine Points) as well as the subtle ages of the Four Legs of the Buffalo. Yet, we seek to grasp one concept that man creates, never seeing beyond the murky waters of the darkening land.
The Essence of All manifests as the White Fire Warrior. He is the one that transcends the darkened land and frees the minds of their illusions. He is the one on the journey of becoming an Immortal. He is, simply because he has begun to comprehend The Essence of All. His limitations are only temporary because he is on the road of Yashkah Yati (White Fire).
The Essence of All cannot be defined as that which only contains Light, for it encompasses everything. It is limitless, the boundless expanse of the Grand Center. Grandmother and Grandfather Spirit are mere faces of the Ancient Soul whose residence is within the Grand Center. Within the field of this expanse are two opposing armies, that of Light and that of Darkness. Yet, we are composed of both, each working to perfect our being.
The symbol of a great warrior struggling to free his people is ancient. Its origins are found within the Grand Center and The Ancient Soul. This warrior in his True Self is a spark of The Essence of All, his/her understanding transcending the lower minds. Upon that windswept plain The White Fire Warrior engages a force that the common man cannot comprehend let alone know. It is within this Sacred battle where all truth is revealed.
Saga Yashkah
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Great Center - Mor Lar (Khotani List #4)
Brown Tadd taught me much about the old way. He was the embodiment of all that one believes and imagines to see in a traditional elder. Nothing escaped his vision and yet he appeared at times to be oblivious. He was simply centering.
From a Khotani perspective The Great Center (Mor Lar) is within everyone. All things have THE GREAT CENTER within their being. Notice I did not say a center, but The Great Center.
Vision quest conjures up all sorts of thoughts and ideas within and without the red community. Most people think that it is some fluffy new-age concept of awakening. On the contrary, it is or should I say was a much disciplined act, which took time and guidance to prepare for.
All of the peoples that once made up the larger body of ancient Khotan had a type of vision quest for the purposes of learning how to center. The process had to be preceded by an understanding of what The Great Center was.
The Great Center is the Universe and more; it is all that exists in and outside the Great Space. It moves but is unmoving. For example, you move throughout life, both physically and mentally, the microcosm. The Great Center, the macrocosm, is ever present and in a state of complete balance that cannot be moved.
Nature shows us that within her many movements there exists a Great Center, silently maintaining a state of balance. The noise of nature often overrides the silence of its Center. Yet, its very balance teaches us of the essence of its core.
Lehiyugese, Sean Dedma and Forn Sidhr mean nothing to most people. Upon being told of their meaning they still cannot see the connection. Each is a language expression unique to the people that once made up the larger body of the Khotani. Their definitions are the same, ‘The Way of the Ancients or The Ancient Way’.
This ‘Way of the Ancients’ is all about understanding The Great Center and the many aspects of the process of creation, life, prime natures etc. The process leads us to the core understanding of The Great Center and how it came into being.
The elders used to teach that every movement of mind and body is first seen in the Spirit that is ever still. It is in the stillness of The Great Center that the old ones could know all truth, just as it is outside of The Great Center that we fall prey to the illusions of life.
Many non-traditional people have wondered at and even asked “what is the difference between Great Spirit, Grandfather Spirit and Grandmother Spirit?” The answer provides part of the understanding of The Great Center.
Below is an excerpt from chapter three of the future book we are working on The 'Art of Being.' This will begin to open your eyes to the process that gave us the Great Center.
Lehiyugese presents us with levels of knowledge, preparing us to live life as True Human Beings. These levels of knowledge are interlocking and lay a foundation for understanding Creator, the universe and Earth. Proper use of this knowledge is the beginning of understanding. Knowledge is often just stored information, but becomes wisdom when it is understood at the Soul level.
There is a process known to AhniKhotani, explaining in great detail the many layers of the creation story and energies behind the processes; from the Original source down to the minutest levels of creation. This source or foundation is where we commence our teachings of THE OLD WAY.
In the beginning is the purest state of being. It has no beginning or end, it just is. From this place of complete stillness, where no mind exists, resides the Grandfather of ALL. It is not a place in the earthly sense of the word, but rather a state of being. Grandfather, the Original source, who’s thought vibrations are the beginnings of the entire cosmos. He is outside of everything created, yet is the reason for its existence. We are all a part of the Grandfather, just as sparks are of the fire. We cannot be separated from Grandfather no more than a spark can exist without fire. However, Grandfather is pure consciousness and seeks Grandmother to manifest the physical.
Grandmother is the substance of the universe, the first or Original form, the beginning of matter. She is not the substance, but the pure potential of all objects present or that can be imagined. As the first cause of form, life would not exist without Grandmother. She is primal matter in the purest since of the word. She consists of the three qualities of harmony, action and resistance. These three qualities balance and uphold everything in the universe.
Grandfather and Grandmother transcend the layers or processes of creation. The idea of Spiritual Mind and Manifestation is passed down to each generation. This teaching tells us that man (Grandfather Spirit) gives spirit to the infant while woman (Grandmother Spirit) gives substance. Yet, boy or girl, man or woman each carries equally spirit and substance. Grandfather and Grandmother are the Great Couple whose laws are written and contained within Intelligence.
All processes, principals and laws that govern the universe are contained in this Great Intelligence known to AhniKhotani as The Great Mind. It is the Great or Divine Mind; pure, without individuality and presiding in a state of natural governance. It is through this Great Mind that space, time, the Sacred Word and the beginnings of differentiation occur. These are the seed forms, waiting to burst forth and manifest themselves. Within each individual the Great Mind becomes the power of intelligence, giving us the ability to discern right from wrong, truth from falsehood, and the eternal from the transient.
The seeds of differentiation existing in the Great Mind begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego (Ignore the western definition). Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution. This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, plant etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother and the Great Mind use to manifest. Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.
The great Center exists because of Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit and the Great Mind. It is through the Great Mind that The Great Center finds its form. The Great Mind is also the source of our own intelligences that are mere microcosms.
However, the Great Center is really outside of the Great Mind. It is a type of beginning in and of itself. The journey to Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit leads us to the Great Center.
In the stillness of the Great Center reside Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit. Even though they are outside of its influence, they are the cause of its beginning; they have created the sacred place. It is permeated by their essence.
The Great Center contains all words, expressions, chants, and songs etc. that have ever been expressed. It is the origin of An Tri, An Focal and Do focal.
Through Lehiyugese, The Great Center is understood. Outside of ‘The Ancient Way’ (the many expressions of truth) people are led to follow false ways. Lehiyugese, Sean Dedma and Forn Sidhr were ancient, powerful expressions of The Creators Way.
Our Lehiyugese has nearly vanished and escapes the mind that is incapable of understanding. It was the ‘Way of the Ancients’ when The Way was truly desired. Today, it is rarely expressed, for seldom are people wise to the Little Being that is the True Self.
Yona Unega
From a Khotani perspective The Great Center (Mor Lar) is within everyone. All things have THE GREAT CENTER within their being. Notice I did not say a center, but The Great Center.
Vision quest conjures up all sorts of thoughts and ideas within and without the red community. Most people think that it is some fluffy new-age concept of awakening. On the contrary, it is or should I say was a much disciplined act, which took time and guidance to prepare for.
All of the peoples that once made up the larger body of ancient Khotan had a type of vision quest for the purposes of learning how to center. The process had to be preceded by an understanding of what The Great Center was.
The Great Center is the Universe and more; it is all that exists in and outside the Great Space. It moves but is unmoving. For example, you move throughout life, both physically and mentally, the microcosm. The Great Center, the macrocosm, is ever present and in a state of complete balance that cannot be moved.
Nature shows us that within her many movements there exists a Great Center, silently maintaining a state of balance. The noise of nature often overrides the silence of its Center. Yet, its very balance teaches us of the essence of its core.
Lehiyugese, Sean Dedma and Forn Sidhr mean nothing to most people. Upon being told of their meaning they still cannot see the connection. Each is a language expression unique to the people that once made up the larger body of the Khotani. Their definitions are the same, ‘The Way of the Ancients or The Ancient Way’.
This ‘Way of the Ancients’ is all about understanding The Great Center and the many aspects of the process of creation, life, prime natures etc. The process leads us to the core understanding of The Great Center and how it came into being.
The elders used to teach that every movement of mind and body is first seen in the Spirit that is ever still. It is in the stillness of The Great Center that the old ones could know all truth, just as it is outside of The Great Center that we fall prey to the illusions of life.
Many non-traditional people have wondered at and even asked “what is the difference between Great Spirit, Grandfather Spirit and Grandmother Spirit?” The answer provides part of the understanding of The Great Center.
Below is an excerpt from chapter three of the future book we are working on The 'Art of Being.' This will begin to open your eyes to the process that gave us the Great Center.
The Art of Being
Lehiyugese presents us with levels of knowledge, preparing us to live life as True Human Beings. These levels of knowledge are interlocking and lay a foundation for understanding Creator, the universe and Earth. Proper use of this knowledge is the beginning of understanding. Knowledge is often just stored information, but becomes wisdom when it is understood at the Soul level.
There is a process known to AhniKhotani, explaining in great detail the many layers of the creation story and energies behind the processes; from the Original source down to the minutest levels of creation. This source or foundation is where we commence our teachings of THE OLD WAY.
In the beginning is the purest state of being. It has no beginning or end, it just is. From this place of complete stillness, where no mind exists, resides the Grandfather of ALL. It is not a place in the earthly sense of the word, but rather a state of being. Grandfather, the Original source, who’s thought vibrations are the beginnings of the entire cosmos. He is outside of everything created, yet is the reason for its existence. We are all a part of the Grandfather, just as sparks are of the fire. We cannot be separated from Grandfather no more than a spark can exist without fire. However, Grandfather is pure consciousness and seeks Grandmother to manifest the physical.
Grandmother is the substance of the universe, the first or Original form, the beginning of matter. She is not the substance, but the pure potential of all objects present or that can be imagined. As the first cause of form, life would not exist without Grandmother. She is primal matter in the purest since of the word. She consists of the three qualities of harmony, action and resistance. These three qualities balance and uphold everything in the universe.
Grandfather and Grandmother transcend the layers or processes of creation. The idea of Spiritual Mind and Manifestation is passed down to each generation. This teaching tells us that man (Grandfather Spirit) gives spirit to the infant while woman (Grandmother Spirit) gives substance. Yet, boy or girl, man or woman each carries equally spirit and substance. Grandfather and Grandmother are the Great Couple whose laws are written and contained within Intelligence.
All processes, principals and laws that govern the universe are contained in this Great Intelligence known to AhniKhotani as The Great Mind. It is the Great or Divine Mind; pure, without individuality and presiding in a state of natural governance. It is through this Great Mind that space, time, the Sacred Word and the beginnings of differentiation occur. These are the seed forms, waiting to burst forth and manifest themselves. Within each individual the Great Mind becomes the power of intelligence, giving us the ability to discern right from wrong, truth from falsehood, and the eternal from the transient.
The seeds of differentiation existing in the Great Mind begin their manifestation at the next level known as Ego (Ignore the western definition). Through Ego, division occurs in nature, a stage in evolution. This division of individual realities is not the true essence of the living thing (animal, human, plant etc.) but the point of focus of the Ego that Grandmother and the Great Mind use to manifest. Through this point of focus the qualities of nature are able to diversify, manifesting the five sense organs, the organs of action and the five elements.
End of Excerpt
The great Center exists because of Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit and the Great Mind. It is through the Great Mind that The Great Center finds its form. The Great Mind is also the source of our own intelligences that are mere microcosms.
However, the Great Center is really outside of the Great Mind. It is a type of beginning in and of itself. The journey to Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit leads us to the Great Center.
In the stillness of the Great Center reside Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit. Even though they are outside of its influence, they are the cause of its beginning; they have created the sacred place. It is permeated by their essence.
The Great Center contains all words, expressions, chants, and songs etc. that have ever been expressed. It is the origin of An Tri, An Focal and Do focal.
Through Lehiyugese, The Great Center is understood. Outside of ‘The Ancient Way’ (the many expressions of truth) people are led to follow false ways. Lehiyugese, Sean Dedma and Forn Sidhr were ancient, powerful expressions of The Creators Way.
Our Lehiyugese has nearly vanished and escapes the mind that is incapable of understanding. It was the ‘Way of the Ancients’ when The Way was truly desired. Today, it is rarely expressed, for seldom are people wise to the Little Being that is the True Self.
Yona Unega
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Yati, the Fire, represents many things. It is a physical representation of the Sun and a manifestation of The Creator or The Creative Force. Yati for us is central, meaning we have the Creative Force with us on the earth in the Center of all things.
Yati cannot be limited by mere definitions. It is an element, it is a creator, and it is an appearance of force of Yash-Kah Yati (the ancient White Fire) on earth.
The subtle form of Yati is the child of Air and one of the five elements and a key to the creation of all things. Its subtle nature comes from its parent Yash-Kah Yati. Through Yash-Kah Yati the original spark, creation was started.
The physical side of Yati is just one aspect of it and the manifestation of its spiritual nature. Waeno (The Spirit) of Yati is its true Self and the part that lives on long after the physical side appears dead; much like us humans. To know Yati begins with understanding it as a living being, having both spiritual and physical aspects.
Yati in its very nature is purifying and has this affect upon the entire body, mind, soul and the atmosphere. Therefore, when praying before Yati we go through a type of purification; our thoughts and prayers becoming purified and acceptable to The Creator.
Yati is central in our ceremonies, being in the place of exact center within our grounds. This central role or center is not only within the grounds and the earth, but within us as well. In fact, Yati is Yatiti the Fire Cross or center of the universe. Our central being has a Fire and is related to Yati; therefore, wherever we find our self in life, we find a center.
Yati carries life, the same life force that is present within all living things. Therefore, Yati should be approached in a respectful manner. Yati is ancient and a child of Yash-Kah Yati the ancient White Fire that our ancestors often spoke of.
Like all things in the universe, everything is connected. Yati on earth is a part of The Sacred or Yash-Kah Yati, just as our inner Fire comes from the Yash-Kah Yati. Therefore, we see that when we participate in Fire, we are literally communicating with a family member. This applies to all life within the universe and cosmos. It is no different than developing a relationship with another person, an animal, plant or any other life form.
Yash-Kah Yati is in all fires of the home, grounds and other ceremonial fires or fire ceremonies. Every fire presence in the universe emanates from Yash-Kah Yati. We see this through perceiving the truth.
To understand the deeper traditional teachings, one must learn to properly discern things. This discernment comes from perception, which we traditionally refer to as the “Fire of Perception.” The very idea of perception cannot exist separate from Yash-Kah Yati, as a matter of traditional truth; perception is the Yati of refinement of the mind. This mind Yati is what you use in perceiving truth and gaining knowledge of the WISDOM OF YATI.
Saga Yashkah
Yati cannot be limited by mere definitions. It is an element, it is a creator, and it is an appearance of force of Yash-Kah Yati (the ancient White Fire) on earth.
The subtle form of Yati is the child of Air and one of the five elements and a key to the creation of all things. Its subtle nature comes from its parent Yash-Kah Yati. Through Yash-Kah Yati the original spark, creation was started.
The physical side of Yati is just one aspect of it and the manifestation of its spiritual nature. Waeno (The Spirit) of Yati is its true Self and the part that lives on long after the physical side appears dead; much like us humans. To know Yati begins with understanding it as a living being, having both spiritual and physical aspects.
Yati in its very nature is purifying and has this affect upon the entire body, mind, soul and the atmosphere. Therefore, when praying before Yati we go through a type of purification; our thoughts and prayers becoming purified and acceptable to The Creator.
Yati is central in our ceremonies, being in the place of exact center within our grounds. This central role or center is not only within the grounds and the earth, but within us as well. In fact, Yati is Yatiti the Fire Cross or center of the universe. Our central being has a Fire and is related to Yati; therefore, wherever we find our self in life, we find a center.
Yati carries life, the same life force that is present within all living things. Therefore, Yati should be approached in a respectful manner. Yati is ancient and a child of Yash-Kah Yati the ancient White Fire that our ancestors often spoke of.
Like all things in the universe, everything is connected. Yati on earth is a part of The Sacred or Yash-Kah Yati, just as our inner Fire comes from the Yash-Kah Yati. Therefore, we see that when we participate in Fire, we are literally communicating with a family member. This applies to all life within the universe and cosmos. It is no different than developing a relationship with another person, an animal, plant or any other life form.
Yash-Kah Yati is in all fires of the home, grounds and other ceremonial fires or fire ceremonies. Every fire presence in the universe emanates from Yash-Kah Yati. We see this through perceiving the truth.
To understand the deeper traditional teachings, one must learn to properly discern things. This discernment comes from perception, which we traditionally refer to as the “Fire of Perception.” The very idea of perception cannot exist separate from Yash-Kah Yati, as a matter of traditional truth; perception is the Yati of refinement of the mind. This mind Yati is what you use in perceiving truth and gaining knowledge of the WISDOM OF YATI.
Saga Yashkah
Monday, September 27, 2010
What Is It Going To Be
Once, not long ago there arose a great conflict between the Tsoyaha and the foreign priests. The Suns children were greatly outnumbered. The foreign priests, some even family of the Tso, began to attack from all directions. Through false propaganda reports went out about the evil Tsoyaha. Soon, they were decimated.
The light became dim and the world began to suffer greatly. The way was now in the hands of the foreign priests and their minions. Brothers that were taught the Ancient Way turned on their teachers and treacherously subverted the minds of the people.
There is something familiar that has invaded the minds of most so-called natives. Subtlety it began, oozing its toxic message throughout traditional America. Once it became the dominate way its subtle nature acquiesced to its true self.
Day by day, week by week and year by year it grew into a formidable foe. The elders warned us of its coming. They spoke of its tendencies, its message and its overall nature. They told us how it would destroy the Panther, but the Panther could not die. Yet, more and more of our people accepted it as the way.
As we were forcibly moved and relocated to foreign lands a void was created. Those few that remained clothed themselves in a foreign culture to survive. It soon became their way, at least in part. They began to absorb aspects of these foreign teachings as their own. Within one generation the old ways had deteriorated and after several generations it was hardly recognizable.
This new message began to spread far and wide. As traditional America shrank the foreign way grew. Before long most of so-called native America had become believers in the foreign way. And they began to defend it as if it was their own. It had become their way and they were now foreigners that once again attempted to completely usurp and destroy The Ancient Way.
No longer recognizing the Ancient Way, old friends became the instrument that the dark spirits used to subdue the Tsoyaha. The Sun infused blood was targeted as the plague of the earth. Yet, Tsoyaha still spoke and sang the old songs and soon something started to appear.
A storm appeared. Out of a blackening sky came the Ancient Ones. Their voices began to be heard. Even some of those of the foreign way recognized a familiar voice. Day by day, week by week and year by year the Four Legs of The Panther returned. With its body whole it began to move across the Turtles back, looking for the Four Legs of The Buffalo, Four Legs of The Wolf and Yatiti. Soon they were all united and waited upon Waeno.
True human beings have begun to see for the first time. The Four Faces of Gohantone has spoken with the Four Winds sending forth the Four Brothers and Four Wind Messengers. Everywhere they have planted seed to spring forth in due time. Word has spread throughout tribal communities across the Turtles back. The people have started asking about the mysterious Yudjiha, Kutani and Iniha.
As truth reveals itself we are faced with a great dilemma. Can we overcome generations of false paradigms? With our minds programmed to believe the false teachings of the false priests we fight against TRUTH; a truth that long ago was common knowledge. We are faced with two roads, one of a higher nature and that of its opposite, the low road.
Once, not so long ago an Ancient Way was given to us as a special gift. Through the Sun of the Sun we were given the teachings of the Rainbow Grounds. It is our choice and right to choose which road we will take.
Saga Yashkah
The light became dim and the world began to suffer greatly. The way was now in the hands of the foreign priests and their minions. Brothers that were taught the Ancient Way turned on their teachers and treacherously subverted the minds of the people.
There is something familiar that has invaded the minds of most so-called natives. Subtlety it began, oozing its toxic message throughout traditional America. Once it became the dominate way its subtle nature acquiesced to its true self.
Day by day, week by week and year by year it grew into a formidable foe. The elders warned us of its coming. They spoke of its tendencies, its message and its overall nature. They told us how it would destroy the Panther, but the Panther could not die. Yet, more and more of our people accepted it as the way.
As we were forcibly moved and relocated to foreign lands a void was created. Those few that remained clothed themselves in a foreign culture to survive. It soon became their way, at least in part. They began to absorb aspects of these foreign teachings as their own. Within one generation the old ways had deteriorated and after several generations it was hardly recognizable.
This new message began to spread far and wide. As traditional America shrank the foreign way grew. Before long most of so-called native America had become believers in the foreign way. And they began to defend it as if it was their own. It had become their way and they were now foreigners that once again attempted to completely usurp and destroy The Ancient Way.
No longer recognizing the Ancient Way, old friends became the instrument that the dark spirits used to subdue the Tsoyaha. The Sun infused blood was targeted as the plague of the earth. Yet, Tsoyaha still spoke and sang the old songs and soon something started to appear.
A storm appeared. Out of a blackening sky came the Ancient Ones. Their voices began to be heard. Even some of those of the foreign way recognized a familiar voice. Day by day, week by week and year by year the Four Legs of The Panther returned. With its body whole it began to move across the Turtles back, looking for the Four Legs of The Buffalo, Four Legs of The Wolf and Yatiti. Soon they were all united and waited upon Waeno.
True human beings have begun to see for the first time. The Four Faces of Gohantone has spoken with the Four Winds sending forth the Four Brothers and Four Wind Messengers. Everywhere they have planted seed to spring forth in due time. Word has spread throughout tribal communities across the Turtles back. The people have started asking about the mysterious Yudjiha, Kutani and Iniha.
As truth reveals itself we are faced with a great dilemma. Can we overcome generations of false paradigms? With our minds programmed to believe the false teachings of the false priests we fight against TRUTH; a truth that long ago was common knowledge. We are faced with two roads, one of a higher nature and that of its opposite, the low road.
Once, not so long ago an Ancient Way was given to us as a special gift. Through the Sun of the Sun we were given the teachings of the Rainbow Grounds. It is our choice and right to choose which road we will take.
Saga Yashkah
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