Friday, March 25, 2011


Everything happens because of today.  There is nothing, absolutely nothing that happens outside of today.  Yesterday is your today, today is your today and tomorrow is your today.  The past had and is a today, the present is a today and the future has and is a today.  Your present state is the today you create for the future.

There is no past or future only today.  We are everything in the moment of today.  Outside of today is a mere illusion.  Today is our present state.  The key is today, for the knowledge of it unlocks the door to ‘The Way of The Ancients’, Sean Dedma.  We are all that we are because of today.

Long ago elders taught that we create a life day to day.  We were given knowledge of how to form the world that we perceived.  Within Sean Dedma we were taught the way of the Teach Allais or Sweat House.  Like many traditional cultures within the Teach Allais we transformed ourselves.  Many things were taught and many separate ceremonies were performed.

Teach Allais gave us many things, however, the greatest knowledge we received was through silence.  The quieting of our mind allows for us to center our self within the Greater Silence.  It is here that we begin to understand that the Infinite is always in a present state of existence.  It is never in the past or future, it always is in the present state of today, all that one wishes to be is today.

When we begin realize that our transformations from week to week, month to month and year to year happen in the today, we will bring forth our greater self.  We will begin to form our thoughts, words and deeds, An Tri Gniomh accordingly and our life will begin to change as we take a new and completely different approach to living.  Today, we can start a new transformation. 

In the moment of time we are in the today.  It is within this and every moment of time that we BECOME.  Every change of being is the becoming of our today.  Every thought, every word and every action, An Tri Gniomh happens in a present state, today.  The knowledge of this is the toll to absolutely change our world.

Every moment in time is a life unto itself.  It is within these lives that we form through perception our life, for as we perceive our self and our world so be it.  An Tri Gniomh is always in a present state, it cannot exist outside of the present moment in time.  Our being and the present state of circumstance we contributed in forming through our today.

Happiness, joy, freedom and peace, like sadness, sorrow, pain and anger found their life within someone’s today.  We knowingly or unknowingly participated in creating the person and circumstances that we live with.  Yes, there were other things that helped in our formation, however we were the designer.

Rather than lash out against the words written here, think.  If there is the slightest possibility that I speak words of truth, then we must of course have a tremendous power.  Outside of the Creative Force who or what carries this kind of energy?  We are all that we can imagine ourselves to be.  Let us become what our Soul moves us towards.

Conn Niul

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our Perception

Our perception of reality is based upon preprogrammed ideologies.  We perceive what we have been bred, programmed and taught to see as truth.  Each of us faces a construct that is not of our True Self, but of another nature.

The preprogramming effects our thought processes; ideas and responses are not our own.  We act out on a grand stage a play written by another.   Humanity for the most part has marched blindly to the beat of a foreign drum. We see what we have been preprogrammed recognize.

If our perception was True we would perceive a world, universe, galaxy, cosmos that differs significantly from that of our delusional minds.  Our world would become open to us, we would begin to observe and truly understand its heartbeat.  Everything would reveal its true nature and we would be free.

Life, to this point, has led you to commune with the sterile, synthetic, artificial processes of a foreign nature opposed to all that is pure, natural and True.  The power lies dormant within our being, subdued by the delusion that we are weak, powerless forms of flesh, denying the resolute processes of Truth.

If...we had a glimpse of the ABSOLUTE, we would throw off the diseased mind and return to ‘The Way’.  If...we saw the Light we would recognize Truth and through recognition destroy the artificial mindset.  If...we Truly Perceived the false paradigm would fall away, leaving a pure crystalline being of certainty.

Our life, our world, our cosmos operates within the pure laws of The One, The Ultimate, The Source.  It is within each of us to open our hearts, minds and bodies to the rays and rhythms of the universe, to throw off the diseases of the mind and open ourselves to that which is infinite.

Today we hear and see a world that is awakening to the Truth.  No more are we willing to accept slavery.  Delusion is being subdued by the rays of Reality.  Truth is expanding into the minds of the ordinary.  Humanity is breaking free and seeing the Light of the One Great Source.

Each...of us has a choice.  Each...of us will be faced with decisions that will change the course of our lives.  Each...of us has a Soul subtly nudging us towards the Light of True perception.  Each...of us faces moment by moment decisions and choices where laid before us are roads leading in opposite directions. our time. the opportunity to receive. the time to open up to Truth and deny the artificial self.  Now...are you and I willing, desiring to perceive things as they are.  Now...we will walk as the ancients once walked, free of delusional thoughts and perceiving for the first time life and The Way of The Tuatha De Danann.

Conn Niul  


Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Elements Within

In Khotani teaching all of the elements are within each living thing.  Air, fire, water and earth are held within a space, the Great Circle.  The Great Circle is ether, the parent to all other elements.  It is within the Great Circle that we have life. 

In the center of the Great Circle is the origin of its (ether) being.  From Grandmother Spirit flow three great forces known as primal natures.  From these three the Five Great Elements are born; first ether, then air, next fire, followed by water and earth. 
The elements, like all things, are made up of three circles; the inner circle, the middle circle and the outer circle.  The inner circle is causal, the middle subtle and the outer is physical.  From the most subtle to the physical the elements make up all living things.

From our ancient Khotani ways we are taught that the elements have characteristics that make up their nature.  Their character is a manifestation of their inner essence.  It is this essence which shows us the signs or path of each element.

You, I and every living thing is a reflection of the nature of elements.  The quality of elements is their personality.  Ajila is fire and has a nature or personality unique to itself just as all other elements have.  Their quality or personality teaches us about them.  It shows us that their nature manifests in different forms.

By reading the signs we learn when something is out of balance with itself.  For instance, Ajila or Fire in the mind is responsible for inspiration and discernment, also known as the discerning of fire.  However, when fire becomes out of balance it jumps its boundary and becomes a problem.  Imbalances such as infections are a sign of high fire that is out of Right Relationship.

Every level of our being mental, vital and physical is in a relationship with the inner, middle and outer elements.  There are mental fires, vital fires and physical fires.  Each element seeks to be in Right Relationship on all levels.  The elements like all things living communicate with us, telling us about who and what they are.  It is our responsibility to stop, listen, learn and live.

Yona Unega


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Everything is Essence

We are all an essence.  The physical part of our being is nothing more than a shadow of our True Self or the True Human Being.  However, we tend to place our emphasis on what appears to be the most tangible.  All that we hear, feel, see, taste and smell demands our attention to the detriment of everything else.

What is it that moves our being?  What is it that remains after the physical dissolves?  These are questions that most people answer with an opinion influenced by their religious belief.  Bottom line, most everyone believes that some part of us lives on into eternity.

In Khotani teaching we recognize that all things are manifestations of their greater Self.  For instance, we are an image of our Creator Unetlvnvhi.  What do we mean by this?  Our beginning starts with a spark.  The origin of our spark is the Creators Fire.  From this spark comes our fire.

Everything in life begins with a spark from the Creators Fire, also known as Acherra Wanaka (The White Fire).  Minerals, plants, animals and humans all have an inner fire to their being.  This inner fire is our essence.  Upon physical death our fire returns to its source, Creators Fire.

We see and understand that through our related fires everything is linked.  Therefore, in Khotani teaching we are literally brothers, sisters, etc. with all living things via a common Creator.  My Creator is also you’re Creator and the Creator of everything.  The Creator of all is our common parent.

When a rock dissolves, a tree ceases to exist or an animal or human dies their essence returns to its Source.  At the Source (The Grand Center) our fires once again become a part of the Creator’s Fire.  However, all throughout our physical existence our fire remains constant.  It always is.

The fire is our essence, which is our Soul.  Our Soul is on a journey walking through a physical life.  The Earth that we walk on, just like the water that is Her blood has an essence that is their life force.  Mineral, plant, animal, human and Earth all have an essence.  It is who and what we are and it is eternal.

Yona Unega