Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our Four Legged Friend

Just the other day I received a call regarding a troubled horse.  This former race horse turned rope horse got attitude (mean) whenever he was put in a competitive environment (arena).  They were searching for an answer.

I often think about the similarities between us human beings and our four legged friends.  We seek comfort and avoid pain if at all possible, do better in peaceful and natural surroundings and desire to be happy.

Like us human beings our friend the horse can be easily traumatized.  Often times the most subtle experiences are the most lasting ones.  Everything that creates an experience affects our four legged friend.

Their mind, just like ours works on programming.  The human mind is more evolved than a horses’, however, the mental processes are the same minus a few working levels.  We both have mental operations designed to gather, sort and learn.

In the mental process we perceive based upon numerous experiences.  These events (experiences) become positive or negative impressions.  At this point the horse simply responds to the impression that it is having.

Yes, there is more to it than this simple explanation.  However, with just this information we can transform negative impressions into positive ones.  We do this through deprogramming.  Just like with human beings.

Sometimes, as we recommended in the case above, we must start from the beginning.  We must read the signs.  Deprogramming requires desire, neutral observation and patience.  These three will take you a long way.

Desire is a type of passion.  It is something that burns deep in our being.  Neutral observation is truly observing without any preconceived ideas.  Patience goes without saying.

There are many other aspects to a horse, such as the spirit and the physical.  Just like us all three interact upon one another.  We must begin to see that the mental process is always being influenced by the other two, spirit and physical.

An experience is always in three forms, spiritual, physical and mental.  There are levels within each of these; however that is for another day.  For instance, desire has a very physical nature as well as mental and spiritual. 

When you observe a horse you are observing all that a horse is.  You might think it is a purely mental process, however, the manifestations of our four legged friend come from numerous sources.

To see the horse our sight must be more than a physical one.  We must develop a sense that is outside of our five senses.  At this point we really begin to communicate and have dialog with our four legged friend.  This is true ‘Right Relationship.’

Conn Drehne   

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What Is It That We Desire

The Long Road - Part Three

My eyes once opened and there before me was a glimpse of my perfect Self.  That part of me that really is not at all a part, but who I am.  Each of us has experienced this, some more than others.  Yet, we do not recognize our own selves.  We see it as a stranger.  Imagine seeing yourself as a complete stranger.

We have become familiar with the lesser parts of our being that seek to cloud our vision.  These lesser parts are mere followers.  However, they have taken control of our lives, leading us down forgotten roads; long, narrow paths that lead us away from our purpose of being.

Our reason to be is found within that quiet, sacred place where Soul lives in a state of perfection, without error.  In the center of it all is our real and perfect Self.  The lesser self convinces us otherwise, pointing to our numerous imperfections, as if this was our true nature.

A strong wind blows, stirring us to seek a safe place.  It pushes us to go within and we resist, believing that our inner being is full of terrible things.  We falsely believe that the base desires and impulses come from deep within our own self.  We once again flee, looking for answers from the external world.

We walk a road that has life expressions of desire, impulse and will.  They are natural.  They are here to allow us to journey, experiencing the ‘Long Road.’  Each step we take on our journey has associated experiences that we take as negative or positive.  It is these mental impressions that begin to form us.
The ‘Long Road’ is where we learn the nature of our True Self.  It is the path that helps us to understand experience and the processes necessary to achieve our Self purpose.  It is where we learn to mentally form proper impressions and understand those that would otherwise cause long term damage.

We are all full of memories’ associated with life experiences.  For most of us these have led us to our current state of disillusionment, dissatisfaction and despair.  The negative impact has formed us, setting a course for our lives.  Yet, truth always is and remains within the center of our being; always willing to set our course straight.   

Conn Niul


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Is It That We Desire

 The Long Road - Part Two

The ‘Long Road’ is our Soul’s journey through our many lifetimes.  The many walks that our Soul takes upon this earth allows for our discovery of who we are.  One day our eyes are opened and we begin to see and understand the artificial life that we have lived.  We also have revealed to us the identity of our True Self.

It is on the ‘Long Road’ that we see our journey more clearly.  If it were not for the ‘Long Road’ we would not discover ourselves.  We would not understand our purpose for being, our impulses, likes and dislikes etc.  Our journey on the ‘Long Road’ is the story about our life.

For any of us to fully understand we must first see.  To fully see we must understand that the universe operates much differently from what most people would have us to believe.  The Way is not limited by a man made idea or philosophy, rather it is circular in its movements.   

If the idea of Soul Walking, our returning to this earth numerous times is unacceptable, then you are not in a place to see.  To know ‘who you are’ we must first see the ‘you’ we are speaking of.  To really understand what and why you desire you must know who you are and are not.

Our memories are waves that at times overwhelm us.  We get lost in the numerous feelings that seem so real and yet leave us questioning.  We are pulled in many directions; so much so that we get lost in the hundreds of desires, many of which contradict the others.  Yet, we move on, following impulse after impulse.

We are all that we have desired.  Everything that we have wanted, sought after and intently pursued has made us, false as it may be.  Yet, within the inner parts of our person is the seat of our real Self.  Through all of the artificial mental constructs and illusions our Soul remains perfect.

It is in the perfection, the center of our Soul that we journey.  It is within our Soul, the place of the ‘Long Road’ where truth resides.  To think it not so is merely fiction and yet another false paradigm designed to lead us down another forgotten road.  Our true place is on the ‘Long Road.’

Conn Niul 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Is It That We Desire

The Long Road - Part One

What is it that we seek?  Where do we look to find it?  Why do most of us spend our lives searching and never obtaining that which we are looking for?  What eludes us? 

Most people spend their entire life trying to fulfill a desire that they sense and feel.  Something that is always present before them.  They try to find it in a place, a home, a person, a lover, their children or an animal.  Yet, it is rarely ever found.  What is it that we desire?

Why are we lonely, out of place or without a purpose?  Why does life seem to pass us by, leaving an impression that we are missing something?  What determines our happiness, joy or sense of accomplishment?  We attempt and yet fall short of our desired goals time and again.

Do you know who you are?  Most do not.  In fact it is rare to find an individual who truly does.  The majority of us believe the lesser parts of our being to be our real Self.  Therefore, we walk through life feeding, listening and following it.  For the majority, they are out of ‘Right Relationship.’

How much energy has been spent following a path we believe to be genuine?  A road lies before us that we have participated in building.  It is the one we have followed all of our lives and yet it is not our road.  It is not the path that we are supposed to be on.  Yet, day by day and year by year we build and walk it.

The journey is long.  The road may be perilous at times and at others it is easy and pleasant.  However, our road is always the right one.  It is the ‘Long Road’ that the ancients spoke of.  On the ‘Long Road’ we learn who we are, our purpose and how to fulfill it.

We seek many things, some genuine but most artificial.  The seeking to fulfill the lesser aspects of our person equates to a longer journey.  The more time spent feeding the lesser parts of our being, the longer our passage.  Each journey upon this earth leads to others.  It is our Soul Walk. 

Conn Niul