Saturday, August 6, 2011

What Is Coming

The future world is coming into existence.  It is bringing with it a light that many if not most are incapable of understanding.  This new world will not be the highest state we can attain.  It will appear to be only because of our ignorance.  What is coming will once again break down barriers and walls. 

We all see our selves as different and unique.  This is true only to a degree.  Everything comes in degrees.  Our eyes perceive difference in everything that they witness.  Yet, the physical eye does not perceive that which is behind the scenes.

What is coming will shed light on our darkened minds.  However, it will not be the highest world; it will only appear that way.  Yes, it will be much better for us.  In actuality we are already experiencing this change.  People are being drawn to an unseen light.

Cultures are mixing; we see it all the time.  What one claims as their teaching another stands up and says those words are ours.  In many instances both sides are right.  What we will be shown is that the origins of all our traditional teachings have a common source.  The beauty is in our unique expressions.

What is coming will continue to show us that we have more in common than not; traditionally speaking of course.  The choice to open the outer aspects of our being to this truth is our own.  There is no doubt that we are moving into a more spiritual age and with this comes choice.

Our elders have always spoken of the oneness of all things.  Yet, human beings in their confused states only see difference.  It is one thing to see natural difference and quite another to see artificial difference.  The two are not the same.  We must begin to see that difference is only a unique expression of the Breath of Gohantone.

What is coming is a move more towards spirit.  This movement will continue until one day, long from now we are in a place of completeness.  Until then we should look towards the essence of all things, The Source.  By doing this we will begin to understand that all things are really one.

Saga Yashka

Monday, August 1, 2011

Love is Divine

All relationships need 3 parts – love, trust and respect.  If any of these three aspects are missing, the relationship will suffer.  So many people focus on love.  Love is important, but without trust of your loved one and respect for them the experience of love will not reach the deepest levels of your being.  You will not know the joy of union with another at a level that transcends the physical.  When trust is present in the relationship, your body, mind, heart and soul can open to allow the truest, deepest part of yourself to emerge and flow into your beloved.  When that love is returned, magic happens.

When your soul touches another, the combination transcends the individual self and becomes a unified force piercing the veil of space time.  Those things that are the magic, the mystical, the most elemental force of life and love are penetrated in the universal flow and wash back into your being filling you with the purest expression of the divine.

Upon bridging the gap between ourselves and the divine all things in life are touched by that divine essence.  You become an embodiment of the divine.  We all carry that spark of divinity deep within our being, but few of us have the courage to dive deep into the dark recesses of ourselves, to face the dark night of the soul and conquer our innermost fears to come back victorious.

We can become free.  There are many paths to freedom.  Mine just happens to be the path of love.  All paths lead us somewhere.  Our souls are searching for the destination that will bring fulfillment.  We come to this earth to fulfill certain things and we are given the gifts to get the job done.  We need to be aware the journey is also the destination.  Therein lies our bliss. 

Bliss comes through touching the divine.  We need to remain conscious of the connection between our own divinity and the universal divine.  Having touched that universal fountain, the well springs forth from within, then flows out to others and causes positive change in the world.  When we open our hearts to the divine love we are capable of, cosmic change begins.
