Wednesday, April 10, 2013

What the Hell is this all About

Think About It
Sooner or later you gotta ask yourself what the hell is this all about.  If there is anything upstairs you cannot help but wonder what is our purpose and why are we doing what we are doing.

Everyday you, me and the rest of humanity awakens to all sorts of possibilities.  Yet, we struggle to free our minds, attempting to get a clear picture of the world around us.  Hell, we grope through the day just trying to eek out an existence.  Is this thing upside down?

The mechanisms in place care not for you and I.  In fact their sole purpose is to squeeze every drop of labor/energy out of us.  Freedom, this is a joke.  As long as the man controls your daily life you are not free.

What we need is a revival of the mind, a mental revitalization that transcends this meager life of enslavement to the lesser sorts; a real awakening with a foundation that is fluid and yet unmovable.  What is required is a determination to walk away from the controllers.

If money, possessions, artificial comforts or man-made goals control your lives then you are a slave.  They dictate your very belief structure.  Freedom is diametrically opposed to this life, the two cannot co-exist.

All around us is power.  The source of all that we need.  However, our mental operations prevent us from tapping into the source.  To quote a friend “we are caught in the mental traps.”  Those that want change must free themselves from these mental delusions.

What would happen if people over this nation (better yet the world) determined that we were going to make a change mentally?  What if we knew the possibilities were endless?  What would happen?  I can tell you. 

We would transform the world as we know it.  We would co-create a world that can only be imagined in our current state of mental slavery.  We would renew our entire being; a renewal whose origins began with a determination to be free.  

Just imagine......    

Conn Niul